Mu Qiu turned his head and looked at it, it was a girl, a little familiar.

He was stunned, and then suddenly remembered, isn’t this the existence of the immortal who positioned the black iron five in the previous class.

But this question…

“Eighth… Eighth good. Mu Qiu replied dryly.

Where did he know what to do, or rather, he was still curious about how this girl managed to be the eighth.

“Huh? Eighth, where is it! I’m still a 50 victory point in black iron. The girl cried.

The corner of Mu Qiu’s mouth twitched, good guy, black iron five zero victory points, this has to be a talent.

“Can you tell me how you managed to finish eighth?” Mu Qiu was a little curious.

“Huh? I don’t know, I just kept losing and losing, and then I was eighth. The girl shook her head blankly.

Mu Qiu was silent, he might not be able to understand.

“Sorry, I may not be able to answer your question.”

Mu Qiu shook his head, and then said, “Because I always win and always win, and then I will be the first.” ”

“Hahaha, does the big guy talk so straight?” A teenager next to him laughed.

“What are you laughing at, aren’t you just a rookie chicken of the fourth rank of black iron.” The same table next to the boy, who was lying on the table, suddenly spoke.

The boy was silent and struck.

After Mu Qiu found an excuse to get out, he went directly home.

On the way, I checked my rank, and the brass four won 33 points.

Because I have been winning streaks, the winning points I get with each game are also steadily improving.

Later, the Chess Soul Points were used to strengthen the body.

Mu Qiu also began to look forward to the next chess soul master battle, after all, this time has been fighting against the students in the school.

They are all newcomers, it’s not interesting to fight, wait for the afternoon to try random matching and play against other chess soul masters.

I heard that the chess soul masters encountered by this random match are all talents, and they speak well.

“Brother Muqiu! You’re back. The tanuki was lying on the couch watching TV.

Mu Qiu nodded, and then said, “I’m going to go out to buy a vegetable later, do you want to go together?” ”

“Hey? Grocery shopping? Isn’t it a meal? The fox was stunned.

“It’s not about eating, who can afford to eat when I go out every day, I’m going to buy some food and come back to make it myself.” Mu Qiu spoke.

Even if he gets a million federal dollars now, he can’t go out to eat every day.

You know, since he was eighteen, there has been no grant.

This time spent all the money he had saved before, and even if it weren’t for this friendly match held by the academy this time, Mu Qiu would be ready to come to work-study.

“Well, then I’m not going.” The fox shook his head, and then lay down on the sofa again.

A few black lines rose above Mu Qiu’s head, and he suddenly felt that it was a wrong decision to manifest the tanuki.

This guy hasn’t gone back to the chess soul group since he came out.

However, the brass rank can manifest two chess souls, and Mu Qiu still has a chance, although it is a little expensive to manifest.

After eating, Mu Qiu sat on the sofa and turned on the computer.

The tanuki was sent by him to brush the dishes.

Mu Qiu opened the computer, mainly to check what was going on with that Xingyue Internet Cafe.

Looking at the introduction of Xingyue Internet Cafe, Mu Qiu touched his chin.

He felt that he could go and see that this Xingyue Internet Cafe had a teleportation array of the Chess Soul Master’s battlefield, and this place would hold a small competition every month.

That is, a dozen or twenty people participate, and the first place can get all kinds of messy rewards.

Of course, Mu Qiu is not for that reward, he is for feeling the atmosphere of the Internet café.

Moreover, Huiyao College’s management of students is very relaxed, and he can do whatever he wants to do as long as he goes to report in the afternoon.

“Hmm… Does Mu Qiu Ge’s afternoon battle require me to play? The fox didn’t know when he had already made it to the sofa, and his head rested on Mu Qiu’s shoulder.

The ears rubbed on Mu Qiu’s face, making Mu Qiu feel itchy.

“Playing? If you want to play, come here. Mu Qiu replied.

He didn’t care anyway, even if the fox didn’t come now, it wouldn’t have any effect on him.

Anyway, he has a lot of chess souls now, and if a fox doesn’t come, it’s just that he doesn’t have the soul lotus Huaming day.

If the magician bonds, Anne Cana, they can make it up.

“Okay, then I’ll take a look!” A Tanuki said with a smile.

She doesn’t seem to have been to Genting for a long time.

“As you wish.” Mu Qiu then returned, then closed the computer, and he was ready to go to the Xingyue Internet Cafe in the afternoon.


After arriving at the school, Mu Qiu went to the place where the graduating class was.

It’s all in the academy, and the class where the new students are in is just a different house, there is no difference.

If anything, it’s that it’s a bit lively.

“The student union is recruiting, there are beautiful senior sisters, brother has intentions?”

A teenager ran to Mu Qiu’s side and took out a piece of paper.

Mu Qiu took it, and he seemed to have encountered this thing a few days ago.

“Forget it, I’m not interested.” Mu Qiu shook his head, sister, joke, is there a tanuki good-looking?

There are four classes in the graduating class, which are Tiandi Xuanhuang, of course, this is divided by the students themselves, and has nothing to do with the teacher.

Mu Qiu casually found a teacher of a class to register, and then prepared to leave the school.

Then met Ye Shaozong at the gate.

“Mu Qiu? Where are you going? Ye Shaozong said hello.

“Go to the Xingyue Internet Cafe.” Mu Qiu replied.

“Xingyue Internet Cafe?” Ye Shaozong paused, and then said with a smile, “Together!” ”

“You’re going too?” Mu Qiu was stunned, he wanted to see if there was a competition, what was this guy going to do?

Ye Shaozong nodded and said, “Yes, I just remembered what you said, there seems to be a competition in the Xingyue Internet Cafe recently, I’ll take a look.” ”

Then he said: “By the way, I heard that you won the first place in the friendly match, is it really fake?” ”

Mu Qiu nodded and said, “It’s true, otherwise I wouldn’t know about the Xingyue Internet Cafe.”

But did the Xingyue Internet Cafe really hold a competition? Is it so coincidental? ”

Ye Shaozong was stunned, “What kind of coincidence?” Xingyue Internet Cafe holds competitions on these days every month. ”


Mu Qiu didn’t speak, he was not familiar with Xingyue Internet Cafe, and he didn’t pay attention when he just checked the information.

However, he was a little curious, “Why do you know so much about Xingyue Internet Cafe?” ”

“Because there are many girls in Xingyue Internet Cafe, and the competition of Xingyue Internet Cafe has always been in team mode, you can bring girls.” Ye Shaozong grinned.

“Team mode?” Mu Qiu raised his eyebrows, he knew this pattern.

Team mode is generally a points system, so you need to have a good teammate.

Ye Shaozong… Naturally unworthy.

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