“Oh, none of the four of you came…”

“I went to play Crimson Moon before it came.” Mu Qiu said lightly.

Indeed, if none of these four guys came, Mu Qiu really didn’t know what to play.

If the red moon is over, Yasuo has nothing to do and changes to the original skin, and it is no longer the red moon bond.

And Yi Muqiu hasn’t seen it yet.

The opponent of the third round was also a freshman, and after being hundreds of years by Mu Qiu, he contributed seven gold coins to Mu Qiu.

Open the Chess Soul group

Diana, Diana, Silas, Silas, Easy

“Say who’s coming.” Mu Qiu raised his eyebrows, and then bought Yi and the two Silas.

Diana is now a nine-star chess soul under the bonus of the Lunar God Bond, so it is not a big deal not to buy it for the time being.

“The Dao of Infinity continues in my heart!”

Yi’s figure appeared on the viewing platform, already a Crimson Moon bond and meditation skill.

“Hello everyone.” Yi said hello.

Mu Qiu also nodded, “Master Yi is good.” ”

Looking at Yi, Mu Qiu suddenly seemed to think of something in his heart.

If he realizes Yi, can he learn this infinite way with Yi?

Not to mention, it’s really possible.

But Mu Qiu had already determined that the first one would be to manifest the beaver, so Master Yi’s words could only be dragged back.

“Hmm… It looks like I don’t need to play.” Yi looked at the lineup on the field.

April God One Blessing Star.

It’s just that why is this Luna on four?

At the end of the fourth round of the battle, Mu Qiu got eight gold coins, this time successfully raising Diana to nine stars.

By the way, Ephelius was raised to five stars, and Silas was also raised to five stars.

Speaking of which, most of the chess souls that appear today are Luna bonds, what does this mean?

Mu Qiu scratched his head, although he didn’t quite understand, but judging from the current situation, he seemed to be stable again.

The fifth round of the battle was also an easy victory.

This time, the loot Fa Qiang dropped by Fuxing finally came out with a piece of equipment.

Recurve bow!

Only opened the chess soul group and bought two more Yi and one Lisandra.

“I’m three stars.” Yi looked at his attributes.

He watches the battle, watches and watches, and is it three stars?

“yes.” Mu Qiu nodded, the next thing is the stone beetle, and after the stone beetle is over, Yi can play.

Samsung Yi’s combat effectiveness is definitely not weak!

“Why didn’t Nuoshou and the little man come over today, it’s so boring for me to stand here as a lucky star.”

Tam attacks the stone man in front of him.

Then he turned his head to look at Ephelius, who silently output behind him.

“You’re right, Ephaelius.”


Ephaelius’s face turned dark, and he wanted to give Tam a shot.

“Hey! I really can’t speak, so what’s the use of changing this setting. Tam grinned.

“Are these guys so good at playing?” Mu Qiu looked at Ephaelius, and now Ephaelius was indeed silent.

But didn’t he see that Ephaelius had just taken poison?

A resident spirit suddenly appeared on the ground and began to attack the stone beetle.

This is the skill of Ephelius.

After the stone beetle was defeated, Mu Qiu looked at the useless stick and recurve bow in his hand and was a little speechless.

This is forced to make him synthesize a sheep knife, right?

Open the Chess Soul group at will.

Lisandra, Silas, Ephelius (Chosen), Galen, Cana

This time the golden legend came a little early.

Mu Qiu bought it directly.

[Selected character: Ephaelius (Chosen)

The skill is randomly completed: return the soul moon flash/split the shadow / earth frost dark eclipse / earth frost swell, moon wheel turning, clear glow night condensation

Passive skills: Messenger and True Knower

The bond is randomly completed: Luna]

“Wow, golden… How can you be chosen so early, you like this I am not used to good or not. Tam sighed.

Ephaelius: “…”

Bully him can’t speak now?

There is one gold coin left, and Mu Qiu is just enough to buy a Lisandro.

“I didn’t expect ah, this time I actually met the Chosen so early.” Mu Qiu was also a little surprised.

In this way, the May God is put together!

And the May God can directly upgrade three chess souls to three stars!

Mu Qiu quickly glanced at the 12-star Jiaoyue, and sure enough, his skills were enhanced!

Although the amplitude is not particularly large, it is now much stronger than the situation when it was 9 stars!

The sixth round of the chess soul master is a graduate of Brass Four.

After seeing Mu Qiu, he did not open his mouth to mock like Situ Guang.

After all, the newborn chess soul masters of the brass rank are actually the same as their graduates.

It’s just a question of whether to apply for graduation.

And this first rate is 100%, he can’t afford to mess with it!

“A true master always has the heart of an apprentice!”

Yi started meditation.

In the injury-free state, coupled with the return of blood, the opposite side is not easy to fight at all.

And after exiting the meditative state, Yi, the knife comes with real damage, and the damage is bursting!

In addition, just now Muqiu synthesized the recurve bow and the useless stick into a sheep knife and handed it to Yi.

Now Yi’s combat effectiveness has been slightly improved!

As for the back row on the opposite side, the 12-star Diana equipped with a French explosion directly melted it with a pale waterfall.

“What kind of harm are you!” The chess soul master on the opposite side couldn’t help but complain.

And the next second, suddenly a stream of light fell into the other party’s crowd.

Explode instantly!

Mu Qiu turned his head to look at Ephaelius, good fellow, this product opened a big one silently!

“Ephaelius, you let your sister say two words, so quiet doesn’t look like a chosen chess soul at all.”

Seeing that the outcome of the battle was a foregone conclusion, Tam turned his head and spoke.

Ephaelius did not answer.

Silas also spoke: “I really don’t understand why this guy became like this.” ”

“I remember that Ephaelius seems to be from the Kyaoyue sect.” After Yi killed the opponent’s last chess soul, he opened his mouth and said big.

Then everyone’s eyes turned to Diana.

“What are you looking at me for?” Diana looked at everyone’s gaze a little stunned.

Mu Qiu was also curious and asked, “Diana, your prefix is the goddess of the moon.” ”

“yes, what’s wrong with this?” Diana nodded.

“So this guy…” Tam pointed at Ephelius.

“No, you don’t think I caused this guy to become like this.”

“It’s their own life, what do you do with me?”

Ephelius watched this scene silently without moving.

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