
【He has set foot on the moon and been to the sun!】

【He once saved Kaguya together with the Espal people!】

【He conquered the sea of stars and crossed time and space!】

【He saved the past and saved the future】

【Save the Earth, Save the Aliens】

【Saved reality, saved fantasy... Saving the world is just his hobby】

【He and his five-man team have defeated many demon kings and time-space criminals!】

【He once walked in space! The earth could not hold his feet, the sky was not his limit, the sea of stars was his stage!】

【He, travels across time! The past cannot block his eyes, the future cannot change his face, the present is just his adventure!】........

Ultra Universe, Nexus World.

Looking at the words that are still appearing on the light screen, there is no sign of stopping.

In the Night Raid Team, Ikki Komon's eyes suddenly shrank, and he was shocked and speechless.

Is there really someone in this world who can do so many feats?

He has never seen such a character since he was a child.

Even after accidentally joining the Night Raid Team, his knowledge has become much broader than before.

But even Mr. Jun Himeya, whom he respects the most, is far inferior to the person described on the light screen.


He couldn't help but doubt, do such powerful people really exist?

Nishijo Nagi felt the same way, her mind was completely focused on the light curtain that suddenly appeared, and she didn't even notice that the coffee in her hand had spilled.

If we can pull such a character into our night raid team, it will definitely be much easier to eliminate alien beasts in the future.

In just a moment, Nishijo Nagi thought of a lot of things in her mind.

In the future, we must have a good relationship with such a character.

At least we can't become opponents, otherwise it will probably become quite troublesome..........

Doraemon Universe.

On the moon, in a place that should be lifeless, there are suddenly several figures standing there!

Not only that, these figures look completely different from normal humans.

Because they have a pair of rabbit ears on their heads!



Seeing this, Tsukino Luka was stunned, as if a switch had been touched.

"I haven't heard these words for so long, I almost forgot that I'm from Espal"

"Looking at what this light screen said, will the Espar people and Kaguya Star be saved by that person in the future?"

The beautiful girl standing next to Tsukino Luka's eyes moved, covering her pink lips, as if she had seen something unbelievable.

The next second!

Two lines of clear tears flowed silently from the corners of her eyes

"Very good....Great, I knew this day would come."

Although Luna was crying, she had a smile on her face.

"Yes, I really want to know who saved our Espar tribe. He is our Espar tribe's eternal benefactor!"

Luka's eyes showed joy for the first time in a long time. He hadn't felt this kind of emotion for a long time since his parents forcibly sent him out of Kaguya and came to the moon...........

【Although he is still young, he has a courage that is unmatched by ordinary people!】

【He has a kindness as deep as the ocean!】

【He made countless close female friends during his adventurous experiences!】

【He has been given countless titles!】



【Title King, Nobita Nobi!!!】

Finally, when the four characters Nobita Nobi appeared on the screen stroke by stroke, a piece of exciting background music also sounded.........

Seer World


"Is this the name of the person described in the light curtain?"

Sai Xiaoxi blinked his eyes. Why had he never heard of this name?

If this person was really like what was said on the light curtain, then he couldn't be so unknown.


"This name sounds a little bit strange.

Sai Xiaoxi complained


Hearing Sai Xiaoxi's complaints, A Tieda, who was standing beside him, suddenly jumped up, took out the two laser knives behind his back, and was about to chop at Sai Xiaoxi.

"Oh my god!"

Fortunately, Sai Xiaoxi reacted quickly and rushed forward, barely avoiding A Tieda's attack.

"Is A Tie crazy for hitting you? Why did he hit me all of a sudden?!" Sai Xiaoxi asked


A Tieda snorted coldly:"You are not allowed to insult my idol!"

"Your idol?"

Sai Xiaoxi was stunned at first, then he reacted:"Are you talking about the guy named Nobita Nobi?"


"From today on, Mr. Nobita Nobi is my most admired idol, and I will not allow anyone to slander him!"

Nobita nodded without any hesitation, and then continued to chop at Sai Xiaoxi.

In fact, Nobita Nobi is a very simple person. He always respects the strong!

And looking at the deeds given on the light screen, this Nobita Nobi is definitely a very powerful big man!

Even -

Stationmaster Justin may not be his opponent!

No, not possible, but absolutely!

Therefore, Nobita respects Nobita so much, and even points his sword at Sai Xiaoxi.

Of course, Nobita did not really take action, it was just like daily training and sparring.

"You come here, do you really think I'm made of clay?"

"Xiaomi, let’s go!"

"Mika mika!"

"I'm not afraid of you, come out, Jage!"

Seeing this scene,

Kalulu suddenly felt overwhelmed. It was really unlucky to have such a thing.

"You two, stop it!"

"Captain Roger just sent me the latest notice, asking me to check if there is a Saier named Nobita Nobi on the ship!"

However, A Tieda and Sai Xiaomi had already started fighting and ignored Kalulu's words.

"You two....."

"I am so pissed off!!!"

"Come out, Bubu Seed, and hit me hard!"

In an instant!

Kalulu also joined the battlefield, and the situation became more complicated...................

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