Yu Zhixin waited for almost an hour before he saw two young men approaching.

When he called his mother, he was scolded and bloodied.

There is no way but to turn to other friends.

When applying for a membership card, he said that he wanted to go up to the second floor to eat.

"What, members also have to line up?"

said Yu Zhixin dissatisfied.

"It seems that this guest has misunderstood the definition of a member.

"If you want to go up to the second floor to eat, you must be a member."

"If the private room on the second floor is full, then you can only wait for a guest to finish eating before the next member's turn."

"Sir, do you want to apply for membership, if not, please don't stop us from doing business!"

"Yu Zhixin, or let's go!" "

Wait first, don't you find that the guests who eat here have no complaints after they come out!" Just

when Yu Zhixin couldn't

think of any way to let the two companions open a membership card.

A wave of people walked down from above.

It was the Song Xiaoyu family who went up before, and everyone had a smile on their faces during the process of going downstairs.

There are old and young people in this wave, and they are obviously a family.

People walked straight to the front desk.

One of the young people was about the same age as Yu Zhixin.

Holding a golden card, he smiled and handed it to the girl at the front desk and said, "Beautiful woman to checkout." Seeing

others checking out, Yu Zhixin's eyes lit up and he stood next to him without moving.

"Hello, a total of 26,000 yuan, this is your membership card, please put it away."

"Thank you, beauty, I didn't think your boss has a hand at cooking, this is the best one I have eaten so far."

"Thank you for your compliment, welcome to visit next time!"

C felt that it was time, and quickly walked to Peng Yuda's side and asked.

"Brother, is the food in this restaurant really that delicious?"

Peng Yuda glanced at the same age who had just been standing by the side.

Obviously the same situation as my own family.

At first, I was skeptical of this restaurant.

Now that I have tried it myself, how can I eat this kind of food alone.

It should be shared.

"Big brother, if the conditions permit, I suggest you go up and taste it, and it will definitely not disappoint you. "

Young man, look at your dress, you are also a rich man, listen to my grandson, my old man has been able to eat this delicacy for decades, this trip is not a loss!"

"Grandpa, you said so, then before we go back, can we come again?"

Peng Yuda heard his grandfather's evaluation as well, and immediately followed behind and said.

"Okay, come over with your parents and friends then.

Under Yu Zhixin's eyes, the family slowly walked out of the gate.

Just as they hesitated, several waves of people had already come in outside.

Go straight to the front desk and pull out a silver card.

"Now, what do you two have in mind, to eat or not to eat?" Yu

Zhixin walked in front of the two partners and looked at the people already lining up in front of him.

"Eat, this membership we open. Looking

at the guests behind them, they are now heading towards the second floor.

By the time the three of them had decided, there were already five guests lining up in front.

"So many people!" watched

the guests in front gather and chat, still giving in to each other, and letting the other party line up first.

"Do you know each other?" Yu

Zhixin asked when he saw this situation.

"Yes, we are all neighbors nearby, and what Boss Qin's business says, we all have to help."

"Young man, seeing that you are new here, it is normal to doubt Boss Qin's ability. It

seemed to sense the doubts in the young man's heart.

The story about Qin Mo was said while they were waiting.

"Next guest, please come with me.

Just as the waiter came over, Yu Zhixin saw the guest in front of him and stood up at once.

"Are you together?" Seeing

this, Yu Zhixin looked confused.

"In order to better taste Boss Qin's food, and not to affect Boss Qin's business, so we discussed a few of us to come together." Just

with Yu Zhixin's neighborhood, go on.

"The main reason is that our economy does not allow it, so everyone decided to get together every month in the future and come to Boss Qin's shop, so that they can taste Boss Qin's craftsmanship. Seeing

that his partner had left, the neighbor hurried to follow.

"New brother, it seems that the things here are really delicious. "

From the conversation just now, they almost understand.

Look at the menu promotional image behind the front desk.

The above price is really not something that ordinary families can consume.

Even a plate of greens costs a few hundred yuan.

"It's soon our turn. Seeing

that there were no more guests in front, Yu Zhixin quickly asked the beauty at the front desk.

"Yes, guest, just wait a minute. "

This front desk beauty is a graduate of Shenzhen City last year, Zhuo Hanzhi.

I originally thought that after graduating from Shenzhen City, it would be easy to find a high-paying job.

After interviewing several companies, the hiring manager offered a base salary that was indeed OK.

But these managers have unclean hands and feet, and there is something implied in their words.

After all, Zhuo Hanzhi is a college student who has just walked out of society.

For some of the above ways in the workplace, I definitely don't know.

In her opinion, to be a civilian, five days and eight hours.

Income can also be, usually in the company to pack up documents, to send documents to various departments.

When she entered the company, she found out.

In the first week, the manager asked her to come to his office to clean up.

I touch myself from time to time in the process.

At that time, I didn't care, and I thought that the leader didn't pay attention.

After the second week, she knew she was wrong.

The manager thought that this newcomer had been recruited by him after a few small movements for the first time.

In the next step, the hand was placed on Zhuo Hanzhi's thigh.

This time, Zhuo Hanzhi directly threw away the manager's hand and didn't say anything.

But then, it made her panic.

The manager slapped the circle on top.

Frightened, she quickly ran out.

Zhuo Hanzhi didn't dare to say this at all.

Because she knows that even if she says it, others will not believe it.

In the eyes of everyone, the manager is a good man who cares for the family.

A week later, colleagues also learned during conversations.

Whether at home or at work, I didn't listen to the manager's gossip.

The manager in the back finds himself, apparently hinting that he will follow him.

Or the job wouldn't have it.

Only now did Zhuo Hanzhi discover that the signed contract was not formal.

At first, I didn't pay attention because I was too excited.

There are two copies of the document, one of which is false.

The real one is an intern, and the salary is less than one-third of the leave.

The manager also said that as long as he obeyed her, the treatment would be the same, and he would soon turn positive.

At that time, a contract for real treatment will be waiting for her.

How could Zhuo Hanzhi agree to this kind of thing.

I had to quit my job and leave, and I only had seven days' internship pay when I left.

The back interview is the same as several units.

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