"Everyone, I'm sorry, I want to discuss something with you!"

After entering the sugar water shop, the guests inside greeted Qin Mo as soon as they saw that it was Qin Mo.

Now hearing him say this, he quickly responded: "Boss Qin, you said, what is the matter, we will definitely help you, otherwise how can you still eat Boss Qin's food in the future."

"That's right, I have some friends, I want to come and sit in the store, I don't know if you can let it go first, today's everyone's order, I will treat you." Qin

Mo said this because these were mostly neighbors nearby.

They are all regular customers, and they come to help out almost every day.

Now that I say this, I also feel embarrassed by everyone, and my face is slightly red.

"This is a small matter, I thought it was a big thing, the matter of the handsome man Qin is our big thing, we will give up a position."

One of the young women, Qin Mogang finished speaking, without even thinking, directly pulled up the boyfriend next to him.

She is the only admirer in Qin Mo's appearance, and she only needs to see Qin Mo every day.

Today's mood is particularly good, and his boyfriend can only follow along when he sees that the female tickets are like this.

Everyone saw more than a dozen people standing at the door, each of them exuding a bookish atmosphere.

Soon, the seats needed were given up at once.

With the help of everyone, the three tables were put together.

As for the customers who gave up their seats, they did not leave.

They were curious about what was going on when these people appeared in Qin Mo's shop.

Just looking at the old man at the leader, temperament is only available to those high-ranking people in the TV.

"Isn't that the vice principal of the third elementary school?" Luo

Jiashu's identity was quickly recognized, which

made it even more determined that everyone stayed.

"Everyone, Qin Mou has nothing to entertain everyone, please don't blame, and invite everyone over next time when you have time."

Under Qin Mo's orders, soon there were some buns and sugar water on the table.

During this time, he returned to the kitchen and began to prepare some ingredients.

In less than half an hour, several Cantonese dishes were on the table, including two plates of steamed blue grouper.

"Mr. Qin, you are too polite, we just came to say something, and now we let you spend money. Smelling

the fragrance on the table, the well-informed Luo Jia said politely.

At this time, Zhang Qianlei finally understood why even Qin Jingming spoke so highly of him.

"It seems that this time I Zhang Mou has a mouthful, hahaha!" Looking

at the dishes on the table, Zhang Qian laughed after saying a word.

"Everyone, wait a little longer, there are still a few dishes!"

Qin Mo finished speaking, and returned to the next door.

"Grandpa, isn't it, you have a blessing, Teacher Ye Yin and I, and Sister Wu have recently been fed fat by the dumplings!" Qin

Xinxin, who occupied a seat, proudly told everyone at this time, as if inviting credit, without her, you would not be able to eat the delicious food made by me.

Soon, everyone finally understood the reason why passers-by greeted Ye Yin before, it seemed that she was a regular visitor here.

Other school leaders and Zhang Qianlei's followers, hearing the evaluation of Qin Mo, really wanted to taste it now.

The buns and sugar water that just came up, everyone has tried it, which makes them look forward to the food on the table even more.

But the dishes have not yet been served, and the most important hosts have not yet been served.

"I can't imagine that Boss Qin still has a hand hidden!" The

customer who did not leave looked at the delicacies on the table.

One by one, they couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

During this time, Qin Mo only had two dishes.

This led to the perception that he only had two dishes to bring out.

Now looking at the ten dishes on the table, it turns out that people are hidden deeply!

"It's a pity that there is no blessing to eat it!" Just

smelling the aroma in the air, the guests know that these dishes are definitely no worse than steamed blue grouper.

Customers who have eaten steamed blue grouper once are simply tired of eating it.

As long as the wallet allows, there are shares that can be grabbed.

Even if you eat it once a day, it feels like a pleasure.

"Xiao Qin, it turns out that you are still hiding, I don't know when you will have our share!"

a neighborhood aunt couldn't help but ask when she saw Qin Mo walking in with the dishes.

"Thank you for your support, I won't keep everyone waiting, so I won't talk to you more." Hearing

Qin Mo say this to Aunt, some customers who reacted quickly.

Immediately analyzed some information from Qin Mo's words.

"Did Boss Qin just say that he wouldn't keep everyone waiting for a long time?"

the man asked the surrounding guests in a low voice.

"Yes!" the

customer who had just heard Qin Mo's words nodded repeatedly.


After this person was recognized by everyone, he jumped up excitedly.

But seeing the quiet environment inside the store, I closed my mouth inside.

This is also a real foodie!"

Let everyone wait for a long time, Qin still has work in the afternoon, I believe you also have something, wine Qin Mou is not prepared, temporarily bring tea over, I hope you don't mind."

"It's okay, we came over too hastily, causing trouble to Mr. Qin, and it should be us who apologize." "

I will honor Mr. Qin first for this cup of tea!" I

saw Luo Jiashu stand up and do it first.

"Okay, everyone, you're welcome!" For

half an hour, everyone couldn't help touching their belly.

Each person dried three bowls of rice, plus the previous buns and sugar water.

In a word, everyone was frustrated.

In this process, there is no mention of the purpose of everyone's arrival.

"Mr. Qin, I won't say anything more, we came here this time because of your daughter's affairs. This

time it was Zhang Qianlei, who had been tasting food on the side and listening to everyone's conversation.

"My daughter?" Hearing

this, Qin Mo's face showed doubt, and quickly looked at Ye Yin.

Seeing that even Ye Yin shook his head, he couldn't guess even now.

"That's right, the school has launched an activity today!" Seeing

Qin Mo's doubts, Luo Jiashu quickly explained next to him.

"Mr. Qin used to learn to draw

?" "Painting?"


Luo Jiashu say this, Qin Mo immediately knew what was going on.

"I haven't learned this systematically, it's a hobby before, drawing casually. Hearing

Qin Mo say this, Zhang Qianlei was shocked.

A player who plays tickets can point out such an excellent daughter.

Could it be that she thought wrong before, the real talent is her daughter, and he is just pointing out.

"Hmph, I'm very good at painting!" It

seemed that seeing that everyone doubted Qin Mo, Qin Xinxin snorted coldly.

"Don't believe it! Wait for me. Seeing

the expressions on the faces of these uncles and uncles, Qin Xinxin searched for it in his bag.

Qin Mo felt a bad cold in his heart, this woman must not make trouble!


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