"Classmate, this is your drawing now, don't bring the drawing of the adults in the family!" When

the other students were all drawing on white paper, one suddenly took out a scroll at this time.

He couldn't help but suspect, and quickly asked, their school doesn't want to be ugly at that time!"

Teacher, I drew it myself!" Hearing

that this teacher doubted Qin Xinxin, the classmates behind immediately shouted: "Teacher, this is what Qin Xinxin just drew by himself, and we all saw it on the side." Seeing

so many students saying this, it should not be fake, this teacher collected it and left.

"Elder Zhang, I'm sorry to bother you to come and run!"

In a spacious conference room, an old man was sitting at the top.

It was Luo Jiashu who sat next to him, and he stood up at this time.

Personally poured a cup of tea for Zhang Qianlei.

"You're welcome, it's rare that you think about the country's education, how can I Zhang Mo not come."

In Zhang Qianlei's view, primary school students are the most enlightened time.

Without systematic learning, it is difficult to find some good seedlings.

It's just that the hospitality is hard to refuse, so I have to come over and go through the scene.

"Elder Zhang, the principal is already well. "

At this moment, a teacher walked in outside.

"Okay, then send it in!" Luo

Jiashu also knew that his idea was a little too naïve.

What kind of person is Zhang Qianlei, let a doctor go to see the homework of the first year of elementary school.

It's hard to be a person, but he still believes that his ideas are not wrong.

"Elder Zhang..." Looking

at the paper that was already on the table, Luo Jiashu also blushed a little at this time.

It's all blank paper, and some of them are finished with just a circle drawn on them.

He only now found that he missed the most important link and did not single out some of the abuse.

But at this time, it was too late, Zhang Qianlei had already walked over.

I saw Zhang Qianlei, who walked over, did not even need a minute, and had already turned aside more than half of the paintings.

"Hey!" looked

at these so-called paintings, and couldn't help but shake his head.

It's all this, but it's no wonder that these are elementary school students,

just when he thinks this time is the worst decision.

An anomaly appears in front of him.

It turned out that Qin Xinxin's scroll was buried in it before, and it opened with the painting above.

Appeared in front of Zhang Qianlei.

Under everyone's eyes, Zhang Qianlei stretched out his hand and picked up the scroll on the table.

Luo Jiashu also saw it at this time, but he thought a little more.

Turned to look at the teacher who had just been responsible for delivering the students' paintings.

I saw this teacher shaking his head at him, obviously he didn't know either.

For Chen Qianlei, who has been addicted to painting for decades, just touching the surface of the scroll.

I knew that this was just drawn, the temperature on it, and the smell of pen and ink.

"Is it a raw hand?" From

the smell of pen and ink emanating, Zhang Qianlei could be sure that this was a novice,

because the brush and ink technique was too rough.

Thinking so, with curiosity, he still put the scroll on the table.

Open slowly.

Even if it is done by a novice, you must respect the other party's achievements and cannot start a rough fight.

Some of the rules of the industry still have to be done.

"Huh!" just

opened a little, looking at the pen and ink on it, his eyes lit up.

The movements of his subordinates did not stop, and the expectations in their hearts became stronger.

Halfway through, he knew that if it was drawn by a schoolboy, then this talent was too ...

"This word..." Zhang

Qianlei was surprised not only by the painting, but also by the money on it.

The whole piece of rice paper has been completely spread, this is a four-foot rice paper.

"Elder Zhang, I'm sorry, the student doesn't understand to bring the parents' painting!" Seeing

the painting above, even Luo Jiashu, who did not know how to draw, knew that this was not something that his students could draw at all.

Hurriedly stepped forward to make amends to Zhang Qianlei.

"No, you're wrong!"

Zhang Qianlei stopped Luo Jiashu and said, looking seriously at the painting on the table.

Now that the panorama spread, just by looking at it, he knew that this person who painted would definitely not be more than ten years old.

In other words, Luo Jiashu was too worried just now.

From the technique of painting, he Zhang Qianlei can still see that many of them are full of raw hands.

It seems that this author rarely paints.

How else would these mistakes have been made.

That's how I was surprised, a child who rarely painted, and a child under the age of ten.

What this means, there is no need to say it yourself.

At present, the level of this Chinese painting has reached the worst of his own students.

"Principal Zhang, I want to meet this student!" Now

Zhang Qianlei's mood suddenly became excited, but it was well concealed by him.

"Good..." Hearing

Zhang Qianlei say this, Luo Jiashu was stunned for a moment, and quickly responded.

I didn't think that my school really had seedlings that were favored by Elder Zhang.

"Lead the way!" Luo

Jiashu ran outside and quickly beckoned the teacher to lead the way in front.

The painting behind, Zhang Qianlei didn't want to see it.

Luo Jiashu does not ask for it, it is enough to have one.

So under the gaze of all the teachers and students, a group of people walked out.

"Teacher Ye, I didn't expect that your class would have such good seedlings. Ye

Yin, who had just walked out of the office, was seen by her colleagues.

Hurriedly walked over and told her what happened.

At this time, even Ye Yin himself was confused, when in the class, there will be students who are so good at drawing.

If I think about it, I can't really think of who it was.

However, she was also curious about who this student was, so she followed behind.

"Elder Zhang, the principal is this class!" It

was the teacher who had collected the painting before, but what he didn't expect was that.

The scroll that he suspected before was able to alarm Elder Zhang to come over in person.

"Who is Qin Xinxin!" Ye

Yin, who was standing outside the door, was immediately stunned when he heard this.

An expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

When I just came over, my colleague told her about Zhang Lao's expression when she was looking at the painting.

"Principal, I am Qin Xinxin!" Hearing

someone shout his name, Qin Xinxin

immediately stood up.

Seeing that it was Luo Jiashu, the vice principal knew himself.

"Haha..." At

this time, a kind old man walked in behind, but the classmates all looked at him and laughed inexplicably.

"Good!" Zhang

Qianlei finished laughing and walked towards Qin Xinxin.

At a glance, the pen and ink still dripping on the ground could not be wrong.

"Xinxin, can you tell grandpa who taught you to draw.

Zhang Qianlei walked in front of Qin Xinxin, squatted down, and said with a smile.

"My father!" Hearing

Qin Xinxin say this, someone immediately came out and said, "Classmate Xinxin, don't lie!" This

person is a middle level in the school, Qin Mo he also knows, how can a takeaway delivery person draw, and teach himself so well.

"Hmph, I didn't lie, I really taught me!"

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