Chicago 1990

Chapter 603: BoyStop

In winter, most of the evergreen shrubs in Chicago are coniferous trees. Vic rushed forward, breathing as heavy as a bellows, and he didn't feel pain when he was scratched.

"You two, go over there! Do you know what to do?"

"rest assured!"

The blood stains on the ground could not be identified. He took Xiao En and let the other two subordinates dispersed and searched. After about a few hundred meters, he suddenly heard the voice of someone talking in front of him, picked up the automatic rifle and rushed over.

"Chicago Police Department! Put down your arms and raise your hands! Quick! Raise your hands!"

He saw two black men in suits squatting on the ground with their backs to him. The flashlights in their hands were shining into the bushes in front. There was a young black man lying down there, as if he had hung up. After a puddle of blood, "Stand up slowly, don't play tricks!" He took the gun and aimed.

"Relax, we are FBI agents! Our own!"

The two black men stood up obediently, holding their documents in one hand and guns in the other.

"Leave the gun down! Immediately!"

"OK, OK, don't get excited." The two black men let their guns fall freely and fell to the ground.

Sean rushed to kick the gun away.

"Hey, don't be a police officer, it's hard to find this stuff at night." The two FBIs were in a good mood, half complaining and half teasing.

"Why are you here!?" Vic went to check their documents in angrily, and after comparing the photos and faces, he reluctantly returned the documents to the other party.

"You screwed it up, didn't you?" The FBI agent took the ID back into his pocket and asked back.

Vic ignored him, climbed directly into the bushes, stretched out his hand to poke the deceased’s mouth away, without gold teeth, "Fxxk!" He cursed with anger, turned around and glared at the two FBIs, "There is at least one suspect. At large, right? Where did you go?"

"Hey, be polite to the person who wipes your ass, detective."

The FBI agent smiled.

"Where did the suspect escape!?" Vic yelled at them madly.

"This way? No, it seems to be over there? Uh, I don't remember clearly..." An FBI agent pointed in different directions. "Why don't you stay here and call an ambulance? It's up to you to catch criminals. Just give it to us."

The other agent was amused by his colleague's pretense, and looked at Vic and Sean with mocking eyes.

"Fxxkyou, FBI bad guy, let's go!"

Vic scolded an swear word, observed the fall of the bushes, and picked a possible direction to continue chasing down.


Sean in the back accidentally fell, "Vick, wait! Wait for me!" he shouted.

Vic had to stop and go back to help his teammates, "Look, what is this?" Shaun slipped because he stepped on an M1911 pistol. He took the gun in his hand and found a Bugs Bunny on the magazine. Binny's cartoon stickers.

"Little Binny? That means we are in the right direction..."

Vic and Sean looked at each other, overjoyed, suspended the safety of the gun, then pulled out of the magazine, put them in their pockets, and the two continued to pursue them.

On the old Mike’s side, he quietly stayed away from the intersection and used the sniper rifle scope to observe the helicopter in the sky. The big searchlight beam was easy to distinguish. He found that the opponent was searching for something over the bushes, decisively short and extended the cordon. Move outside, trying to block the line leading to the highway in the direction of the helicopter.

Police cars and ambulances arrived on the highway from time to time, followed by the media's broadcast vehicle, and their helicopters appeared in the distance.

Old Mike had to hide in an abandoned cargo yard nearby. Like Detroit, Chicago's heavy industry is declining, and there are many such places in the suburbs. He found a cover and lay down. While continuing to observe with the scope, he fumbled for a small radio from his arms and put on half of his earphones.

‘Emergency incident, a gun battle occurred on the outskirts of Chicago. The police have blocked the roads. Motorists, please take the initiative to avoid related routes, including the nearby Highway No....

‘According to people familiar with the matter, the gun battle has resulted in three deaths and one arrested. This station will continue to track and confirm the death and the identity of the arrested... There is no news of police casualties. ’

‘In the latest news, the party involved in the shootout is the South City gang leader. The police suspect that the gang nicknamed Sinaloa is related to several homicides in Chicago and New York...’

Old Mike bared his teeth, installed a sniper rifle on the scope, loaded the bullet, and placed the observation target on the road, especially the vehicle leaving the scene.

The two ambulances drove away wow, and he quickly aimed at the one among the three police cars behind, because there were three people sitting vaguely in the back seat, which is usually the configuration of escorting prisoners.

He adjusted his breath, his muzzle slowly followed the police car, aimed at the head of the passenger in the middle of the back row in the loop, and hit the trigger with his index finger.

The lights of police cars and ambulances were very bright, and the colors were so many and flashing. Old Mike's eyes quickly became unbearable and his bags began to shake.

He persisted, finally waiting for the best viewing angle, the face of the black passenger in the middle clearly appeared in the scope.

I don't know, not Sinaloa.


He exhaled heavily, the old man relaxed in an instant, took off the trigger, pressed his undulating chest, and turned over fortunately, "Ho! How old..." He looked up at the sky and muttered to himself.

Unknowingly, it has arrived at 5:30 in the morning. The helicopters hovering over the bushes have been changed several times. The helicopters of the media have been removed. Except for the barking of police dogs in the forest, everything seems It has come to the final stage. Although the sky in Chicago is still dark, the traffic on the road has gradually increased.

‘The Chief of the Chicago Police Department has just accepted an interview from this station’s reporter. He said that the current situation is basically under control, but there are still suspects at large and they are likely to carry heavy firepower. I hope nearby residents will stay vigilant and not go out...’

Old Mike listened to the radio, his eyelids drooping, he took out a metal bottle from his arms, poured a large sip of whiskey, then disassembled the sniper rifle, and wiped all the fingerprints on it with a soft cloth. They were stuffed into several scrap metal pipes in the yard.

After finishing the finishing work and preparing to quietly return to the car, suddenly, he heard a slight rustling behind his ears, as if it were made by a person's foot on the leaves, and he immediately dodged to hide.

"do not move."

It was late, accompanied by the cold muzzle on the back of the head, someone commanded: "Hmm, hands, raise up, don't stretch out in your arms! I'm staring at you, I will shoot if I dare to play tricks."

Old Mike reluctantly raised his hand to surrender.

"Ok, very good, turn around slowly."

Old Mike rolled his eyes, turned around, and saw the other person's true face clearly, "Kenneth Brother!? Why are you?"

"Mike? WTF what are you doing here!?"

'boom! Boom! At this time, fierce gunfight broke out again in the bushes across the road.

Vic was sitting in a clearing in the bush with shame and panting. Even the bulletproof vest was taken off and thrown at his feet. After hearing the gunshots, he was agitated, "Sean, go! Go!" Put on the bulletproof vest and rush to the place where the incident happened.

Walking through the dense bushes, he heard a man's painful groan, "Put down your weapon!" He approached with an automatic rifle, and a white man in a suit was lying on the ground with his ID in his hand.

"It's the FBI again!"

He casually threw the document back into the opponent's arms.

"Hey! Don't do that, police officer! I was shot, okay!? Hurry up and call an ambulance!" The FBI agent was pressing his other hand on his thigh, blood flowing from his fingers.

"Where is the suspect?" Vic asked.

"Running there..." The FBI agent pointed towards the highway.

"You're very lucky buddy, you didn't hurt your arteries." Xiao En helped with a simple check, and smiled happily.

"He's alone?"

"Yes, it's just one person, my captain is still chasing..." FBI agent replied, "Hey! Hurry up! I'm going to die!"

"Report, report, there is an FBI agent injured here, call for helicopter support, over." Sean opened the walkie-talkie on his shoulder to report.

"Please specify the location, over."

"Your direction at nine o'clock." Sean looked at the position of the helicopter in the sky and pointed out: "Yes, go straight. It's near a big tree next to it."

Vic pulled the mink coat on the ground with his feet, "Do you see what the suspect looks like?"

"No, that kid is as flexible as a rabbit..."

Vic and Sean looked at each other and saw that the large searchlight of the helicopter had moved over, so they chased in the direction of the highway again.

"Hey! Don't leave me alone!" FBI agent shouted at the back of them.

When Vic chased to the edge of the road, he heard a gunshot from the abandoned yard opposite, and hurriedly signaled for the shuttle car while crossing the road.

When he and Sean got into the yard and saw the fourth guy in a suit, he was pointing his gun at the outside warily, "Who is there?"

"Chicago Police Department!" Vic held the police badge in his hand.

"Come in, you are always a step behind us, haha!" It turned out to be the FBI, and the other party put Vic and Sean in, "This time you are all embarrassed..."

As he said, he kicked a black man lying on the ground with his gun far away, squatted down, and touched his carotid artery with his hand. "There is still help." He briefly checked, "You, help call an ambulance. It only hurts the chest cavity, which should not be fatal."

"You, help hold him here." The FBI captain ordered the two.

Xiao En Yiyan walked over, pressed the young black man's wounds, and at the same time opened the other's lips, the diamonds on the two golden front teeth were shiny.

He nodded slightly to Vic.

"Ho! Just now this kid almost killed me, the bullet was far away from my left cheek." The FBI captain was nagging fearfully. He found a nearby pile of materials and sat down. He wiped his sweat as he gestured, "Hey, call an ambulance, this kid must have a lot of information, it's all ours."

Vic's eyes flickered, his left thumb and index finger struck the corner of his mouth desperately, his right hand on the walkie-talkie on his shoulder, but did not press the call button, "I need an ambulance here, we are on the side of the road..."

As he spoke, he walked outside the yard, pretended to look at the specific address and observed it. No one else was found. He quietly reached into his pocket and touched Little Binny's gun.

"When will I be here?" The agent asked casually when he returned inside.

"Soon, this is next to the highway, and your gunshots have caught their attention just now."

Vic looked at the back of the FBI captain's head and turned his body sideways to block the sight of the opponent who might have observed his right hand holding the gun. His tongue kept licking his lower lip, his breathing became more and more rapid, and large large drops of sweat dripped from his bald head.

Sean saw all this, "NO! STOP!" He lipped silently to Vic in horror, "Are you crazy? Areyoucrazy!?"

Vic felt a little lack of oxygen, his consciousness was vague, a drop of sweat stuck to his eyelashes, he shook his head sharply, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

"Not here yet?"

The FBI captain stood up, "I have to say, your Chicago police department is really bad."

"Uh, cough cough." Vic's throat was so hoarse that he didn't should be fast. "

"Please reminder..."

The FBI captain turned his head and saw the black muzzle raised in Vic's hand, ‘bang! ’

With a gunshot, he was hit directly between the eyebrows at close range.

"You are crazy! Vic!" Sean saw the FBI inspector who fell on the ground, so angry that he rushed over and slammed Vic, "Is it worth the money for APLUS? Ah!? Is it worth it!? You just murdered the FBI!"

"Shut up, Sean, it's us."

Vic wiped the fingerprints from the gun with his clothes. "You have to calm down immediately, or we will both go to the electric chair." He rushed to the young black man lying on the ground, put the gun in his hand, and carefully Put his finger into the trigger, then wrapped his hands and pressed it hard.

"We'll be over sooner or later..." Shaun hugged his head in pain and squatted beside the body of the FBI agent.

"Ho ho..." Unexpectedly, the young black man had some signs of being sober, and his eyelids kept shaking.

"Little Binny?" Vic asked, sticking to his ear.


"Tell me brother, Barron betrayed us... let him be careful..."

"Who is your brother?"

Sinaloa shook his head and passed out again.

Vic didn't intend to let him live. He observed the wound on his chest, then picked up his body and leaned against the corner. Soon, the blood in his throat blocked the airway. He began to vomit blood, spasm, and gradually Stopped breathing.

Heardyoudancing, boy, stop

Needalesson, boy, stop

Ain\'tnomissing, boy, stop

Withthatpopping, boy, stop

Under the opened vest, the cyan tattoo was soaked in blood.

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