Cheeky Sword God

Chapter 1190: Trouble

The starry sky was suddenly torn apart!

Vaguely, the figure of Lord Xuantian suddenly appeared in front of the corpse of the Black Crow Demon Lord, with a lightly grasped palm, a sharp sword intent suddenly appeared in the hands of Lord Xuantian. ?E? Little??? said??????


Slowly spit out these two words from his mouth, and everything around him suddenly condenses, forming a scene of fragmented scenes.

Reverse time and space, for the Lord, is not a great method.

However, at the moment when the previous scenes appeared like a stream of light, it seemed to be affected by a force, and the picture before him suddenly shattered.

Time seemed to freeze at the moment Wu Chi slashed out that sword, and everything shattered with it.

His pupils shrank slightly, and Lord Xuantian couldn't help but said in a cold voice, "The moment of Fanghua?!"

Dao Shuo time and space was shattered by the law of time, and only the horrible sword could be seen faintly, and the magical power that could achieve this was only a moment of beauty.

In this world, Wu Chi is the only one who will be blooming in an instant, and there is no doubt who killed the Black Crow Demon Lord.

It's just... how can Wu Chi kill the Black Crow Demon Lord?

What is the strength of the Black Crow Demon Lord? The Lord Xuantian clearly said something arrogant. Unless the Lord himself made the move, even if the Unworried Demon Lord and the Buddha of Bliss are together, they may not be able to kill the Black Crow within a certain period of time. Demon Lord.

This is only more than a hundred years, no matter how advanced Wu Chi's strength is, he won't be able to kill the Black Crow Demon Lord.

In a flash of thought, news about Prince Long Qi suddenly emerged from the head of Lord Xuantian.

Prince Longqi... Longzun!

Many things, as long as the direction is locked, it will naturally become much simpler.

Although there is no evidence, at this moment, Lord Xuantian is almost certain that it must be Longzun who has intervened.

Only Long Zun had this ability, so that the Black Crow Demon Lord could not even spread the news and died here.

The one who killed the Black Crow Demon Lord was not bad, but without the help of Long Zun, Wu Chi would never have killed the Black Crow Demon Lord.

The only problem evidence!

As the Lord Xuantian, many things in this world don't need evidence at all, but it is an absolute exception to Longzun.

Long Zun's strength was not below him, and coupled with the entire dragon clan, even if the Xuantian Lord had no conclusive evidence, he couldn't blame Long Zun at all.

Since there is no evidence for this matter, even if he asks, Long Zun will definitely not admit it!

In fact, perhaps Long Zun himself knew this very well, so he didn't care about Lord Xuantian guessing it. As long as there was no finishing touch, this was enough.

The brows suddenly raised, and Lord Xuantian whispered to himself, "Longzun, do you still have hope for the human race?"

"As long as you have this thought in mind, you will always have a handle! Let's wait and see!"

................................................. ........

In the starry sky, Wu Chi condensed all his breath and hid on an unmanned star. Even if someone passed by, it would be difficult to detect Wu Chi's existence.

After Long Zun left, Wu Chi immediately fell directly on this star and hid.

Facing the existence of Lord Xuantian, Wu Chi didn't dare to have any chance of luck.

Since Long Zun can rush to, then the Lord Xuantian will definitely be able to find him.

Under such circumstances, with the strength of Lord Xuantian, even if Wu Chi flees desperately, he will always leave traces, which is enough for Lord Xuantian to find him.

The only way to avoid Venerable Xuantian is to completely suppress all auras and wait until Venerable Xuantian has left before showing up.

It has been a whole month since hiding here, Wu Chi quietly got out of the cracks in the stone again, and stepped into the starry sky again.

In a month's time, Wu Chi's injuries have completely recovered, and even his strength has gone further.

The more cruel the battle, the greater the harvest for Wu Chi.

It's not far from the upper realm here, and Wu Chi also knows very well that in the upper realm, the wars between the demons outside the realm and the human race must not stop.

It's just that at this time, no matter how unwilling he was, he wouldn't dare to return to the upper bound.

What happened last time is already very risky. If you want to do it again, you will definitely die miserably.

Wu Chi is not afraid of death, but he is unwilling to make such a senseless sacrifice.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Chi's figure shook, suddenly tore the starry sky, and quickly flew out into the distance.

................................................. ....

Dragon Palace!

The return of the Dragon Seven Prince was an uproar for the entire dragon clan.

Of course, no matter how much discussion is made, it is limited to whether Prince Longqi is still eligible to be the heir of Longzun. It has nothing to do with the identity of Prince Longqi himself.

The first time he returned to the Dragon Palace, Prince Longqi was arranged to enter the Hualong Pond.

It has been almost a month now.


A dragon chant suddenly sounded, and a figure in the dragon pool rose to the sky.

"Meet Prince Longqi!"

In an instant, Long Zun by the Hualong Pond suddenly bowed and saluted.

Flying out of the Hualong Pond, Prince Longqi no longer had the misery of having only a skeleton left. The dark cyan dragon scales enveloped his body, revealing an intimidating sense of power.

The body flew in a circle above the Hualong Pond, and when it fell, it had already turned into a human form, just like a young man.

"Everyone, please, Long Qi thanked everyone!"

Leaning slightly, the Prince Long Qi immediately returned courtesy to the surrounding dragons.

However, while Prince Longqi was chatting with other dragons, a dragon hurried forward and said in a deep voice, "Prince Longqi, I’m afraid there’s something wrong! The envoy from Xuantian Palace has already arrived at the Dragon Palace. Bringing three demon masters to testify, saying that it was in the sealed land of the human Prince Longqi prevented them from attacking and killing the descendant of the Shadow Sword Master!"

"Now, the messenger from Xuantian Palace is here with evidence. If you want Prince Longqi to ask your guilt..."

"Long Zun has an order, please go and confront the people in Xuantian Palace."

As soon as this statement was made, the surrounding dragons, including Prince Longqi, were in an uproar.

After all, paper cannot contain fire.

At the beginning of the Heavenly Luck Star, Prince Longqi appeared to hinder the Black Crow Demon Lord's attack on Wu Chi. Many people witnessed it with their own eyes. It can be said that the evidence is conclusive and hard to deny.

But Prince Longqi didn't expect that Xuantian Palace's reaction was so fast, as if it was difficult to use this as an excuse.

His eyes narrowed slightly, Prince Longqi nodded slightly, and replied in a deep voice, "I see, this prince will go to see them now."

ps: There is only one chapter today!

Three more supplements tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

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