"Hello Mr. Ye, I'm going to cause you trouble again. As

soon as he came to the gate of the school, showing his parent card, Qin Mo entered the campus.

Apparently, the school has given notice to the security guards.

"Xinxin's father, I sent you, I'll take you over."

Qin Mo entered the campus and went straight to the office of his daughter's homeroom teacher, Teacher Ye Yin.

"Teacher Ye, do I need to make any preparations?" Ye

Yin stopped and really glanced at Qin Mo for the first time.

I couldn't help but blush on my face.

Unexpectedly, it has always been Qin Mo in a yellow horse coat, and now he has changed into casual clothes.

Coupled with the continuous loss of weight, an inexplicable temperament exuded from him.

Ye Yin knew that this was only available in mature men, and now he added his handsome face.

Just by taking a look, I noticed that my breathing was rapid.

"Ye Yin, when you meet a man, you are crazy, or a divorced man.

Suddenly, Ye Yin was stunned for a few seconds.

Qin Mo next to her watched the expression on her face change, and suddenly turned red.

Quickly asked with concern, "Teacher Ye, what's wrong?" Hearing

Qin Mo's call, Ye Yin immediately came back to his senses.

Quickly covered up his gaffe just now and said: "Ahem, Xinxin's father, you don't need to prepare anything, just follow me." Qin

Mo, who was already disappointed in his marriage, did not notice Ye Yin's abnormal performance at this time.

"Father Shin Shin, I'll take you here, and the rest will be guided by other colleagues. After

taking Qin Mo to the school cafeteria, hand it over to another colleague.

Ye Yin left, and during this process, Qin Mo did not see his daughter.

"Hello parents, I am the person in charge of this school activity, Principal Shu Zhicheng. Not

long after Qin Mo sat down, a middle-aged man dressed in a gray Zhongshan suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses walked in outside.

The temperament of this middle-aged man has been shown to have been immersed in academic research for a long time.

Sure enough, as soon as he opened his mouth to introduce it, he was the person in charge of the third elementary school.

"First of all, I will first reach the school, thank you parents, can be in the busy schedule, take time to participate in this activity, as for the other Shu Mou is not much, wait for the staff to explain the situation to everyone, again Shu thank you again for coming."

After saying this, Shu Zhicheng greeted everyone and walked outside.

This time, it's not just about parents.

There was also social concern, and there was a reporter on the scene.

In doing so, Shu Zhicheng is promoting the No. 3 Primary School, which is paying attention to both students' studies and after-school activities.

"Believe me that, parents understand. Hearing

this, Qin Mo glanced around.

Suddenly, a different color flashed in his eyes.

This time, there were about sixty parents involved, and what made him strange was that there were parents over fifty years old.


figure this out, Qin Mo followed the staff to his place.

This is a simple cooktop, and it is still possible to do some simple operations.

The materials that Qin Mo needed were placed on it.

They are inside the lobby on the first floor, and the grounds have been cleaned up.

Thousands of square meters of space, can barely accommodate it, do not delay everyone's play.

Qin Mo looked at the time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

This time, the event was made by their participating parents, plus some chefs invited by the school.

Of course, the entries are the work of parents, and if the chef participates, it will lose the meaning of the competition.

"Okay, you can get started. At

the beginning, he did not find that the lobby on the first floor of the cafeteria was already live.

The audience was on the playground, on a large screen, and saw the busy figures of these parents.

However, there is also a small screen next to it, and here are all invited chefs.

These were prepared at the expense of a number of parents.

"Come on Daddy!" Among

the thousands of spectators in the playground was a pink toot in a school uniform, and a little girl clenched her fists.

Eyes fixed on the screen, a figure.

This time, Qin Mo planned to make both buns and sugar water.

It's just that the restrictions on the scene, he only wants to make a kind of bun this time.

And it's not a product from your own bun shop.

As for sugar water, it is the same, a small pot of sugar water, only dozens of bowls of servings.

Qin Mo intends to focus on delicious nourishment.

Compared to other big moves, Qin Mo looked elegant, as

long as he kneaded the dough,

he had a lot of strength.

Qin Mo didn't know that unlike other parents, the beginning of the halffield had already attracted the attention of an old man sitting in the front seat of the playground.

"This is..."

The old man couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Qin Mo's movements when he kneaded his dough.

It's a pity that because it was a full live broadcast, I didn't see it clearly.

If not everyone was there, he would really like to go and watch it live.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, some parents have already completed one after another.

The prepared food is delivered to the playground one by one.

Long tables have been set up on the scene and spliced together.

These parents' delicacies are placed on the table with their names on the side.

It is the work of such and such grade, such and such class, and such and such parents.

Compared to other delicacies, it can be prepared in half an hour.

From the beginning to the baking, it takes at least an hour and a half.

He also wanted sugar water, and Qin Mo also took a long time, simmering it for ninety minutes.

At exactly half-past five, both were seated.

"Mr. Qin, it's all done. After

seeing Qin Mo stop, a staff member immediately came over.

"Yes!" Looking

at his work, Qin Mo showed a confident smile.

"These are for the podium judges. "

The rules of this event, Qin Mo has already been clear, I heard that there are also rewards.

What he was referring to now was the amount of more than a dozen people.

The rest is brought to the dining table above the playground.

"Then ask Mr. Qin to come with me." "

Qin Mo was the last one at the scene, so he followed the staff out.

This time the event started half an hour earlier.

"It's fun!" looked

at the table in the middle of the entire playground, where the food had been placed.

There are also some tables in front of the rostrum.

There are also more than 60 people on the table, waiting for the comments of these judges.

"Dad, is this how we can win?"

a small fat man in the crowd asked a middle-aged fat man next to him.

"Don't worry, son, this time the first place must be ours."

Wei Lecheng mocked and looked at Qin Mo not far away.

I just heard my son say that this guy can bun and it's delicious.

Can't help but disdain: "I'm just letting you know, it's not a cat or a dog, they can make delicious food." "

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