In the light curtain

【Through the mask, Yoyogi looked at Shinnosuke with a smile:"I have been waiting for this moment for a long time."】

【"I've waited longer than you!"】

【"No, no, I waited three times as long as you!"】

【"No, no........"】

【"It’s so noisy, let’s start!!"】

【Even the referee couldn't stand it anymore and shouted impatiently】

【Yoyogi raised his bamboo sword in both hands and fixed his eyes on Shinnosuke’s bamboo sword:"Use the bamboo sword flying technique to quickly finish you off!"】

【Thinking of this, he quickly swung the bamboo sword in his hand.】


【In an instant, the bamboo sword on Shinji's assistant suddenly disappeared!】

【Yoyogi's pupils shrank in disbelief:"What, the bamboo sword disappeared?!"】


【The bamboo sword did not disappear, but was thrown to the ground by Shinnosuke.】

【Taking advantage of Yoyogi's distraction, Shinnosuke quickly picked up the bamboo sword that was about to fall to the ground and swung it down!】

【Hit Yoyogi's arm!】

【""The hand works!!"

Seeing this, everyone in the world was like Yoyogi in the picture, staring wide-eyed, filled with horror.

Crayon Shin-chan World.

In the park


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhengnan looked at Shinnosuke with admiration:"Xiao Xin, that move you just made was so cool!!"

Ah Dai also nodded and said:"You actually cracked the bamboo sword flying technique, Xiao Xin you are really a genius!"

""It was so fast!" Nini exclaimed,"I didn't even see when Xiaoxin dropped the bamboo sword!"


Xiao Xin touched his head and laughed:"I'm not as good as you say."

"How is this possible?" Kazama was stunned. Shin-chan was so strong.

"That move just now was so cool!"

Tian Xiaoban clenched his fist and shouted excitedly

""Tsk tsk."

Xiao Wen said:

"This is just the 22nd group of children. I didn't expect Shinnosuke to come up with such a good idea."

Zombie World

"Damn it!"

"This move is really a bit of a trick!"

Bai Xiaofei was shocked. Although this move looked simple, Shinnosuke's speed was too fast.

Not to mention him, even the Yoyogi in the picture didn't react.

He couldn't see his movements at all, as if the bamboo sword disappeared out of thin air.

It was really scary.

In the light curtain

【"You're really good at it, Nohara." Yoyogi was also surprised by Shinnosuke's move just now, and he actually broke his bamboo sword flying technique.】

【"Round two begins!"】

【"So, take this move!"】

【The next second, Yoyogi's hands holding the bamboo sword began to spin, and a gust of wind blew. At this moment, the bamboo sword in Yoyogi's hand was like a windmill.】

【This is also a special move that Yoyogi has mastered after practicing for a long time.】

【"Must-kill, windmill!!"】

【"What a strong wind!"】

【The strong wind made it impossible for Shinnosuke to open his eyes, and his body could not stop retreating, let alone fight back.】



With a loud bang, Yoyogi's bamboo sword had already landed heavily on Shinnosuke's mask.


"this......Are you kidding me?" Zhang Chulan's eyes almost popped out as he looked at Yoyogi's windmill stunt on the screen. He pointed at the screen with his trembling right hand:"No........Can ordinary people really do this kind of move?"

Xu Si was also numb:"This is a bit of a joke. I would believe whatever supernatural powers you say Yoyogi has, but which ordinary person can just use his strength to generate wind that can blow people away.

Not to mention, he's just a kid. This is simply too much!"

Xu San pushed his glasses:"Yoyogi's attack was very heavy. It was so loud. Even with the protection of the mask, it must have felt uncomfortable."

The screen continued to play.

【Sure enough, under Yoyogi's attack, Shinnosuke fell straight to the ground and fainted.】

【This also gave Shinnosuke five minutes of rest time.】

【If he still doesn't wake up after five minutes, Yoyogi wins the game.】

【I don't know how long it took before Xiaoxin slowly opened his eyes.】

【"Where is this?"】

【Shinnosuke looked around. He clearly remembered that he was not in a kendo competition.】

【"Are you awake?" Kenta looked at Xiaoxin and said】

【At this time, Xiaoxin remembered what happened before, and Kenta explained to him the principle of Yoyogi's windmill.】


【While in a coma, Shin-chan accidentally wet his pants.】

【The uncle who first approached Xiaoxin to show him the way took out a pair of colorful shorts and said,"I'll lend them to you.""】

【"So gorgeous!!"】

【But when Jian Tai saw the flowered shorts, he suddenly thought of something.】

【Soon, Shinnosuke came to the competition again】

【"Game start!"】

【"I want you to remember this moment forever, Nohara!"】

【Yoyogi repeated his old trick and used his special skill, windmill!】

【A terrible gust of wind blew, but Shin-chan's attention was attracted by the lifted flowered shorts.】

【In an instant, a great idea suddenly emerged in his mind.】


【Just as Yoyogi swung his sword, he suddenly discovered that Shinnosuke's figure had disappeared.】

【"Disappeared, impossible"】


【A black shadow suddenly appeared on the floor. Yoyogi looked up suddenly and found that Shinnosuke had used his strong wind and his wide flowered pants to fly into the sky.】

【"Secret technique, parachute!!"】

【In an instant, a sword landed on Yoyogi's head, scoring another point!】

【The winner is——】

【Nohara Shinnosuke!!】

Crayon Shin-chan World

"Yay, hubby!!"

"Our Shin-chan won, and now he is the champion."

Misae was so excited that she shed tears. After all, the biggest competitor in this kendo competition is Yoyogi.

Now that he is defeated, the championship is basically set in stone.


Hiroshi looked at Shinnosuke in the picture with a proud look on his face:"When I think of the scene of Shinnosuke holding up the trophy, it feels like a dream!"


It is unexpected that the boy is unexpectedly talented in swordsmanship!


A Tieda raised his arms and cheered:"Well done, Shinnosuke, I knew you would win!!"

Sai Xiaoxi was also a little surprised. It can be seen that Shinnosuke's brain is really fast. Facing different skills, he can come up with corresponding solutions. The first waterfall, the bamboo sword flying skill, and this time the windmill.

Shinnosuke has perfectly cracked their skills!


You are indeed a kendo genius. Sai Xiaoxi nodded slightly.

【At this time, Jian Tai also realized the true identity of the uncle next to him who knew the way】

【It's his father!】

【Now Xiaoxin is only one game away from becoming the champion and winning the trophy.】

【But I didn't expect——】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【After Xiaoxin said hello to Yoyogi, he picked up his equipment and left the stadium.】

【The opponent wins without fighting】

【"And the finals?"】

【"What is this child thinking?"】

【Even Meiya and Hiroshi who were sitting in the audience were confused, but even so, they did not call Xiaoxin and let him leave.】

【No one understands Xiaoxin's behavior, but everyone has seen through everything.】

【"Ha ha ha ha!!!"】

【Kenta looked at Shin-chan's departing back, put his hands on his hips and laughed,"I like you very much, Shinnosuke!"】

【"That's right. It doesn't matter to you whether you win the championship or not."】

【"What do you mean?" the father beside him asked.】

【Kenta smiled softly:"Shinnosuke has surpassed me when I was defeated by Yoyogi......."】

【"That is to say, he has surpassed himself and achieved his goal."】

【"I see"】

【After hearing what Jian Tai said, everyone understood.】

【The true meaning of kendo is not to pursue victory blindly, but to constantly surpass yourself and recognize what you really want.】[]

Crayon Shin-chan World


When Meiya and Hiroshi saw the scene on the screen, they were stunned and the smiles on their faces froze for a moment.

They didn't expect that Xiaoxin would not even participate in the finals and just slip away..


"Although what Mr. Kenta said makes sense, I still really want to see that guy win first place!"

Mei Ya sighed, but soon calmed down.

Although Xiao Xin did not participate in the finals, in the eyes of the audience, he is still the first place.

That's enough.

One Piece World

"The true meaning of kendo is to constantly surpass yourself"

"Well, that's really great!"

Zoro exclaimed, with a smile on his face, looking at Shin-chan in the picture with satisfaction:"Shinosuke, I like you too!"

Unlike Nobita, Nobita picks up the sword to protect!

Shinnosuke picks up the sword to surpass his past self and eliminate the haze in his heart.

However - he likes both of these sword styles very much.

【A few days later】

【All the disciples who had practiced in the Extreme Flow Sword Dojo came to Jian Tai's dilapidated dojo.】

【But this time it wasn't Jian Tai who taught them.......】

【But his father!】

【After entrusting his apprentice to his father, Musashi Kenta, a passionate young man who has practiced kendo for more than ten years, is about to start his practice again.】

【Before leaving, he still had an important thing to do.】

【That is to say goodbye to his founding disciple, Nohara Shinnosuke】

【But when he arrived at the place where he had agreed to meet with Shinnosuke, he saw Shinnosuke wearing a kendo uniform, holding a bamboo sword and standing in the wind, looking at him calmly.】


【"Before you leave, have a competition with me!"】

【""Okay." Kenta hummed, and the next second, Shinnosuke immediately attacked him.】


【But Jian Tai dodged it easily and then swung the sword down!】

【at last.......】

【The bamboo sword stopped above Shinnosuke's head】

【""Master is really amazing!" Shinnosuke said, touching the back of his head.】

【"It's okay." Jian Tai touched his nose.】

【Next second!】

【Shinnosuke put away his playful expression, became serious, and lowered his head towards Kenta.】

【"Thank you for your long-term guidance!"】

【"Me too, thank you!"】

【In this sad and funny atmosphere, the master and the apprentice finally said goodbye.】

【Jian Tai set out on his journey again, and he was shocked to find that his clothes had been cut】

【That's just an ordinary bamboo sword!】


【In a sense, Xiaoxin won the game just now.】

【Kenta couldn't help but sigh:"What a pity! If Shinnosuke insists on practicing kendo, he will definitely become an outstanding swordsman in the future!"】

【As the bus drove away, Musashi Kenta's journey of kendo training truly began. 】

The next second!

The scene faded into darkness....150........

Super Beast World

"It's really scary, using only a bamboo sword to cut through clothes."

Huo Linfei shook his head and couldn't help but sigh:

"It seems that what Kenta said was right. If Nohara Shinnosuke continues to practice, his future achievements will be limitless!"

"It's such a pity indeed!"

Miao Tiaojun also agreed:"But......."

"I have to admit that Musashi Kenta is a very good master. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he really wouldn't have the patience to teach Shinnosuke."

After all,

Shin-chan is really too naughty. If it weren't for Yoyogi's stimulation, I'm afraid he wouldn't take kendo seriously at all.

Crayon Shin-chan World

"It's rare to see that boy so serious."

In Futaba Kindergarten, Teacher Yoshinaga looked at the screen. Even as Shin-chan's teacher, she rarely saw Shin-chan like this.

Usually Shin-chan was quite frivolous, as if nothing could bother him.

"This shows that he really regards Mr. Kenta as his master, which is great.

The headmaster smiled and said,"But it's a pity. We should let Xiaoxin continue to practice kendo. This talent should not be wasted.""

"Is there any way to solve this problem?"

Teacher Ueo suddenly had an idea:"I remember that Shin-chan really likes a big sister named Nanako. If we just let her speak, it should be OK."

""Yes, that's a good idea!"

At the same time, in the dojo of Musashi Kenta,

Kenta was taking a bath in a wooden barrel.

When he saw the picture on the screen, he couldn't help but stand up from the barrel.

"Shinnosuke, you are indeed my most promising disciple!"


"I must let Shinnosuke continue on the path of kendo. He will definitely become a kendo master who surpasses me in the future!!"

Kenta's eyes lit up with fighting spirit. Although he also wanted to go on a spontaneous trip with himself in the picture, after careful consideration, he chose to continue teaching Shinnosuke for a while.

Because he found.......

Although Shinnosuke's strength is not as good as his, he can still learn a lot from Shinnosuke that he had previously neglected.

As the saying goes, a true master always maintains the heart of an apprentice.


"How can we let Shin-chan continue to practice kendo?"

【The video has ended!】

【Characters being cleared——】

【Rewards are being cleared——】

【In the world of Crayon Shin-chan, Nohara Shinnosuke received a reward, a year's worth of super deluxe Supreme King Gold Bear Cookies!】

【Next video——】

【The zombie story continues. Where will Nobita Nobi go? What secrets are hidden behind Umbrella?】

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