There was still plenty of time for the evening, and Qin Mo planned to make a hearty meal.

"Boss, I want all these ribs."

"Boss, catch these two bluegroupers for me."

"This chicken will kill me and give me money when I come back."

Qin Mo entered the market empty-handed, and when he came out, he was already carrying more than a dozen bags in his hand.

These are the ingredients for tonight.

"Wow, handsome guy Qin, you buy so many dishes, what you just said is true, do you really want tonight?"

After Qin Mo stopped the little donkey, the big bag walked into the store.

Wu Yueyi immediately jumped out, looked at the bag in Qin Mo's hand, and quickly helped to carry it and put it away.

"Yes, but first make the buns and porridge for the evening, and if you want to eat delicious, you will wait early to help!"

In order to prepare for tonight's meal, everyone did not rest at noon.

At half past five in the afternoon.

Qin Mo had already packed all the buns to be sold at night.

Handed over to Ye Yin and Wu Yueyi to be responsible, he was busy in the back kitchen.

"Dad, what are you going to cook!"

Outside, Teacher Ye and the two were helping, and Qin Xinxin also came in the back kitchen.

"Fish, dad, are you going to make fish to eat?"

Seeing the bluewashbill that Qin Mo took out from the refrigerator, Qin Xinxin's eyes lit up.

She has liked to eat fish since she was a child, and Qin Mo feels that the method is simple and convenient, so she raised her daughter to like to eat fish.

Qin Mo picked up the bluestone grouper, began to process the internal organs, and said with a smile: "Yes, steamed blue-grouper, let Xinxin taste the world's delicacies."

"Okay! Dad, then I'll go out to help, so I won't cause you trouble.

After standing in the back kitchen for a while, Qin Xinxin found that he couldn't help at all, and staying here would only help.

"Even the knife work has changed so much."

Qin Mo found that after fusing the experience, the kitchen knife jumped flexibly in his hand.

Cut the bluegrouper without cutting it.

Then put it on a plate and add ginger slices and rice wine.

Steam over high heat for 9-10 minutes and simmer for 5 minutes.

"What smells so fragrant!"

Half an hour later, a faint smell of fish spread out from the back kitchen.

Customers who are eating inside the store stop their movements.

Following the smell, he looked at Qin Mo, who was busy in the back kitchen.

I saw him shredding carrots and shallots.

Pour the steamed fish broth into a pot and bring to a boil, add oyster sauce, shredded carrots and shredded shallots and steam them.

"Boss Qin, are you making fish?"

Yan Wenbai, a company director at a nearby office building, just joined this year.

As a northerner, I have a soft spot for buns.

A chance chance made him enter Qin Mo's shop, and since then three meals a day have been solved here.

Now he feels that every time he only has porridge and buns, he is no longer full.

Now seeing that Qin Mo can also make fish, just smelling the fragrance and knowing the taste, it will definitely not be bad.

Steamed fish is one of his favorite Cantonese dishes.

"Today's new store opens, see that everyone has worked hard, ready to treat them, this is steamed bluefish grouper."

Qin Mo looked at an old customer and said with a smile.

"Blue grouper is good, there is a lot of gum, the meat is delicious, just this steaming is very delicious, but unfortunately we have no mouthful!"

Just smelling the fish in the air arouses the gluttony in the stomach.

"Director Yan, don't worry, you will have a chance to eat, but not now."

For his memory, Qin Mo still approved.

After meeting a few times, I can remember most of the names.

"With Boss Qin's words, I, Yan, am waiting for that day to come, haha...." The

steamed bluefish was prepared, Qin Mo did not take it out, and it was still placed in the pot to keep warm.

Start processing other ingredients.

Every time a diner eats, they are seduced by the scent.

Qin Mo was not bored, and gave the same answer to every guest who asked a question.

As these customers left, the surrounding customers knew that Qin Mo's store would soon launch new dishes.

This makes everyone think about Qin Mo, who has such cooking skills in buns and porridge, but what about other dishes?

Seven thirty.

"Boss Qin, looking at your posture, it won't be gone again."

An old customer who ran over from a distance, looking at the front of the store where there used to be many customers around, now there are only a few people.

"I'm sorry, Brother Tang Tiangong, I just sold out for a few minutes."

"Ahhh... And I can't catch up, what summary meeting has to be held every time after work, this is already the third time. Tang

Tiangong had an incomprehensible expression, too similar to the few people staying next to him.

"Wait, Boss Qin, why is the sugar water shop also closing, isn't there still sugar water?"

Seeing that the sugar water shop next door was already cleaning, Tang Tiangong, who was ready to buy some sugar water for temporary relief, also began to be anxious, for fear that there would be no sugar water.

"Also, but today I have some dishes to treat employees, so I will be early."

"Wait, pack me some sugar water first!"


Three dining tables put together.

Qin Xinxin, Zhuo Wenshu, Ye Yin, Wu Yueyi, Zhang Ziming, and Fang Mixue looked at the six dishes and one soup placed on it.

The heart is extremely shocked, no need to try, just look at the appearance, you know that it is comparable to a star chef.

Among them, Ye Yin was the most surprised, because he had only seen such a dish once.

Today is the second time, or on a big brother Qin.

"Dad, this is all done by you..."

Qin Xinxin seemed to know Qin Mo for the first time, living together for so many years.

Which meal was not cooked by Qin Mo himself, but it was compared before and now.

Not a grade at all, no wonder Dad hid it before.

Steamed grouper!

Scallion oil chicken!

White peony shrimp!

Honey roasted ribs!

Flowers and jade!

Soy sauce poured autumn tomato!

Big top cold melon milk pigeon soup!

Now just watching, and smelling the aroma of these dishes, the tiredness of everyone's busy day disappeared without a trace.

"Why are you all standing! Sit down, drink a bowl of soup first, and everyone will take matters into their own hands. Seeing

that everyone did not move, Qin Mo picked up his daughter, put it on the stool, and sat on the side.

"Then I'm welcome, the smartest choice to make today is to come to Qin Da's handsome man's shop."

I saw Wu Yueyi sitting down nearby, picking up a white-seared shrimp, and skillfully removing the shrimp shell.

Dipped in the sauce prepared by Qin Mo, put it in his mouth and bit it gently.


After Wu Yueyi made a sound, the whole shrimp was put into her mouth and chewed slowly.

The drunken expression on his face already speaks for itself.

"Father Qin, do you still lack a daughter..."

Wu Yueyi, who was eating shrimp, suddenly opened her eyes and said a word.

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