There are many types of pet dogs in the store.

There are huskies, chow chow, golden retriever, schnauzet, curly bichon, kingba, bichon, poodle, maltese, Belgian retriever, teddy bear ...

For these pet dogs, Qin Mo still has a little understanding, because his daughter wanted it before, and she went out of her way to find out.

For example, the Curly Bichon is white in color and has shades of light yellow, cheese or apricot around the ears or on the body.

The expression is soft, the eyes are deep, curious and vigilant.

Before Qin Mo had already thought about buying this type, but then gave up because of his ex-wife.

Curly Bichon dogs are very friendly to both owners and outsiders.

Other breeds of pet dogs, when living in the community, every time I see some walking dogs, I also learned from it.

"I don't know what kind of dog Mr. is going to buy, we sell it here for a few months, and we have already received three injections of seedlings.

While walking, the female employee introduced the passing dogs to Qin Mo.

"Like these purebred licenses, the price is relatively expensive, almost more than eight thousand..."

"Yo, isn't this Qin Xinxin's parent?" Just

as Qin Mo walked towards the curly-haired bichon dog, a familiar voice came from behind him.

Stopping and thinking about it, Qin Mo immediately knew who this person behind him was.

The father of his daughter's classmate, Wei Lecheng.

The manager of a company with a monthly salary of fifty thousand.

In the deep market salaries are already the income of the middle class.

He had a grudge with Wei Lecheng last semester.

At that time, the school organized the donation to the disaster area, and the parent asked the class to donate more students and asked the school to name and praise.

Teacher Ye Yin received the notice from the school and could only agree.

"Wei Kaikai, donate 4,000, please give applause and encourage Wei Kaikai!" A

little boy stood up from his seat and proudly waved to everyone.

And the parent sitting next to him was Wei Lecheng, who held up his glasses and handed over his hand to everyone.

He also said: "Hehe, it's just a little money!" He

looks like this, not hiding his pride at all.

Next, the head teacher Ye Yinyou announced the second and third places, and none of these parents donated more than 1,000 yuan.

It's not that they don't have money, but they don't feel the need to form a style of comparison in front of their children.

In contrast, Wei Lecheng was only average in the class.

The problem was here, when he was clapping, Qin Mo did not applaud and was seen by Wei Lecheng.

His face suddenly became gloomy.

"Whether that parent has any opinions, everyone applauds, but you don't." Hearing

that he was well-known, Qin Mo's brows couldn't help but wrinkle.

Because he found that when applauding, some children who were not named were a little depressed.

Qin Mo looked at his daughter, and with this expression, he stood up.

"Can I ask you a question?" Seeing

that Qin Mo was still wearing a yellow horse coat, he didn't even pay attention to the image of such an important place.

Wei Lecheng showed a mocking expression on his face: "Say!" "

I only have one question, I also do public welfare, why are only the first few praised?"

Wei Lecheng said with great eloquence.

This statement came out.

Some parents who donated more had satisfied smiles on their faces.

And those who only donated a few tens of yuan like Qin Mo showed a bit of embarrassment on their faces.

"This parent, do you understand when I say this, but looking at what you are wearing, you should not understand.

At this time, Wei Lecheng did not give Qin Mo any face, and his words were full of mockery.

"This parent, you donate a lot, I can't deny it, but the form of expressing love is based on personal ability, as long as you do your best, you will be respected."

It has nothing to do with the amount of money, even if it is a dollar, you must give respect.

As you said, discharge a high and low distinction, which will change the taste of love and discourage the enthusiasm of other caring people.

So if you have money and donate more, and if you don't have money, we all have to give applause, not use money to measure. After

Qin Mo said this, he sat down directly.

There was silence in the classroom.

Dead silence.

I don't know who applauded first.

Suddenly, there was applause in the classroom.

"Well said.

"Love is priceless!" On

the spot, Wei Lecheng's face was difficult to see.

Looking at Qin Mo, his eyes were full of hatred.

Originally, he was not used to Qin Mo, and this time he deliberately found an opportunity to embarrass him.

Who let him have a good skin, every time other female parents and teachers, seeing Qin Mo's eyes are different, this is what makes him unhappy.


"Little girl, be careful with your pets, this customer may have come in with some kind of illness."

As soon as Wei Lecheng came over, vicious words came out of his mouth.

Immediately startled the female employee.

However, looking at Qin Mo's neat and clean clothes, there was no other vision except that the clothes were cheaper.

Instead, the guest who had just come in wore a pair of golden glasses and a big belly.

The suit worn on the body is at least tens of thousands, and the whole body adds up to no less than 100,000.

"It's a pity, if this outfit is dressed on this uncle, it will be perfect.

Wei Lecheng didn't know that he was despised by the store staff.

"This gentleman, he is poor and sick, hahaha..." Seeing

that his purpose had been achieved, Wei Lecheng walked away after letting out a rampant laugh.

Because the person in charge of the store has come out to receive after the reception.

Before leaving, I didn't forget to make fun.

"Dad, or we won't buy it. Seeing

his father being teased, Qin Xinxin's face immediately changed color and almost cried.

"Xinxin obedient, don't pay attention to this kind of person, there is no education at all, we will let him go as that..."

He was right, we let him go.

"Sir, where is your address, we will send you the dog you bought later, by the way, Sir, do you need to buy some pet food and toys and the like."

"Toys are not needed, pet food is definitely needed, come some." "

Please press the address above, just deliver it in an hour and a half,"

Qin Mo was at the front desk, swiped off two thousand yuan, and walked away with his daughter.

The scene just now once again made him know that he had to work harder.

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