
Kamen Rider Universe.

Build the World

"It sounds so amazing. That X-Man can do whatever he wants. Isn't that invincible?"

Wan Zhang Long was completely shocked by the introduction of X-Man.

He couldn't imagine that there was such a heaven-defying race in the universe.

Doesn't that mean......

As long as they want, they can easily dominate the entire universe!

"This is totally unscientific......"

Kiryuu Sento's face was filled with horror. According to what the light screen said, X-Man's strength was completely beyond the scope of science.

As a scientist, Kiryuu Sento couldn't accept this.

"Having read all this, you still want to talk about science?"

"Besides, we are not in the same world, so maybe the scientific standards are different."

Wanzhang Long said sarcastically, feeling very happy.

Usually he was the only one to be criticized by Zhantu, but he didn't expect that today it was the other way around.................

Ben 10 World


"This little broken watch actually has this���A powerful alien hero? Why can't I see him?"

Xiaoban looked at the super power meter in his hand, but he could not find any alien hero icon no matter how hard he turned it.

He could not find any X-Man at all.

"By the way, in the previous scene I saw that the wrong little Ben also turned into an alien hero that I have never seen before......."

""Could it be that Xiaoban's broken watch has other permissions that have not been unlocked, so many alien heroes have not been unlocked."

Xiaowen guessed.

Hearing this, Xiaoban, who had finally calmed down, looked at the broken watch and said excitedly:"Doesn't that mean there are still a lot of alien heroes in this broken watch? Cool!"

"When Superman X is unlocked in the future, I will definitely use him often!"................

Doraemon Universe.

Nobita's House

"That guy actually asked if he was late?

Doraemon was speechless. The earth was about to end, and that little classmate was completely crazy.

He actually asked if he was late?

"Yes, but fortunately, someone can finally stop the mistaken Xiaoban. If he continues to kill, I am afraid that the whole universe will be involved!"

Nobita nodded, and his hanging heart finally let go a little bit.........

At this time, looking at the picture on the screen, almost everyone was stunned. The development in the video was completely beyond their expectations.

They were originally thinking that no one would be able to stop this wrong Xiaoban.

As a result, suddenly, a guy named Dr. Contradiction appeared, and this Dr. Contradiction was very unusual. He directly brought Tian Xiaoban from other parallel worlds. It was incredible!

They had never thought that in order to stop Tian Xiaoban, they had to let Tian Xiaoban from other worlds come..................

In the light curtain.

The X-Man transformed by the Error Table is even more terrifying. Compared with other X-Men, he does not need multiple personalities to make decisions!

This means that

X-Man's actions are completely dependent on the thoughts of the Error Table.

The degree of horror of the unrestricted X-Man is completely unimaginable.

【You are all so pitiful!】

【Okay, Xiaoban.......】

【To hell with this damn watch!】

【Super fucking idea, I am the god of this place!】

【I am evil!】

【You will all die!!】

【Bango 10000, you can tear my arm off!】

【I will transform this place into a cemetery!】

【I know I can never erase what I have done! 】

In the picture.

Error Table uses Tian Xiaoban's body to slaughter Tian Xiaoban in other parallel worlds.

To him, he is the god of this universe!

The god of evil!

He will kill all the guys who stand in his way!

In the end......

It was only under the cover of many Tian Xiaobans that Brother Ban found an opportunity and tore off the arm of Tian Xiaoban wearing the wrong watch.

Although the wrong watch left Tian Xiaoban's body, Tian Xiaoban knew very well that the sins he had committed before could not be erased!


Brother Ben transformed into X-Man, and with his omnipotent power, he forcibly restarted the universe to the timeline before Xiaoban obtained the error watch.

Xiaowen, Grandpa, relatives and friends slaughtered by Xiaoban, and all creatures on Earth were resurrected. He also restored Tian Xiaoban, who had sacrificed in other parallel worlds, and restored the tragic situation of the error universe.

Everything in this universe has returned to normal!

Only Xiaoban still has this horrible memory.

In the following time, he will live on Earth with this memory, and live in that nightmare.

The last picture was frozen on Xiaoban's desperate, crazy and painful expression.

Obviously, even if everything is repaired.

But the pain brought to him by the error watch will not disappear.

His nightmare...... it's not finished yet..............

As the light screen dimmed, everyone watching breathed a sigh of relief.

This video was so depressing that they could hardly breathe.

The feeling of despair almost overflowed from the light screen.

They could not imagine how much pain Tian Xiaoban was in the video. It can even be said that at the end, when everything was restored, Xiaoban still couldn't get out of the shadow in his heart.

But this is also normal.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid they would not be able to completely forget it after experiencing such a thing.....................

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