Qingming worships ancestors.

The custom of small counties is to be led by the older generation.

Go clean up the weeds near the graves.

Qin Mo was not really a county person, it was his parents' generation that only came out of the village.

So early that morning, Qin Mo drove to the countryside with his parents.

More than a dozen graves were scattered.

The weeds in each grave have grown for a year, and the tomb inside can no longer be seen.

This was the hardest work of Qingming that day.

If the family brothers work together, a dozen young people will soon be able to clean up these weeds.

In half a day, you can worship your ancestors.

Qin Mo's family situation is a bit special.

My father was three brothers.

His father, Qin Anguo, was the youngest.

There are also two big brothers on it.

There are contradictions between the relationship between the three brothers.

The eldest uncle's family is Ding Wangsheng, four sons and a daughter.

Family conditions are also the best.

It is for this reason that the family looks down on their two younger brothers.

It can be said that there is almost no intersection, even if you usually see it, you will not say hello.

The second uncle's family, only two daughters, have already married.

They are all married to other provinces, so now there are only two elders at home.

Qin Mo's family is okay, and there is also a male Ding, which is himself.

There are also two younger sisters below, both of whom are married, and the situation is the same as that of the second uncle's family, both married to other provinces.

The living conditions of both companies are average, and these conditions are combined.

Directly watched to death by the uncle's family, there is no need to communicate at all.

What made Qin Mo angry was that every time Qingming, their family appeared last.

A few old people, plus Qin Mo and a man, the weeds cleaning work of more than a dozen graves can be imagined.

Which time is not to waste hours on this.

When I returned to my hometown at nine o'clock in the morning and finished cleaning up these weeds, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Xiao Mo, why don't you come back and sit at the second uncle's house!" As

soon as Qin Mo got out of the car, he saw two middle-aged men and women aged fifty-five.

These two are the second uncle Qin Anbang and the second aunt Li Changjuan.

Seeing Qin Mo getting down from the car, he didn't dare to say hello until he came over.

"Xiao Mo, I've been very busy with work recently, how come I've lost weight like this. Second

aunt Li Changjuan walked in front of her, grabbed Qin Mo's arm and asked distressedly.

The two have had a good relationship since childhood, plus there are no boys, so Qin Mo was loved by the two families and grew up.

"Second aunt, I've been exercising recently.

After Qin Mo finished speaking, he took a fitness pose.

"What kind of body, it's still a little fat and good-looking before!" "

Second uncle!" Seeing

Qin Anbang walking over, Qin Mo stepped forward and hugged him tightly.

"Good, still so good-looking, strong, healthy.

"Second grandfather, second grandmother, hello!" At

this moment, Qin Xinxin jumped down from the car.

"Xinxin is also back, hurry up and let grandma hug!" After

seeing Qin Xinxin, Li Changjuan immediately came over, squatted down and picked her up.

"Second brother, second sister-in-law!" "

Don't look, don't think about them coming, fortunately there is Xiaomo every year, or only rely on a few of us old immortals, the ancestors still have to eat at night." Seeing

Qin Anguo and the two walking over, they glanced around.

Qin Anbang couldn't help but start spitting bitter water.

"Xiao Mo, it's going to be hard for you again.

"It's okay, this time I promise to be faster than before."

After that, Qin Mo took down the hand-held lawnmower from the car.

In the past, it used to be a sickle and the like.

After this busy day, the soreness in Qin Mo's body that went back would take at least several days to subside.

Especially that night, I almost didn't want to move, and a little movement was painful.

"How is Xiao Mo now?"

Qin Anbang and Li Changjuan, who have no son.

He has always treated Qin Mo as his own son.

"It's not bad, I don't know the specifics, I told him about the past before, agreed, and said that I was busy with work and didn't have time to accompany Xinxin."

"If you say so, then it's okay, or I will agree to you guys to go over!"

"Don't talk, I didn't see Xiao Mo start working." At

this time, Qin Mo had already turned on the one-handed lawn mower.

"An Guo, you see that Xiao Mo has changed a lot!" At

this time, everyone found that Qin Mo had worked from the beginning until he cleaned up the grass of a tomb.

I didn't take a break along the way, which took half the time than before.

I saw that after Qin Mo finished finishing, he stopped to drink a few sips of water.

"Xiao Mo, aren't you tired?"

It was nice today, it was rare that there was no rain.

In the past, every year at this time, there was a light rain in the sky.

Watching Qin Mo busy for more than ten minutes, there was only a little sweat on his face, and he didn't even breathe.

Even Qin Mo himself was surprised, let alone others.

"I can't imagine that my body has changed so much!" "

It's okay, let's get busy here and go to the next location."

"Well... It's okay!" Qin

Mo clearly remembered that this place was Grandpa's father.

That is, his grandfather.

He died here back then, he was beaten to death by bandits.

Buried with only one mat.

His grandfather was orphaned since he was five years old.

The people who led them to worship before were grandfathers, and each time they attributed the owners of these tombs.

When working, tell them these descendants in detail, for fear that after he leaves, he will forget his ancestors.

Unfortunately, in his generation, there is only his daughter, so it is his turn to tell his daughter.

Two hours later.

Qin Mo and his group had already reached the last place.

This is the family's garden, and there are five graves.

After busy here, all the ancestors' worship has gone through.

Buried here are his grandfather and grandmother.

It also takes the longest to clean up the weeds.

Qin Mo had just finished clearing the grass nearby, and several cars appeared around.

Each one is more expensive than Qin Mo's.

He didn't have to look to know who had appeared.

At this time, appear here.

Who else can there be besides the uncle's family.

"Yo, isn't this my lobby brother, it's a good mix, and I drove back." "

It was a young man who stepped out of a BMW, dressed in a fancy show.

The hair is even greener.

He is the youngest son of the eldest uncle family, Qin Wan.

I have been spoiled since I was a child, and you can see from the name that the elders in the family look like.

"Brother, you think too highly of him, I think it is either a rented car or a digging of my parents' coffin board to buy it." A

female voice came, and I saw a woman wearing heavy makeup coming down from a Mercedes-Benz.

This is Qin Mo's cousin, Qin Zhaojin.

I divorced five years ago and haven't looked for a partner again.

I once heard from parents that divorce was due to misconduct, and children followed the man.

Recently, it has been even more powerful with married men.

"Second brother, third brother, look at your hard work, take a break first, let's come first!"

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