Magical Ayo World

"Ah, why is it the zombie world again!"

Xiaomi said bitterly, he didn't want to watch this video at all. It was too scary, and the screen didn't even have a censor. He didn't even dare to watch it, let alone this kind of person.

The last time he saw this, he was almost scared to pee his pants on the spot.

"What's wrong, Xiaomi, are you scared?"

Seeing Xiaomi's bitter expression, Ding Dong immediately looked over and looked at Xiaomi with a smile, a hint of sarcasm in his expression.

"who......Who is scared?" He couldn't admit this, after all, he still had to save face.

Tao Su asked curiously,"Ding Dong, aren't you scared at all?"

Ding Dong shook his head and smiled confidently,"Of course, don't forget that I have a private cinema at home, and I have seen countless horror movies!"

""Wow, you are amazing." Tao Su immediately praised

"No no......"

Ding Dong waved his hands, but he couldn't stop smiling.

However, he was soon exposed by Ayo, who said,"But I clearly saw you shaking your legs while watching the video."


Ding Dong was stunned for a moment, and had to explain:"That is.....Because it's too cold."

"Oh oh." Everyone looked at the sun outside , which was 36 degrees, and fell into deep thought.

"Oh, here it comes!"

"Let's see what kind of weird zombies Nobita will encounter this time!"

Bai Xiaofei looked at the light screen expectantly. He actually wanted to see if Nobita would encounter a self-aware zombie later.

After all, there are a lot of self-aware zombies in their world.

Once the zombies are born with self-awareness, their terrifying index will be completely qualitatively improved!

The world of Resident Evil

"It's Nobita and the others!"

Aida Wang's eyes lit up. She was very curious about the zombie apocalypse where Nobita and the others were.

The most important thing is......

The more she watched, the more similar their two worlds seemed to be, so she wondered if there was some kind of relationship between their two worlds.

【In order to deal with Umbrella Corporation, Nobita and others took their own actions.】

【As Anxiong's health deteriorated, Deki, Doraemon, Shizuka, and Suneo sent him to the hospital for surveillance.】

【Nobita, Sanae and Fat Tiger went to the Umbrella branch to gather intelligence.】

【After Nobita and his friends arrived at R, they found that a zombie virus had also broken out there. The streets were full of zombies, creating a doomsday scene.】

【Although the police set up a defense line, they were still completely defeated.——】

【Nobita also got separated from Fat Tiger Shengnai and fled to an abandoned warehouse. 】

Seer World


"Who is this Anxiong?"

A Tie scratched his iron head. He always felt that this name was particularly familiar, but he couldn't remember it.

Hearing this, Sai Xiaoxi glanced at A Tieda speechlessly and couldn't help complaining:"Are you a quantum video watcher? You forgot it so easily?"

A Tieda touched his head:"I only pay attention to Mr. Nobita, so I don't remember so many names."

Kalulu explained:"Anxiong is the guy who robbed Nobita's chameleon head with a grenade!"

"Oh, it turned out to be him. I remember that Mr. Nobita seemed quite angry.

After being reminded by Kalulu, A Tieda finally remembered that he was a little angry at the time.

The picture on the screen continued to play.

【There are many survivors in the warehouse.】


【Nobita felt relieved when he saw so many living people around him. He said,"It seems that things are getting a little more stable now.""】


【Everyone's mentality is on the verge of collapse. After all, the zombie apocalypse came too suddenly and there was no preparation at all.】

【The peaceful days of the past have completely disappeared, and every day we have to think about how to survive. This is unacceptable to most people.】

【after all——】

【Not everyone has the adaptability of Nobita. Most people have no means of livelihood in the apocalypse, and can only become food for zombies.】

【But Nobita actually met a fan of Shengnai here, which surprised Nobita. He didn't expect Shengnai's reputation to be so wide.】

Seeing Nobita 's agility, the policeman next to him wanted Nobita to go outside to check the situation and gave Nobita a pistol.

"Oh my god, another pistol!"

"Now it's safe again!"

Zhang Chulan said. The pistol is a natural weapon for Nobita.

In the last video, Nobita was holding a pistol and fought all the way to the end!

It's outrageous!!

【There is no way to wait here any longer. We must find Shengnai and Fat Tiger as soon as possible.】


【Nobita did not refuse, and after taking the pistol, he went out to explore. After the adventure in the first part, Nobita's mentality has also changed.】

【Having seen zombies before, Nobita is not as scared of them as ordinary people.】

【After exploring outside, Nobita found Sanae who was attacked by zombies in a tavern.】

【"don't want!!"】

【"do not come!"】

【As soon as he stepped into the tavern, Nobita heard a familiar shout. It was Shengnai.】

【Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!......】

【Shengnai fired frantically, but the zombies remained strong, not even slowing down their pace, and pressed forward towards Shengnai step by step.】

【Just when the zombie was about to succeed, Nobita shot the zombie from behind and sent him away.】

【"Shengnai, are you okay?"】

【After getting rid of the zombies, Nobita said with concern】

【"Nobi-kun....Well, barely, but it's great that you're okay. Shengnai was still a little shocked, but he still forced a smile, not wanting to make Nobita worry too much.】

【Encountering this kind of thing again, Shengnai felt a little uneasy and needed to rest. He asked Nobita to go ahead and explore the way, and he would follow.】

【Nobita continued to explore, and he met a policeman who had fallen to the ground. He told him that a colleague had been stimulated.】

【The sniper at the end of the road does not distinguish between friend and foe, so Nobita should be careful. 】

Zombie World

"Well, it seems that Nobita has become calmer."

Bai Xiaofei looked at Nobita in the picture and felt that Nobita's character had become better.

Even - he was about to surpass him. Bai Xiaofei sighed:"It's better not to compare with those hanging walls. I, Bai Xiaofei, am just an ordinary person!"


At this moment, he has not realized that he will become the hanging wall in his mouth in the future.

In the light curtain

【Keep going forward, the police at the end shoots the half-headed zombie to the ground】

【"!?"Nobita was shocked】

【At this time, the road behind him was also blocked by the fire, so he could only move forward. With his skillful movement and the surrounding cover, Nobita approached the sniper step by step.】

【Just when Nobita was about to walk in front of the police——】


【With a roar, the police were attacked by the zombies behind them.】[]

【Arriving at the nearby police station, Shengnai also caught up, and Nobita invited Shengnai to form a team.】

【But Shengnai said in a panic that he saw a mutated three-headed dog.】


【Before he could finish his words, a three-headed dog jumped out from the side.】


【"Monster!!"Sheng Nai was stunned for a moment, and immediately recognized that this was the three-headed dog she saw.】

Resident Evil World

"Three-headed dog?......Another new kind of zombie."

Leon frowned, but when he thought of Nobita's strength, his brows relaxed again.

Since Nobita could deal with the tyrant, then this three-headed dog should be no problem.

This three-headed dog was not as scary as the tyrant he had encountered before.


Leon had to admit that the more he watched, the more he felt that Nobita was ridiculously strong!

As a special forces soldier who had undergone long-term training, in his opinion, he was no match for a child who had no previous training experience.

If it weren't for the video evidence, he would never believe it........

A kid who didn't even graduate from elementary school actually has such amazing shooting skills.

It's no exaggeration to describe him as a monster.

He looked at the video again.

【Shengnai quickly raised his gun and shot, but the three-headed dog was agile and easily dodged the bullet.】

【Seeing this scene, Shengnai was stunned, and a look of horror appeared on her pretty face.】

【"You must be kidding, how can you dodge the bullet?!"】


【The three-headed dog rushed forward and knocked down Saint Nai.】

【Seeing Shengnai being beaten, Nobita was furious and could not bear it any longer.】

【He raised his gun with all his strength, drove away the three-headed dog, and quickly turned back to check on Shengnai's injuries.】

【Shengnai was covered in blood, with his mouth slightly open, and he had fallen to the ground. I didn't expect that Nobita's team would lose a member at the beginning. 】

Doraemon Universe.

Nobita's home

"How could this happen?!"

Daxiong and the others were all stunned. They couldn't believe it........

Shengnai actually fell in this place. After all, in the first part, Shengnai accompanied them all the way, and they could be said to be comrades-in-arms who had shared life and death.

As a result, in the second part, Shengnai was bitten to death by a three-headed dog.


Nobita held his head and yelled, regretting again

"It's like this again, I still can't protect anything!!"

The first time, he also failed to protect the school girl who looked very similar to Shengnai, and the second time he still failed to protect Shengnai.

This made Nobita completely unacceptable in his heart. Nobita found that it was not realistic to watch this video from the perspective of a complete bystander.


Seeing Nobita crying with his face covered, Doraemon and the others were all worried. They opened their mouths but hesitated, not knowing what to say.


"Are you kidding me? Little sister Shengnai died just like that!!"

"It was too careless, damn it, why didn't Nobita protect Sister Seina!!"

Sanji clenched his fists, and even bit off the cigarette in his mouth.

Who could have imagined that

Seina, who was so successful in the first part and could even be said to be a female warrior, was actually bitten to death by a three-headed dog?!

"Hey, hey."

Nami frowned:"But it's not Nobita's fault, it's just that the three-headed dog was too fast and didn't give them any time to react!"

Zombie World


Bai Xiaofei sighed deeply. He also felt that it was a pity that such an excellent girl like Shengnai died like this.

But in the zombie apocalypse world, life is like grass. No, it is even cheaper than grass!

As long as you are not careful, you will probably die at the hands of zombies.

Bai Xiaofei shook his head. He must understand that Nobita was not feeling well. After all, Shengnai died in front of him.


Nobita can only adapt to this cold-blooded world.

Maybe tomorrow an accident will happen, and Fat Tiger, Suneo, Shizuka, Doraemon, or even Nobita himself may die tragically at the hands of zombies.


"Uncle, I don't want you to die!"

The little deer was so scared that he hugged Bai Xiaofei's thigh tightly and cried.

Bai Xiaofei gently patted the little deer's back and comforted him,"Uncle won't die, isn't he here? Don't worry, uncle will accompany you to find your mother."

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