"Dad, do you know what day tomorrow is?"

Qin Xinxin grabbed the braised milk pigeon in his hand and said.

"Isn't it Saturday?"

Qin Mo picked up the bowl and chopsticks on the table, and first served a bowl of soup to his daughter: "Drink a bowl of soup first, don't just care about eating vegetables!"

"Hmph, I don't drink it, you forgot it yourself!"

Qin Xinxin was so angry that he put down the food in his hand.

"Thank you, tomorrow is June Day, you even forgot this!"

When Ye Yin took the soup, he reminded him.

"Eh, Xinxin said this, how could Cao Chong forget, and was preparing to take you out tomorrow, this is angry, then it seems that tomorrow's event can only be canceled!"

Qin Mo showed a pity look, and did not forget to sigh lowly.

"I'm not angry, didn't you say you wanted me to drink soup? I'm going to drink soup! Seeing

her daughter being caught in the soft underbelly, she immediately obediently picked up the bowl.

"Are you free tomorrow?"

Originally, Qin Mo didn't want to ask, but Wu Yueyi was also next to him.

Tomorrow is another time off, and you can't say it without asking.

"Okay! I'll go too, and I'm worried about what to do tomorrow? As

soon as Wu Yueyi heard Qin Mo's words, she quickly responded.

As for Ye Yin, he just smiled and nodded.

The next morning.

Qin Mo walked in front carrying a bag.

"Dad, you're going in the wrong direction, the car stops here!"

Qin Xinxin, who was walking behind, saw Qin Mo walking to the side, and quickly shouted loudly!

"I know, change cars today!"

At this time, Qin Mo took out a car key and pretended to press the unlock.

I saw a black domineering headlight flashing not far away.

"Wow! Handsome guy Qin, this is your car! "

Wu Yueyi ran faster than anyone at this time.

In the blink of an eye, he ran to the side of the car and revolved around the black mount.

"This car is good!"

I only heard the constant exclamations coming out of her mouth.

"Sure enough, luxury cars are different everywhere, and the cab is so comfortable to sit in!"

Wu Yueyi pulled the door and climbed into the cab seat.

"You really bought this car?"

Driving Wu Yueyi to the back compartment, Qin Mo sat in the cab.

Starting the vehicle, Ye Yin asked curiously.

"Well, I just bought it yesterday!"

"How much?"

Wu Yueyi, who was sitting behind, immediately stretched out her head and asked.

"It's not expensive, just more than two million!"

Qin Mo responded confidently.

"You are a full man, you don't know the hunger of the hungry, only two million!"

"Dad, it's better to have this car."

Qin Xinxin, who was sitting in the back, began to compare the two cars.

"All seated, I'm going to accelerate!"


Qin Mo kept leading everyone straight to Happy Valley.

"Love you Chop!"

After getting off the car, after seeing the destination, Qin Xinxin jumped on the spot excitedly.

"Why are you still standing, hurry up and buy tickets."

At this time, Qin Xinxin couldn't wait to rush in immediately.

"Xinxin, slow down, there are many people, you have to follow Teacher Ye and wait outside, I'll go buy tickets."

Today is the June Day holiday, so there are many parents who take their children out to play.

Qin Mo worked hard to buy the tickets.

"Okay, finally play."

Seeing Qin Mo return, Qin Xinxin took Ye Yin and the two hands and ran.

"Daddy, I'm going to play this!"

After entering Happy Valley, Qin Xinxin simply took off the thread horse and went all the way.

Just look at the items where the people in line are wrong, and she has to try to play them.


Mine cart!

Snowy Mountain Dragon!

This is the signboard of Happy Valley.

Snow Mountain Flying Dragon is the first suspended roller coaster in China, sitting on it, and the screams of tourists are heard in your ears.

Qin Mo couldn't have imagined that her daughter was so bold, and she dared to try some projects that even adults did not dare to try.

Perfect storm, 1800 degree continuous flip.

Just seeing others playing, Ye Yin and Wu Yueyi immediately refused not to play.

Only Qin Mo accompanied his daughter up.

If you don't play, you don't know, only after playing will you know what a delirium is.

What a spinning of heaven!

1800 degrees of continuous flipping, real experience.

Qin Mo could only say that it was stimulating, stimulating, and really stimulating.

No wonder it will become the second throne of Happy Valley, and it is well deserved.

At the end of the day, I just ate a little dry food at noon.

When I came out, it was almost five o'clock.

"Dad, when will you play again!"

Qin Xinxin, who had just walked out of the gate, was reluctant and looked back behind him.

"You haven't played enough?"

Wu Yueyi next to him said in surprise.

After playing it once, I didn't dare to come.

I almost got ugly myself and vomited.

"Well, how many more haven't Shin Shin played?"

Speaking of this, looking at Qin Mo, his face showed hope.

There are so many people today that there are long queues behind every project.

Qin Mo, they could only choose a small number of people to come.

"Okay, next time Dad will bring Xinxin over to play."

After hearing Qin Mo's agreement, Qin Xinxin turned his attention elsewhere.

"I'm so hungry, I said none of you are hungry."

Wu Yueyi had vomited once before, so relatively speaking, she was the hungriest of the four.

Some things are contagious.

No one said this before, but now someone said it.

Immediately everyone felt it.

"Dad, I'm hungry too!"

"Yes, Brother Qin, find a place to eat first."

Ye Yin also spoke.

"Okay, get in the car, I'll take everyone to eat something delicious."

Half an hour later, the four took the elevator up from the underground parking lot.

Step inside a restaurant.

Just looking outside, you know that consumption here is not for ordinary people.

In Qin Mo's opinion, the money was spent on his daughter.

No matter how much it hurts!

This restaurant is a well-known restaurant in the city, and Wu Yueyi was even calmed by the luxurious decoration inside.

"Miss Ye, there's no need to eat here!"

The restaurant is on the top floor of this building.

It is just a great view of the surrounding city.

"Hello, sir, do you have an appointment?"

The four people who were just about to walk in appeared next to a waiter in professional clothes.

The waiter was very respectful and had a smile on his face.

As long as it is Qin Mo who is walking in front, the temperament exudes from his body.

At a glance, only those wealthy people have the temperament, extraordinary!

"No reservations, if there are no vacant seats, we can wait."

Qin Mo responded calmly.

"Wu Yueyi!"

When the waiter was about to continue, there was an exclamation from the side.

"It's you, Xiang Yushan!"

Wu Yueyi called her name and quickly turned to look over.

Xiang Yushan, her college classmate.

The two spent four years in college and rarely crossed paths.

Not familiar, that is, knowing the name of the other party.

When they met, they all nodded and left.

Both were looking at each other.

Xiang Yushan was dressed in a black professional outfit and had a nameplate on her chest.

At first glance, you can tell that it is the staff of the restaurant, but there is a clear difference from the waiter next to it.


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