Today's car purchase speed is quite fast, even the test car, Qin Mo has omitted.

Open the window and enjoy the feeling of the wind blowing on your face, this is a car owner, it's good!

"Haha, laugh at me!"

After coming out of the VIP room, Wu Yueyi kept holding back, and when she got outside, she couldn't bear it anymore, sitting in the back compartment and holding her stomach and laughing.

"Look at the expression of that dead fat man, I don't know which corner to squat in and cry now!"

Seeing that Wu Yueyi returned to his unserious appearance, Ye Yin secretly glanced at Qin Mo next to him.

Thinking of holding Qin Mo's arm just now, his pretty face couldn't help but blush slightly.

He didn't notice the abnormality of the co-pilot Shangye Yin, and concentrated on driving the car, how could he not be excited at this time.

Ye Yin's performance at that time was to see that Chen Haoyu was insulting Qin Mo, so before leaving, let him understand that even if you have money, I still can't look at you.

As for Wu Yueyi's final action, it was just a stab in his wound.

After half an hour, and his interest in new things had passed, Qin Mo began to chat with everyone.

However, Wu Yueyi was interested in driving, so Qin Mo parked the car aside and let her drive!

"Handsome Guy Qin, discuss something with you!"

Wu Yueyi, who drove the car, was just like her character, and the cars on the road were surpassed one after another.

If it weren't for her skills, Qin Mo really wanted to take her out of the cab on the spot.

"What's going on?"

Looking at this female madman, Qin Mo was afraid of her, after getting along for half a month, after getting acquainted with Qin Mo, he simply did not think of himself as a woman.

"In a few days, borrow me a car?"

After saying this, he didn't forget to glance back at Qin Mo.

"Look at the way!"

Seeing this, the three screamed almost simultaneously.

"Okay, on the specific day, you will come and drive away by yourself!"

Qin Mo quickly agreed, this is the road, this crazy woman's speed is still very fast, come again, his heart can't stand it.

"Love you, handsome man Qin!"

After hearing Qin Mo's agreement, Wu Yueyi drove with one hand, and the other hand reached back, making a gesture.

"It feels so good to have a car, when will I Wu Yueyi be able to buy one myself?"


Ye Yin responded, she was answering what she asked, and now her thoughts were on Qin Mo.

"Wu Yueyi, go to the market to buy vegetables, add food tonight!"

Qin Mo looked at the time, it was only three o'clock, he bought good vegetables, and it was almost four o'clock when he went back, and the time was just right.

"Received, just wait for your words from handsome man Qin, sit down for me, I'm going to accelerate."

As soon as he heard what was eating, not only Wu Yueyi was excited, but even Qin Xinxin clapped his hands behind him, and Ye Yin covered his face and smiled.

Under Wu Yueyi's superb technology, the journey that originally took half an hour was shortened by ten minutes.

"Wow! Boss Qin is rich, and it has only been a long time since he bought a car. As

soon as he got off the car, Qin Mo met acquaintances, either merchants in the market or customers in his store.

"This car is not good, many people around me buy this, a family is the most suitable."

"We also want to buy, but unfortunately, we don't earn enough to spend!"

When buying ingredients, Qin Mo chatted with the boss.

Buy all the ingredients you need, put them in the back compartment, drive the car directly to the door of the store, put everything away, and then drive out and park.

It's so convenient to have a car!

It saves several times the time compared to before.

"Boss, you guys are going to buy a car today!"

After moving everything down from the car, seeing Qin Mo come back, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I first found that after having a scooter, it is so convenient, as long as you work hard, it won't take long to have your own car."

Looking at Zhang Ziming and Fang Mixue in front of them, the two did not go to college and came out to work after graduating from high school.

It is precisely because they know the importance of knowledge that they cherish the work given by Qin Mo even more.

Now hearing Qin Mo say this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he believed one hundred percent of what he said.

Before Qin Mo did not have nothing, he had made hundreds of thousands of dollars in less than a month after opening the store, and with the boss's speed of making money, the branch would soon open.

At that time, their wages will double, which they did not dare to imagine before.

At this moment, the door of the shop opened and Wang Dehai walked in.

"Xiao Qin, leave me 50 buns, ten bowls of porridge, four steamed bluefish grouper tonight, and a few of my old friends come to see me."

"What fillings do you want?"

"All want, ten of each!"

"Just how to eat these enough, today we are also preparing a dinner in the store, I will make you two more dishes, you will look at the money at that time, but the time will not be until after eight o'clock, I don't know if Uncle Wang can wait!"

Wang Dehai, who had already stepped out of the door with one foot, immediately walked back again: "Okay, with Master Xiao Qin's craft, there is no problem in waiting for a few more hours, let alone an hour, I thank you in advance."

Wang Dehai said and turned to go out, he still had to prepare wine.

Thinking of wine, a figure immediately appeared in front of him, took out his mobile phone and dialed it.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Dehai laughed happily.

Now that the dishes and wine are available, all that remains is to wait, and this time it will definitely surprise a few of them!

Xiao Qin is so good at being a person, it is rare that he often patronizes his shop business.

Now after retirement, his wife has much looser control over his finances.

With private money, every day or two, under the pretext of taking a walk at night, Wang Dehai would go to Qin Mo's shop, order a steamed fish, and drink a drink alone.

Every time he called in advance, Qin Mo would definitely leave a steamed fish for him.

Now Qin Mo only sells twenty steamed bluefish for each meal, which is forty a day.

After eating it once, the fame has increased, and hundreds of customers who want to order one every day can divide it.

Fortunately, Qin Mo set a rule, each person can only order one fish, so that everyone has the opportunity to eat, and no one has an opinion on Qin Mo's rule.

"Zhang Ziming, you go and buy some more of these materials back."

This time, I didn't expect Wang Dehai to entertain old friends, and the business in the store could not be separated from himself, and he let the employees run.

"Okay, boss!"

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