When Qin Mo went out, the rain outside was getting bigger and bigger.

The first rainstorm before Qingming!"

It's good to have a car, otherwise you both have to take leave today." "

Now the community where Qin Mo lives is newly built, so the bottom floor of the building is a garage, which is convenient for rainy days.

Unlike those old neighborhoods, when people get into the car, they are already wet.

"The day after tomorrow, I will go back to my hometown with Xinxin for a few days, and you will solve it in the store for food and clothing in the past few days."

After starting the vehicle, taking advantage of the warm-up time, Qin Mo said.

Ye Yin looked puzzled and asked, "What is the matter going back to your hometown?" "

What day is the day after tomorrow, you don't know, the school didn't send a notice

?" "Since some people even forget the holidays, don't the office workers know the arrival of each festival best?"


You said Qingming Festival, no need, I also have to go home, by the way, tell my father about you." "

Squeak!" hearing

Ye Yin say this, Qin Mo slammed on the brakes in fright.

"Dad, what are you doing!" Qin

Xinxin, who was sitting in the back row, rushed forward all of a sudden, fortunately, the vehicle had just started and the speed was not fast.

"Xinxin, are you okay!"

Qin Mo at this time, where was he still concerned about what Ye Yin had just said, and quickly looked back at Xinxin and asked eagerly.

"Hmph, it's okay, pay attention next time!" said

Qin Xinxin after returning to his seat.

"Tomorrow afternoon, I'll take you back to see Grandma and Grandpa. Seeing

that his daughter was angry, Qin Mo quickly diverted her attention.

"Well, Xinxin hasn't seen her grandparents for a long time. "

Sure enough, it's only a matter of a moment for a child to get angry, and this doesn't mean forgetting what just happened.

"What you just said isn't true, right?" This

time, Qin Mo focused on driving.

"Didn't you say that you were afraid that my family would object, I will go back and ask you for a positive answer, maybe my father will come to see you." "

With the previous lesson, hearing this, Mo was still shocked, so soon to be a parent, too sudden

, this Ye Yin is serious!" "Okay, I lied to you, I just went back to get something, drive your car well, pay attention to safety!"

Qin Mo didn't think so, Ye Yin's words just now had reminded himself, this step would really come.

The only way to get the other person's parents to agree is to make yourself strong.

Career strength is also a kind of strength!

If you want to show yourself, your daughter will not suffer with me.

"Goodbye!" "

Pay attention when driving!" Watching

Qin Mo's vehicle start, Ye Yin quickly shouted loudly.

Park the car and brave the rain to return to the store.

Even with the umbrella, Qin Mo was still wet.

"Boss, on such a rainy day, you don't have to come over!" Seeing

Qin Mo appear, Fang Mixue quickly ran out of the bun shop and handed him a towel.

"This can't work, the old customer has already made a reservation, and is still waiting to eat my steamed fish, since the rules have been set, it will be completed!" Today's

rain is a little heavy, it is past business hours, and half of the shops on this street are not open.

It seems that this is to wait for the rain to stop before opening the door.

At seven o'clock, one after another, some customers wearing raincoats appeared in front of the shop.

These get up in the morning to go to work, as well as students from nearby schools.

It seems that no matter how heavy the rain is, it can't stop their pursuit of food.

More and more people appeared in the back and began to line up.

"You two come here, this morning, it's raining so much, it's a little cold outside, don't get cold, pack these guests first." "

Seeing that there is already a queue outside, the buns inside are only partially done.

Without Qin Mo sitting down, Fang Mixue really couldn't be busy.

At this time, some old customers, now at the door, hugging their shoulders and shaking: "Code, this ghost weather, when it comes to change, it will change and cold me."

"It's still good for Boss Qin, seeing that we are cold, open early."

"These two little bosses, you have to hurry up and learn, or your speed will not be able to keep up with the buns you make." "

In recent days, customers who have come over have also found a problem.

It's that the supply and demand of the bun shop can't keep up.

Unlike before, when it was sold, there was no stay in the middle until the buns were sold.

When I asked, I knew that Boss Qin had accepted the apprentice.

It was Fang Mixue from the sugar water shop next door, who had come out these days.

After tasting it carefully, I found that the taste did not change much.

The only complaint is that the speed is too slow.

Hearing these customers compare themselves to the boss, Fang Mixue's face couldn't help but darken.

Comparing their mortals with the pervert of the boss, they have never seen Qin Mo's speed.

He was already proud of the speed at which he had completed just one, and by Qin Mo's place, he had already completed three.

"This is what I commanded you to do before. After

being busy in the back kitchen for half an hour, Qin Mo came out.

He took a look, and the sales of buns had already caught up.

"The materials I want to do have been collected.

"Then you and Zhuo Wenshu three look at the office, contact the merchant, first drive the things out, the material should be the best, the most important thing is to be able to get it, and the money spent will be reimbursed in the store." One

morning, Qin Mo didn't go out and helped out in the store.

At noon, twenty steamed fish will be driven out.

The rain did not stop until noon.

This kind of weather had little impact on the business of Qin Mo's shop.

The buns and porridge in the morning were all sold.

Only the sugar water shop next door was affected, and only half of its usual sales were affected.

At noon, something went wrong.

It was the appearance of a strange woman who had to buy 300 buns and 50 bowls of porridge.

Seeing such a large customer appear, he didn't wait for Qin Mo to be happy.

The woman's identity was revealed by the surrounding customers.

"Boss Qin, don't sell it to her, this is

Erdaozi!" When

Qin Mo was still thinking about the meaning of Erdaozi, the surrounding customers were coaxed.

"In this case, Boss Qin must not appear, she just wants to take out your things and sell them.

Now Qin Mo understood, and looked at the long queue of guests behind him.

If it is really sold to her, at least many customers will not be able to buy buns and porridge.

"I'm sorry, we don't do your business!" Qin

Mo knew that he could have today, relying on these old customers, but he couldn't cool the hearts of these customers just to save a little time.

As if it had been debunked, the woman shouted loudly: "What are you doing, open the door to do business, push customers outside, and quickly pack for me." Hearing

Qin Mo's resolute refusal, the guests also did not eat acid.

One by one, they pointed at the woman and said.

"Hurry up and go away, don't hinder Boss Qin's business, I know people from the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, it seems to be engaged in activities recently, to crack down on reselling groups, you should not be a member there."

As soon as she heard this, the woman felt weak, put down her cruel words and left unwillingly.

Now Qin Mo's bun shop's reputation has opened.

Like her, she only needs to make half the money by running once.

It was not detected when it was less before.

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