Quasi-Immortal Emperor!! Destroy the world with a snap of his fingers!

The creation and destruction of the world is just a matter of a thought!!

Immortal Emperor!

Every move of the Immortal Emperor represents destiny. They can create the world in a single thought, and tear apart the world in the blink of an eye.

What’s more terrifying is that the Immortal Emperor also has an invincible and supreme Emperor’s Field, and this Emperor’s Field can reverse time and restrict the enemy in silent time and space, so that they cannot escape from this point!

As the information of several realms was exposed.

The Ten Thousand Worlds were also completely shocked.

They couldn’t help but talk about it.

“So this is the realm of the perfect world? Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Immortal Emperor, they are just so-so in my opinion!”

“Yeah, I thought it was so incredible, but is this it?”

“That’s not enough, are you pretending to be awesome? An Immortal Emperor is already that terrifying!!! He can create the world with a single thought, and even if someone dies, he can be resurrected with a single thought. Isn’t that powerful?”

“Yes! Who said that the Immortal Emperor is not strong?”

“As long as someone still remembers the Immortal Emperor, he will be immortal. What kind of terrifying concept is this? Too shocking, right? ?”

“Fellow Daoist, look, this is the Immortal Emperor, the last realm, it must take some skills to achieve it!”

“Everyone, stop bragging. This world is not simple. You can tell from the realm of the first world that this world is extraordinary.

The Blood Moving Realm is the 100,000th realm! This is already enough to beat countless worlds, such as the previous Douluo small world.

The key is still the first realm!”

“Yes, even though there is no description afterwards, you can discover the horror of this world just by watching it!”

“Especially the subsequent immortal path is even more terrifying, a drop of blood can fill the sea!”

“When one reaches the level of a True Immortal, a drop of blood can last for several epochs. How heaven-defying and abnormal this is.

There is no need to explain it, right?”

“Yes, it has to be said that the combat power of this perfect world is still quite terrifying! Especially the Immortal Emperor, it is too terrifying!

The sky is hard to destroy, the earth is hard to bury, and time is hard to kill and erase. High-level multi-dimensional, unknown and powerful, so terrifying!”

At this moment, all the heavens and worlds were completely shocked.

Especially the horror of the Immortal Emperor shocked everyone.

Moreover, after that, the picture of the golden list appeared again.

It turned out that even the Immortal Emperor was so terrifying.

It has broken the defense of countless creatures in the heavens and worlds, and people are numb.

It is not the limit.

There are higher realms exposed.

That is the sacrifice and above the sacrifice!

Countless divine patterns emerged again and turned into golden text

【[Sacrifice Dao]: The limit of the Immortal Emperor, sacrifice the highest avenue, burn all rules and order, and destroy the past, present and future.

The final realm reached by the Immortal Emperor after the extreme sublimation, in essence, still belongs to the Immortal Emperor, the final pinnacle of all evolutionary paths so far.

Those in this realm can make the Immortal Emperor forever silent.

This realm is very special. There is no concept of time. The past and present can be defined at will. It has infinite possibilities and changes, rewrites countless destinies, and subverts the truth.

In this realm, all avenues, time and space have lost their meaning.

Destiny, creation, cause and effect, heavenly way, etc. are nothing more than the weakest bubbles.

With the exposure of the Sacrifice Dao.

The heavens and the worlds were also completely shocked.

“Sacrifice the Supreme Dao, burn all rules and order, and destroy the past, present and future.

The concept and setting of this sacrifice are too terrifying!

It is so powerful that it is incredible, even unimaginable!!”

“The Immortal Emperor has reached such a powerful state, it is hard to imagine and describe.

And can a being of this state be easily put to death by a powerful person who has performed sacrifices to the Dao? It is simply so terrifying!!”

“I have to say, this method of transformation is too amazing, can it be cultivated to such a level?”

“The key is that this realm is not the ultimate? There is an existence above the sacrifice.

What kind of terrifying existence is that?”

At this moment, countless creatures in the heavens and the worlds were shocked.

They were also completely shocked.

It must be said that this realm of sacrifice is too terrifying.

It is unimaginable!!

And then, without stopping, the final king bomb finally appeared.

That is the final realm, and it is also the realm that Emperor Huang Tian finally reached. The sacrifice is exposed.

The chaos is lingering on the golden list of the road!

It directly exposed the sacrifice!!!

【Even if the Dao of Sacrifice is infinitely powerful, it is not the limit!

There is an even more terrifying and indescribable realm above it!

That is the realm that Emperor Huang Tian finally reached with the method of transformation and freedom, which is above the Dao of Sacrifice!!】

【On the Sacrifice Road】

【This is an existence that completely transcends the road to the end. It is incredible and unimaginable. The specific name is unknown.

Since the beginning of the world, only the Lord of the Three Generations of Copper Coffins, Emperor Huang Tian and four others have reached this realm.

They are completely transcendent and immortal.

To enter this realm, you need to have an indelible experience.

Above the sacrifice to the Tao, what you really have to sacrifice is not only the Tao, but also the evolutionary path, and yourself.

Everything becomes empty, everything returns to eternal silence, and then revives in the silence, waiting to be alive again, truly above everything.

You must have the corresponding mind. Before the extinction, the heroic spirit of”I will go even if there are thousands of people”, the courage to give up everything, and the unshakable belief that swallows the ages and always exists in your heart.

This realm is extremely special. There is no concept of time. You can see it from the ancient times, the present world, and the future.

It seems that everything is visible at this moment, and you can define the past and the present at will.

Even a wisp of mist born from its negative emotions can reshape the entire worldview, with infinite possibilities and changes, rewriting countless destinies, subverting the truth, and an infinitely divergent worldview.

A glance back can derive endless time and space, cause and effect lines, and there is no need to worry about whether it disrupts the future, because at this level, what you see is endless time and space, endless possibilities, and the avenue, time and space have lost their meaning to it.

In this special place, all avenues are like flowing water, which can be evaporated by a thought.

Destiny, creation, cause and effect, heavenly way, etc. are nothing more than the weakest bubbles, which will collapse before you can reach out and touch them. There is no sense of time and space in this realm.

Beyond the so-called eternity, the way, the universe, all time and space, outside the universe, outside chaos, and everywhere, from ancient times to the present, and to the future, they can all be dissipated in a thought of the creatures based in this field.

The eyes can dry up everything, reproduce all the truths, and trace all the secrets of the past, present and future.

All unknown areas outside the avenue, outside chaos, outside the universe, etc.

are within the scope of birth and death above the sacrifice.

In a single thought, the infinite universe and time, the infinite universe sea, the world sea, the time sea, etc., that is, the entire world view, can be gathered into an original, and the original has endless originals, and then gathered into one, and then the endless one gathered into a larger one again, and the endless larger one gathered again, and the infinite iterations gathered into one, boundless and infinite.

In simple terms, infinite world views converge into a larger world view, and infinitely larger world views converge into a larger world view, and this cycle repeats infinitely.

Infinite iterations transcend, endless cycles, infinitely expand the world view, and each iteration of the world view is countless times stronger than the previous one.

This is all done in an instant for the above-the-sacrifice path, and then everything can be born and destroyed in an instant, and there is no meaning of time at all, beyond the concept that can be understood.

Mastering all the truths and tracing all the secrets of the past, present and future represents omniscience, and exhausting everything with the eyes, reproducing everything represents omnipotence. 】

And seeing this scene.

Countless creatures in the heavens and the worlds.

They were also completely shocked!!

Too terrifying!

Unimaginable horror!

Above the sacrificial path!

No one could have imagined that there was such a terrifying realm in the world.

I originally thought that the final realm of the Dragon Talisman World, the Ancient Dust Sand, was already invincible beyond the realm of non-existence and immortality.

I didn’t expect that it seemed that the realm above the Sacrifice Dao was not inferior to the realm of non-existence and immortality! (To read the novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

Of course.

Everyone couldn’t tell which realm was more powerful.

After all, the realm of non-existence and immortality was indescribable.

How could it be compared with the realm above the Sacrifice Dao?

“Above the Way of Sacrifice, is this the final realm of Emperor Huang Tian? ?

I finally understand why this method of transformation is said to be the number one cheating method in the universe! ~”

“All the great ways are like flowing water, which can be evaporated by a single thought. This is too terrifying, how terrifying is the great way! It represents the strongest extreme in all the heavens and worlds, but this realm can be destroyed by a single thought!”

“A wisp of mist born from negative emotions can reshape the entire worldview, so horrible and terrifying!”

“It would be great if we could see the battle between Emperor Huang Tian and Gu Chensha.

If such a battle really happened, it would absolutely be earth-shattering!”

“It is hard to imagine who is more powerful, above the Way of Sacrifice or beyond the Immortal Realm!!”

Perfect World.

Huang was also stunned.

It turns out that even the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is not the limit.

There is the Way of Sacrifice and above the Way of Sacrifice!!

“On the path of sacrifice, the path of the strong, there is really no limit!!”

“Will the Emperor of Desolate Heaven reach a realm above the Dao of Sacrifice in the future?

Isn’t this a bit too terrifying? ?” In the Dragon Talisman World,

Gu Chensha was also sitting cross-legged, looking at the golden list of the Dao in the sky.

Lou Baiyue was accompanying him.

In the Dragon Talisman World, he was the Emperor of Heaven who controlled the past and the future.

He could cut off all predestined relationships, transcend all causes and effects, eliminate fate, have no destiny, no birth and no death, and never suffer any disaster.

He was the creator of everything, even the cultivation realm of all living beings was defined by him.

His strength could no longer be measured by realm.

No matter what realm, he would never be Gu Chensha’s opponent.

He was waiting for a day when a higher being could defeat him. That would be the time for him to be liberated.

Maybe it would be the next billion years, or maybe it would never come.

The Dragonless Heart Method was also created by him.

It was the highest secret method that Gu Chensha had deduced from all kinds of experience.

Before, the Dragonless Heart Method was the second best cheating method in the world.

At this moment, seeing the horror of his method of transformation,

Gu Chensha also smiled faintly.

“Ranking first or second has no meaning to me, just like the division of realms.

Ranking is not worth caring about for me.

My Wulong Heart Method has surpassed the ranking.”

“However, this Emperor Huang Tian is an interesting creature. He is even more powerful than Hao Xuan and the young man in white.”

“I look forward to meeting him one day. Even to compete with him.

Masters are lonely, and I have been bored for too many years. Waiting for a creature to defeat me.

I hope it’s Emperor Huang Tian, right!” In the Dou Qi world, looking at the unattainable realm description on the gold list,

Xiao Yan’s eyes flashed with unprecedented passion and determination.

He thought to himself that from a small boy in Wutan City to the road to becoming a Dou Emperor, every step was full of hardships and challenges.

Now, this sacrificial road seemed to be another sea of stars outside his Dou Qi continent, which aroused his strong desire to explore the unknown and break through the limits.

He secretly vowed that even if there was an abyss ahead, he would find out.

“I must open the channel, ascend to the upper realm, and pursue a higher realm!!”

“Otherwise, I will never be reconciled in my life!!”

The Holy Ruins World was shrouded in mist, the sky and earth were very dark, and the barren plateau was lifeless.

The Land of Doom has been like this since ancient times.

No one knows its origin, and no one can predict its end.

The sky is gloomy, and an ominous atmosphere is pervasive. For countless years, the cold frozen soil has been shrouded in strange forces all year round, dull and depressing.

Occasionally, rotten creatures pass through the marginal areas, and sometimes a small number of strange creatures can be seen walking out of the plateau, but it is all silent, without any noise.

The entire plateau is vast and boundless. Even if the world falls, it is difficult to fill a corner of it. Even the Taoist can’t reach its end.

In the depths of the Land of Doom there are corpses of road-ending creatures, torn into pieces, and many An era has passed, but it is still bloody and has never dried.

Even a powerful creature like the Supreme Being has such a miserable end.

The Land of Doom, a land that makes people despair!

From ancient times to the present, it has never changed. The extreme oppression and danger have extinguished the flames of countless civilizations and turned them into ruins. No one has ever been able to resist.

The long river of time trembles and breaks when it passes through here.

Today, in the deepest part of the Land of Doom, at the end of the plateau, creepy ancient syllables sounded, shocking all living things, and all things are born and die because of them.

There is an ominous ancestral land! The end of the Land of Doom cracked, and figures appeared one after another, some were as dry as firewood, and some were covered in black blood…

Rotten clothes stuck to their terrible bodies , like an evil ghost waking up from its slumber after lying dormant for epochs.

The source of ominousness, several ancestors were born at the same time!

For a moment, the heaven and earth trembled, the plateau roared, and was about to collapse.

The infinite avenue turned into one divine chain after another, and then exploded into pieces, and the entire space and time became unstable.

Their eyes were either empty, or deathly gray, or bleeding.

When staring into the void, everything withered, and the dark world on all sides was about to become desolate.

All the dark creatures, all the strange races, were all shocked at this moment, and then began to tremble constantly.

All of them, at this moment, couldn’t help but kneel down and kowtow continuously.

Whether it was on the dim plateau or It was in other gloomy universes that they worshiped tremblingly out of instinct, like on pilgrimage.

Even the dark Daoist ancestors were kneeling on the ground in all directions of heaven and earth at this time, without getting up.

The deepest part of the Land of Doom, and the outer area of the plateau seemed to be separated by an ancient history and an endless starry sky. Few creatures have been able to reach it over the years.

Facing the end of the plateau, the highest ancestral land, is too terrifying. Even the Immortal Emperors of the weird tribes find it difficult to set foot there.

Even they bend down towards the deepest part of the Land of Doom, and do not move for a long time, listening to the admonitions.

At the end of the Land of Doom, creepy ancient syllables echoed, like the friction of stone slabs, like the collision of universes, making all creatures tremble and palpitate in their hearts.

“Ancestors… why did they wake up at the same time?”

Some creatures at the end of the road whispered.

In that ancestral land, there were five figures standing, as if they had been standing at the end of the plateau before the creation of the world, looking down at all living things.

Once this situation occurs, the five ancestors need to be born at the same time, which means that there will be unpredictable changes!

It can be seen that the three ancestors have always been facing one direction.

They are facing Emperor Huang Tian. They have been searching and fighting in the river of time for so many years.

Confronting Emperor Huang Tian.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, five ancestors appeared together.

Obviously, because the Golden List of the Great Dao exposed some terrible things.

At this moment, the ancestors deep in the land of disaster have all revived.

Pay attention to the Golden List of the Great Dao in the sky!!

The five ancestors, at this moment, have countless horrors in their eyes!!!

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