Chicago 1990

Chapter 1083: Solve the case

On the morning of the 5th, Vic McGee drove around in front of the APLUS Hyde Park House. In addition to the extinguished candles at the door, there was also a small blackboard, which was covered with notes left by fans, maybe just got it. With the news of the successful idol surgery, some diehard fans are holding placards and singing his WhereIsTheLove together, sincerely.


Vic was so happy that he parked the car at the feet of the police officers on duty. His former stormtrooper teammates were also fishing in uniforms.

"Vick? Are you on holiday today?" asked his teammate, seeing him in plain clothes, coming over to support the roof of the car.

"Almost, I'm so idle, I'll go out and stroll around." Vic replied.

"I really envy you, that group of Nger just had a night, and the city is short of manpower. We have to come on duty during the day."

The teammate pulled at his uniform and felt helpless, "Someone shot his gun upside down in the car, not far from here, to the west."

"Where's the sheriff?" Vic didn't bother to care about black people making trouble. He couldn't find his old superior among the policemen, he asked.

"Go and help around the three unlucky ghosts," the teammate replied.

"OK." Vic started the car.

"Wait, wait, you don't want to get involved in this case, do you?"

After years of stubborn buddies, teammates reacted immediately and quickly reminded: "There are many FBIs there. You don't think they will forget you?"

"Shxt, I have to leave that ghost office. Hemorrhoids are all sitting down..."

Vic didn't conceal it anymore. He wanted to do his best to get rid of the civilian job of the small town police station. He might be able to earn a bounty from APLUS. If he survives, the addiction to solving crimes will be overwhelming.

"Don't blame us for not reminding you." The teammate understood him and knocked on the roof to stop blocking.

Vic drove the car to the north of the city. Along the way, he saw many shops with smashed windows, as well as tires with black smoke and unpleasant smells. Many cars parked on the roadside were overturned and turned upside down.

Today’s weather in Chicago is good. There is snow but the sky is clear. He drove from the south of the city to the place where the crime occurred in the northern suburbs. There are indeed many FBIs. They should have been the people of his Chicago branch. He didn’t dare to stay too much. Looking at the homework I did last night on the map, I kept driving until I reached a country house.

There are still many police cars, there are still many FBIs, besides candles, flowers, and photos of the three deceased are placed on the lawn at the door. The Midwest is an absolute acquaintance society. Cars stop and come out in black from time to time. Men and women, walk into the house.

Those who don't wear black or police uniforms must be the plainclothes of the Crime Squad or FBI agents. He recognized the old boss who was talking at the door, put on his uniform, and got out of the car.

"Vick? You were seconded back?" The sheriff had a misunderstanding when he saw him. The city bureau had insufficient manpower. To prevent black troubles, he had to set up checkpoints and pull nets on the roads in and out of the city. Many people came on loan from the surrounding area.

", it's just that I personally want to help." Vic didn't dare to lie about this, otherwise his job would be lost, so he smiled flatteringly.

"Don't mess with M-FXXK, go back."

The sheriff immediately swears.

"I am on vacation today. Come and have a look. As a good citizen, can't I be a volunteer policeman?"

"Disappear from me! Get out!"

"Do not be like that……"

As they were grinding hard, seven or eight plainclothes rushed out of the room and rushed to their cars.

"Have you found anything!? Hey!" the sheriff immediately asked loudly.

"We caught them at a motel on the border of Wisconsin!" After the other party answered, they all got in the car and galloped away.

"Damn! Let the FBI take the lead, then let's go too! Keep up with them!"

The sheriff quickly called his own person, "Don't come here! This is my last warning!" Knowing Vic's temper, he gave the other party a document, "Go here and help your old colleagues take notes. Don't play tricks!"


Vic salutes and just gets the errand. He doesn’t believe how active the FBI will be. He called his old colleague last night. In fact, the feedback he got was that the Chicago branch of the FBI was very perfunctory on the APLUS shooting. Effort, reason...

Naturally it is related to myself.

The sheriff also took the people away quickly. Vic was not in a hurry to go to the address on the document, went in the house twice, and by the way "borrowed" the landline inside to call his eldest daughter in Alaska. Don't worry about the life of APLUS, the operation has been successful.

Without getting any clues, he touched his bald head and drove into the car to go to the address given by the sheriff, a bar frequently visited by local red necks.

"Yes, the father of the three deceased came frequently and asked about land sales some time ago. I told him not to trust those real estate developers. Maybe there is oil under the farmland, and he would lose money when he sells it."

Old colleagues were helping local police officers to make transcripts. An old cowboy who was questioned said: “Later, he said that he had met the Nger singer who was shot twice and talked about selling land. It didn’t look like a scam. That Nger singer is not bad and honest. Just this, other...I don't know anymore."

Vic hooked up with an old colleague, policewoman, and took a job from her.

It's nothing more than asking questions according to the procedures. The regular customers of these country bars are happy to accept and adjust to the boring life.

"You mean, that father often sits with foreigners with strange faces? What time?"

Keeping transcripts, until noon, Vic finally got useful news from a drunk who was drunk in the morning, "Are these three people?" He showed him the police photos and sketches of the suspect.

"I don't remember, but... not three, but four."

"Four? Are you sure?"

"I can...I can be sure, there are four." The alcoholic replied, "They came often some time ago."

"There should be another one who will pick you up by car." The policewoman, an old colleague, interjected.

"Since when did you come to this bar?" Vic continued to ask. UU reading

The drunkard shook his head.

"I also have witnesses here." The old colleague, the policewoman, pointed to a witness who seemed more reliable. "He recognized the three suspects who often sat with the deceased. They seemed to have a good chat... these people There is an East Coast accent. We are arranging someone to make a sketch and portrait to find the fourth person."

"keep the change."

A police officer came in and said, "The FBI killed him in a motel just now, and the injured gunman. Only one person is at large now." He pointed to the most fierce criminal in the sketch.

"Have you confirmed your identity?" Vic asked.

"I am doing a fingerprint database comparison. If there is a case, the results should not be slow."

"Sorry, Vic, your chance of doing meritorious service is gone." The old colleague policewoman teased.

Vic McGee angrily put away the pen and paper.

‘The FBI has just killed two criminals in a hunt on the highway leading to Wisconsin. One of them is a suspect involved in the shooting of APLUS. He is currently unknown. Another person is considered by the FBI to be a driver and a real shooting planner. After a fingerprint database comparison, the FBI believes that his name is McTorry, and he committed many major bank robberies in the Midwest in the early years...’

In the afternoon, the TV station began to sing praises for the FBI, "The FBI Chicago branch claimed that this was an extremely difficult battle. Two bandits fought stubbornly with the help of favorable terrain, and many agents were injured in the crossfire... Progress in the shooting of the APLUS case. Fast, but the FBI also admits that the criminal motive is still a mystery."

'The latest news, the identity of the only gunman who is at large has been identified. Trevor Phillips, an Italian-Canadian, has reported that he has successfully escaped back to Canada. The border police of the two countries are currently conducting joint operations. The FBI believes he has an automatic rifle. Waiting for heavy firepower...'

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