Chicago 1990

Chapter 895: Forest offer

‘Miss Kelly has forgiven APLUS for a long time, and she also asks the public not to make excessive guesses and attacks on APLUS. This is just a personal issue between the two and they will be very good friends in the future. ’

Sandy Glenn is on TV again, "I noticed that some media are beginning to chase unrestrictedly. Miss Kelly will retain the right to pursue investigations. I also ask everyone to give her and APLUS some personal space..."

The reporter then interviewed a group of girls who were holding posters of the two former love photos outside the Tribeca building, ‘my APLUS has already apologized in front of the camera, what do you want him? He is so sincere! ’

The girls cried very sadly: "It's just a temporary breakup. Doesn't that mean he loves Mariah Carey after he shed tears on the spot? I will definitely get back together again after a while! I firmly believe!"

Song Ya heard the sound as soon as he woke up, poked her head out of the bedroom and saw Xue Linfen wearing her big T-shirt, sitting curled up on the sofa in the outside suite, wearing small myopic glasses, looking down at something, from time to time Still tapping on the calculator.

In the past, I picked up the remote control on the armrest of the sofa and turned off the TV. "Is it watching the budget?" Song Ya is a half-savvy, seeing that the file in her hand should be the budget of the crew.


Xue Linfen moved aside and let the man squeeze in and sit down, "The 750,000 that Yeremov transferred to me will cost half by next week."

"No problem, right? It's just three weeks of shooting. The main expenditure is the actor's salary. The top and bottom spend the most money."

Song Ya followed and took a few glances. This year’s black-themed small production by A+ Film Studio told the love story of a woman and three men in the neighborhood, with a little bit of female independence and anti-discrimination themes. The answer is very standard, compared to the previous one. Higher budgets and more entertainment, "In short, as a newcomer to the industry, there will be no major problems in maintaining financial discipline. If you exceed the budget, tell Yeremov that he will find a way and don't pay for it out of pocket. "

"So I'm calculating." She pressed the calculator again.

"So diligent?" Song Ya teased and disturbed her with a smile.

"Don't make trouble..."

She pulled the man's hand away, and chuckled herself out with a laugh, "You don't know how much I envy those filmmakers since I entered the industry. They are the emperors of the whole crew. When I was filming the moon love..." she Halfway through, I said, "Thanks anyway. I like this new job. I want to do it well."

Hey, I have watched that movie a long time ago, many times, or maybe...

"Just like wait." Song Ya remembered a plot in the film, excitedly got up and took out the new digital video camera, as well as the tripod.

"You're so disgusting." She glanced at it and went on to settle the account.

"May I?"

Song Ya is a hungry tiger after debugging.

She didn't resist much, but she didn't want to cooperate. She pushed the man's chest weakly with her hands.

"Oh, right." Song Ya felt okay, and then remembered to pick up rubber products.

"Wait." She didn't expect to be pulled by the corner of her clothes, "I like children, APLUS."

"Little Robb..."

Song Ya looked at her staring into her own eyes, and the beautiful face filled with the old glory of Hollywood's golden age.

"I think he should have a younger brother or younger sister, otherwise he will be lonely." She said, "I am getting older and older. I must hurry up..."

Song Yaleng stayed on the spot, his emotions instantly retreated, and he remained silent.

"Okay?" She said frankly and seriously: "You should believe that I am not using your money. We can even sign a legal agreement tomorrow..."

"I'm not hesitating to raise children's money."

Song Ya was defeated under her gaze. A woman's willingness to give birth to herself is a certain kind of affirmation. "It's mainly a matter of public opinion. We must be concerned. At least some preparations must be made in advance. For example, I am divorced now. Time is too close, the media will talk nonsense that I am in marriage..."

"I will cooperate no matter what, I no longer miss the Hollywood spotlight." She said firmly.

"Okay." Bailian tempered into a soft finger, and the two kissed deeply.

She left the next morning while Little Robb was still asleep, still taking a low-key speedboat, but was quietly photographed by reporters when she came to the airport, and the evidence was conclusive.

Just after the divorce, I met the child's mother in secret. This set the last coffin board for his scumbag. Sloan made an idea to say goodbye to Robb before going to school and was captured by a local reporter from a distance. The external explanation was that she missed the child and asked Xue Linfen to send Robb, but with little success.

‘We can do the same as before, me, you, Halle and Amy. ‘Fitch reacted fastest and couldn’t wait to send a text message to ask for a price.’ Would the woman who gave birth to you also be willing? ’

‘Don’t make trouble. Song Ya returned one.

Not only Xue Linfen is unwilling, but Amy is also unwilling now. She has sent endless text messages expressing love. She said she doesn’t mind the harm in career. As long as she can be together and be a real girlfriend, marriage can be temporarily absent. Consider it, but I will never mess around with Fergie and myself in the future.

Song Ya chose to drag it first, and wait until the Oscars ceremony at the end of the month.

"After the commander signed and approved the bills of Jesse Helms and Dunburton, the two obtained the largest political capital in their respective election years, and they were re-elected very securely. Even if Jesse Helms raised only the last time this year. Halfway through the election, he only returned to North Carolina this month, and then devoted himself to the duties of the Foreign Affairs Committee, beginning to deal with UN reforms and countermeasures against the Helmsburton Act by other countries. "

Another weekend, the heat of divorce began to ebb after the two stopped singing Beef. Ms. Sloan followed him to the studio in the same car, this time to shoot the last MV of the 21 album, Angelina.

“At present, traditional allies such as the European Union, Benzi, Canada, and Mexico have begun to strongly protest, and Latin American countries have reacted more intensely. They have unanimously passed condemnation cases at the Organization of American States Congress, the Latin American Party Congress, and the Latin American Parliament to protest our exercise of long-arm jurisdiction. In addition to de facto extraterritoriality, the Rio Group also said it would submit related disputes to the International Court of Justice. Not to mention China and others."

Song Ya held Xiao Luobai and listened quietly to her introduction, "Although the commander approved this bill, the specific effective date is May 29th? There is still some time for maneuver."

"In short, this time the commander probably never expected such a strong international response."

Sloan said: "He intended to please Southern voters in this year's general election, digging into the corner of Bob Dole's basics and alliance with Jesse Helms."

"Does he need Jesse Helms so much?" Song Ya frowned.

"Yes, you know, the United States is a young country. Although we are the only superpower now, we can never fully achieve our political goals in the United Nations and other international organizations. After a round of meetings and multilateral negotiations, the history A country with a long history and a deep bureaucratic tradition can always reap a lot of benefits inexplicably. We are strong, but the art of governance is still lacking."

Sloan replied: "So the commander wants to try Jesse Helms's hard line. If the United Nations and other important international institutions are not reformed, if we don’t let us be the masters, we will pay less or not pay the membership fee. We have opened up a new battlefield in terms of interests, and will no longer be pleasing to traditional allies, and use unilateral actions to punish and coerce and lure some small countries."

"Yeah. Although Jesse Helms is very old, he still does it in a young rice style, unscrupulous and rampant."

Song Ya nodded, "This is a test of the chief's political skills."

"In short, Jesse Helms definitely doesn't have time to take care of your small case, maybe this page will be turned over." Sloan laughed: "Of course, it's safest to get Old Barn in advance. Did he get in touch?"

"No, Easter is on the 7th of next month. A few days later, I can't have time to direct them to sing a new song. I am busy divorcing during this time..."

Song Ya said: "And suddenly I ran to instruct a white old money church choir that would be scolded to death by the black community. I rarely go to William's church in recent years, let alone direct the chorus. Old Barn is not important yet. Past my basic disk."

"That's it." Sloan agreed.

The set arrived Old Mike stopped, Mavota, who was helping a dad with a backpack on his chest, came over and took Little Robb from Song Ya.

"Dad has to work." Song Ya teased his son who had just woke up, "It's a pity that you stayed in Chicago not long ago, otherwise I'll hire a tutor for you."

"Tutor?" Sloan frowned. "Is he only two years old?"

"Preschool education."

A group of people walked in, "Boss, your phone." Linda chased up from behind, "It's Mira," she whispered.

"Hey!" The former ex-girlfriend returned to the United States without any movement. Song Ya thought she was really just responding to the reporter's visit to her father who was in jail. "I haven't contacted for a long time, how are you doing?"

"That...that it still valid?" Mira asked softly on the other end.

"What?" Song Ya stopped.

"The song you mentioned to me at the New York Fashion Week party."


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