Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1137: 1 sword retreat 0 army

d Fight!

Waves of offensives slammed against the stars like a big wave, and every attack was accompanied by countless deaths and injuries.

Under the coordination of Xi Junying, all the power of Sky Star was mobilized, but even so, under such an attack, it was still unable to withstand it after all. It was not that they were unwilling to fight hard and were not brave enough, but just the enemy. The comparison of the numbers between the two parties is too great.

Everyone will be tired, there will be times when the star power is exhausted, and now it is time for Heaven to defeat the defense line.

Star Master Wenchang made the shot himself, and there were also more than a dozen powerful Star Masters who came. Once a magic circle was formed, even if Xi Jun should use the power of his life stars, he couldn't help him at all.

Seeing that the sky star's defense line was about to be completely defeated, a sigh suddenly sounded between heaven and earth.

In the next moment, the gorgeous green lotus bloomed silently, as if to wrap the entire sky star in it, born abruptly in the starry sky, forming a gorgeous line of defense.

In an instant, the entire sky star was boiling!

Everyone knows very well that the person who raised the anti-tian flag is Wu Chi, and they dare to contend with the heavens, and their greatest support is Wu Chi.

At this moment, when the others were almost desperate, Wu Chi still stood up, abruptly blocking the heavenly army with his own strength.

Of course, compared to the cheers of the masters in the sky, the Heavenly Court is like an enemy at this moment.

Even if it was the Star Master Wenchang, at this moment, his heart could not help but a sudden stop, and his spirit suddenly tightened to the extreme.

He had known the power of Wu Chi for a long time, but when he saw this scene with his own eyes, the shock was still beyond words.

Just one person, with this terrifying sword intent, forcibly blocked hundreds of thousands of heavenly army, what terrifying strength is this?

"I have seen Sword Master Meishan!"

Taking a deep breath, Star Master Wenchang flew out after all, and bowed before the battle.

"You are quite brave."

Wu Chi's figure slowly emerged in the starry sky, watching Star Master Wenchang not far away faintly spoke.

"Not being brave, but having to come!" Bowing and bowing again, Star Master Wenchang replied in a deep voice, "If Sword Sovereign wants to kill me, even if I am hiding in the army, I will have nowhere to hide! So, it's better to meet Sword Sovereign directly, and as Sword Sovereign, you won't wait for me to take action if you want to?"

Being able to take the place of Ruoyun Mountain after Ruoyun Mountain's rebellion and become the number one confidant of the Emperor of Heaven, Star Master Wenchang is naturally not a stupid person, and he is also just right to measure the time and situation.

Looking at Star Master Wenchang, Wu Chi smiled freely, "I want to kill you, you naturally have nowhere to run, but I don't kill you, but it has nothing to do with your identity."

Looking at the heavenly army in front of him, Wu Chi shook his head slightly and said softly, "Wu is against the sky, not for power, not for the battle between immortals...but for the survival of the human race. Your blood should not be spilled here. In a senseless battle!"

"Perhaps most of you don't understand why I want to fight against the sky." Wu Chi's voice seems to be very soft, but it is full of penetrating power, enough to make the sky star, and even the hundreds of thousands of heavenly army on the opposite side. Everyone heard clearly, “It’s okay... because time will prove everything! It won’t take long for you to understand who the real enemy of my human race is. When the time comes, you don’t need to persuade you to surrender. Stand with me."


Not to mention, these Heavenly Court soldiers, even Star Master Wenchang and the powerhouses in the Star Master Realm around him, could not help but tremble fiercely when they heard these words.

In the same way, speaking from different populations, the effect is absolutely vast.

If any one person said these things, it would only become a joke among the people, and no one would care about it.

But Wu Chi is different.

Even from a hostile position, most people in the heavenly court know the name Wu Chi, know that it is Princess Changning’s husband, know that it is a sword into the Yaochi, in front of countless masters, personally Wu Chi who killed the Queen of Heaven.

Knowing that it was Wu Chi who had disturbed Dao Ancestor and suppressed it in the Taoist Temple of Heaven, but finally broke out.

I know, that is Wu Chi who even the Emperor Donghua dare not fight with!

It is clearer to see that facing the hundreds of thousands of troops in the heavenly court, but one person and a sword forcibly defended the peerless powerhouse.

Such a character, no matter what he says, no one can ignore.


Although no one speaks, even as Wu Chi said, most people don't understand why it is against the sky, but at this moment, a seed of doubt has undoubtedly taken root in everyone's heart!

Looking at Wu Chi, Star Master Wenchang felt bitter in his heart. He wanted to say something to restore his momentum, but when he opened his mouth, he found that there was really nothing to say.

Even if you are the star master, he is now even more powerful, but in front of Wu Chi, he still looks so pale and weak.

That wasn't a rank opponent at all, making it difficult for him to even rise up the courage to be an enemy.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Wu Chi nowadays dare not say that he can compare Dao ancestors, but at least it is only the emperor of Donghua and the emperor who are qualified to have an equal dialogue with him.

Other people, in front of Wu Chi, are just passers-by.

Looking at Star Master Wenchang again, Wu Chi said softly, "Go away, if you can force me to show up, your goal has been achieved...I don't want to have unnecessary casualties, so let's go away. ."

Hearing this, Star Master Wen Chang's heart suddenly stagnated.

Immediately, I remembered the Ruoyun Mountain who claimed to be a complete and couldn't help but smile, "I'm not as good as Ruo Shi Yuan!"

This time the emperor’s plan itself was already extremely vicious, but at this moment, Star Master Wenchang still felt a sense of powerlessness. He used to be under Ruoyunshan’s command and acted according to Ruoyunshan’s orders. Now that I really stood on the opposite side of Ruoyun Mountain, I really understood how terrifying the Ruo Master who claimed to be an inexhaustible plan was.

At this moment, even Star Master Wenchang couldn't help but doubt this battle.

Everything has already been expected by the other party, can such an attack really work?

How much effect can the arrangement of the emperor deliberately play?

Of course, these are all things to follow. At this moment, facing Wu Chi's gaze, Star Master Wenchang has no right to say no. He bowed and said, "Withdraw the army!"

The person below may not be sure, but he knows very well that as long as he dares to hesitate a little bit, he is afraid that he will be slashed in the next moment!

There is a huge difference between unwilling to make a move and not daring to make a move.

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