Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 128 Li Hao Gave Up Slr, And All The Tough Guys In The 4Am Team Shed Tears

When the plane finally arrived at the polar bear capital, thirty hours had passed since it took off, because it required two transfers before finally arriving at the polar bear capital.

When the PCL division all-star team came to the polar bear capital, there were at least thousands of fans waiting outside the airport to pick them up.

Because the relationship between the two countries has always been very good, and more importantly, these fans are almost all Li Hao's biggest fans in the polar bear country.

At the airport, Li Hao fulfilled the fans' autograph requests, and finally left the airport under the escort of security guards and arrived at the five-star hotel closest to the competition venue.

This is also the official hotel recognized by the Polar Bear Capital for hosting the Global All-Star Game.

At this moment, a team has already arrived at the five-star hotel to check in.

After the PCL Division All-Star team successfully checked in, they all felt very hungry and went straight to the restaurant.

When the PCL Division All-Star Team came to the restaurant, all the All-Star players from other countries who were dining could not help but look at the PCL Division All-Star Team.

In an instant, all kinds of different languages ​​appeared.

"The all-star team from the PCL division is here!"

"Is that person walking in front the same Lishen who is known as the number one player in the PCL division and the number one person in the world in PUBG?"

"Haoshen led the 4am team to win the world championship in the global finals last year. I heard that this year they also won the championship in the first stage of the league and the intercontinental competition.

Suddenly, these all-star players from all over the world and major competition areas all looked at Li Hao.

Because, Li Hao's reputation has spread not only to the PCL region, but also to all over the world.

There was no way around it. There was a peerless sniper like him among professional players, which naturally attracted the attention of many professional players.

And Li Hao is very happy.

Polar bears are just different.

Nowadays, in this hotel restaurant, meat is everywhere, all kinds of meat can be seen everywhere, and barbecues are everywhere.

Li Hao's staple food is meat, and then he eats some polar bear local delicacies.

Li Hao was very full.

At this time, after eating and returning to the room, it is time to go to bed and start adjusting to the jet lag.

In fact, there is no need to deliberately adjust the time difference. The time difference between the Magic City and the Polar Bear Capital is 4 hours. In other words, the Magic City is 4 hours ahead of the Polar Bear Capital, but even so, it is best to adjust to the local time difference.

In this case, you will be more energetic during the game.

However, players from all-star teams from various countries in the pel division do not need to adjust to the time difference.

But at this time, with the Global All-Star Game about to start, Tencent's promotion around the world has already begun. At this time, we are just waiting for the official start of the game at 5 pm local time in the Polar Bear Capital on June 20.

Because there are so many countries and regions that have signed up to participate in this Global All-Star Game, it is divided into four groups, with twelve teams in each group. Among them, the top six in the group stage will advance to the total team.

For the group stage, it will take three days.

For the finals, it will be five days.

In short, the Global All-Star Game is a long game format.

It is more conducive to the performance of strong teams, because even if strong teams do not play well on the first day, they will have time to adjust next.

But if the game is short and the team does not perform well sometimes, then they will really be eliminated.

The group stage is a single round robin.

Among them, the PCL division all-star team was assigned to Group A.

In other words, on the first day of the group stage, the PCL division all-star team will play.

June 20, local noon.

The all-star team rushed to the competition venue.

Debugging peripherals, live broadcast equipment, etc.

By the time everything is finished, it will be almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

Then, at 5 p.m., the 2020 Global All-Star Game officially begins.

At this time, in China, it is nine o'clock in the evening.

The first day of the showdown was between Group A and Group B.

Among them, this group stage can be described as a strong showdown.

Because the leader of Group A is the PCL All-Star team.

The leader of Group B is the All-Star Team of Beautiful Country, also known as the Outrageous Team.

In an instant, the three commentators responsible for broadcasting and commentating in China were all ready.

"We saw the game officially started. According to the information we collected before, there was no conflict between our PCL Division All-Star Team and the Beautiful Country All-Star Team at the jump point on the island map. They were jumping to P City, and we were the main jump The jumping point is in City Y. But on the desert map, the jumping points of our two all-star teams are completely in conflict, both are Picado."

"Moreover, if our PCL All-Star team jumps to City Y, we will face this roll point. However, the teams with the same roll point as our PCL All-Star team are not very strong."

"If our PCL Division All-Star Team wants to win this Global All-Star Game, the biggest competitor will naturally be the Beautiful Country All-Star Team, followed by the Polar Bear All-Star Team. And then, there will be all-star teams from various countries in the PCL Division. Star teams, of course, such as the PKL Division All-Star Team are also capable and should not be underestimated."

"Of course, on the stage of this global all-star game, there are almost many well-known stars gathered here, such as Team Li Kui, Team Faze, Team Liquid, etc. from the PEL Division."

"At this time, the PCL division all-star team has already started parachuting, and it will be rolled soon!"

But at this time, the roll point that the audience wanted to see was not rolled.

Because of the all-star team that jumped into Y City, two and two were separated.

Two went to Building 5, and two went to the police station and the court.

They did not jump into the sea view building with the PCL All-Star team. It is obvious that they did not just roll when they landed. Maybe they had an in-depth understanding of the PCL All-Star team before and knew some playing styles and roll skills and tactics.

So they want to avoid not having guns in the early stage, wait until they find guns, and then slowly play with the PCL division all-star team.

When Li Hao saw this scene, a hint of indifference appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Since they want to take it slow, let's take our time. Once the guns are found, they all come to the garage to combine, and then we go straight to the police station." Li Hao said with a smile.

Li Hao knew in his heart that this all-star team thought they would hit five buildings, but Li Hao did the opposite and hit the police station. Although this housing area is easy to defend and difficult to attack, there is only one person When guarding, they simply couldn't withstand the firepower attack of the four super giants of the PCL All-Stars.

Immediately, the PCL Division All-Star Team quickly got the gun, and then Li Hao drove directly through the wheat field, circled around, and then directly came to the wall outside the police station.

At this time, before the professional players who jumped into the police station had finished searching, they suddenly heard the sound of a car.

"They're coming to kill me!"

Immediately called time.

But by this time, it was already too late.

Li Hao took the lead in climbing over the wall and went in directly.

At this moment, the professional player in the police station was trembling.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The PCL division all-star team, looking around the world, is a top-notch team.

Looking at the world, there are only a few teams that can compete with the All-Star teams from the PCL division.

And this definitely does not include them.

Therefore, he could only hide in the room and remain motionless.

At this time, Li Hao took Brother Long and Ming Ming and the others straight to the roof, but they didn't meet each other along the way.

"He must be hiding in a small room in our building, and if nothing else, he is hiding in a small room near the court, because he will subconsciously ask his court teammates to shoot him. We work in groups of two and two. Yasuko followed me, obviously in the same group as Brother Long and you. We divided into two groups and searched different floors respectively. Now we go to the next floor and start searching from the first floor. 17

Of course, on the panoramic map, Li Hao clearly knew where he was, but he had to act.

So, Mingming and Brother Long went to the first floor, while Li Hao took Kangzi to the second floor.

Haotian, I'll go first, you come and refill my guns!" Kangzi said in a deep voice.

Immediately, Kangzi and Li Hao lined up in small rooms.

And at this moment, when Yasuko stepped into a small room, suddenly, gunfire rang out.

At this moment, Li Hao and Kang Zi fired at the same time.

At this moment, the two people had no communication at all. Yasuko hit the inside of the room, while Li Hao attacked the gunman in the court.

In an instant, Li Hao and Kang Zi cooperated perfectly and killed these two all-star players in no time.

At this moment, Mingming and Brother Long wanted to go to the second floor after hearing the gunfire.

"You two go to the court next door and make up for him. Then, stay in the court and see if their teammates will come over."

At this time, Yasuko had already beaten and repaired the fallen all-star player in the room.

Then, there is the bag licking.

After Li Hao got the magnifying glass and SLR, he went to the roof of the police station.

"You three cross the road and go to the C-shaped building to continue searching. I'll keep an eye on the remaining two in this team." Li Hao said in a deep voice.

As soon as these words came out, Mingming, Brother Long, and Kangzi all crossed the road and continued to search for supplies.

At this time, Li Hao looked at them and locked them in the fifth building.

"Haotian, if they go back, you have to inform us!" Ming Ming said solemnly.

"Of course, they don't have a car. If they dare to leave the fifth building, they will definitely go to Lake Meilan to try their luck and find a car. And as long as they dare to leave, then we dare to chase them. However, we must also Let’s see how the circle goes. We are not in a hurry. You search for supplies first, and when the supplies are sufficient, we will go out to fight. The throwing objects need to be filled, and you don’t need to bring too many medical supplies, and then there are bullets, which don’t need too many. Anyway, at the moment We in City Y are still in the circle. If the second circle is still the center circle, then we need to carry bullets. At the very least, we can draw the target here for several circles." Li Hao said with a smile.

At this moment, PCL Village.

The All-Star team won the first battle, exciting hundreds of millions of players in the PCL region.

"Haha, as expected of me, God Hao, I just want to kill them all!"

"This team is really brave. Our PCL division all-star team jumped here, and they still dare to come. So, naturally, they will never come back."

"Hao Shen is watching, the other three are going out to search. Anyway, the fifth building doesn't dare to mess with Hao Shen!"

"No, the two of them from Wudong seem to be touching Haoshen!"

0Please ask for flowers......

"It's over, I don't know if God Hao has noticed it!"

At this moment, sharp-eyed players caught a glimpse of them moving through the first-person live broadcast room of the PCL Division All-Star Team, that is, the live broadcast room of Li Hao, the captain of the All-Star Team and the conductor.

Of course, it is impossible for Li Hao not to know.

"If they have the idea of ​​beating me, you go to the church to gather immediately. Once I knock one down, you just cross the road and bury them!" Li Hao said solemnly.

So Brother Long, Mingming and Kangzi all rushed to the church.

And at this moment, Li Hao aimed at their passing point.

At this moment when they passed, the SLR fired two extremely accurate shots.

Head, knocking one down directly.

"Fengyan, cross the road, Kangzi straightened up, and obviously rushed to the fourth brother Long!" Li Hao's orders always came in a timely manner.

In an instant, Brother Long and Mingming each threw a smoke bomb in a straight line, and then rushed towards the road with a macho gun.

At this time, Yasuko turned into Brother Zhijia and kept holding them at the point where they might show up.

Sure enough, when he heard the smoke on the road, the last living professional player of this team did not choose to save people immediately, but took the lead in throwing projectiles into his eyes, trying his luck.

But the moment he failed to control his position and came out to throw the Molotov cocktail, Yasuko, who had been standing straight, dropped him instantly.

In an instant, this team was completely wiped out by the PCL All-Star team.

4 points were recorded, as well as various supplies.

In addition, hidden dangers have also been eliminated.

In this case, Li Hao currently has 2 kills, Kangzi has 2 kills, and Brother Long and Brother Ming have suffered damage, but no kill points have been recorded yet, but they are not in a hurry.

Returning to the police station with supplies, the PCL Division All-Star Team is now sitting at this high point.


When the second circle of safe zones was refreshed, Li Hao immediately said: "Go and bring all the bullets here, we are going to prepare for the target draw."

Immediately, the other three super giants took action, throwing projectiles and medicines on the roof of the building, and then went down to transport bullets.

But now, the four members of the PCL Division All-Star team all have the same firearms.

As for melee weapons, they are all this macho gun.

Only for continuous sniping, Yasuko only has the SKS marksman rifle in his hand.

When Yasuko returned to the roof, Li Hao dropped the SLR.

"Yangzi, give me the SKS shooter rifle and pick up the SLR!" Li Hao said solemnly.

Yasuko was a little surprised and refused and said: "Haotian, just keep using the SLR. Your SLR is so accurate. I will use the SKS shooter rifle and I can hit the target just as well!"

"This is an order!" Li Hao said solemnly.

Immediately, Kang Zicai dropped the SKS shooter rifle and picked up the SLR dropped by Li Hao.

At this time, fans were stunned.

"Damn it, is this our God Hao?"

"Playing in the Global All-Star Game is really extraordinary!"

"I've never seen our God Hao be so selfless before!"

"Listen, it still takes God Hao to give an order before Kangzi dares to pick up that cannon!"

"The tactical discipline of the All-Star team is so strictly enforced!"

"Damn it, at this time, when Wei Shen and the others who are watching the battle see this scene and hear these words, they will make the macho man cry!"

As a result, countless fans flocked to Wei Shen's live broadcast room.

And at this moment, Wei Shen naturally heard these words.

"Damn it, Haotian is such a wall. When the hell comes back, I'm going to kill him. He has never given up SLR to us in any fucking game. So now, he actually gives up to Yasuko

SLR, this is such a treatment that none of us have ever enjoyed, and he actually gave it to Kangzi first!" Wei Shen said loudly.

Wei Shen, of course, knows the effects of live streaming very well.

"That's right, I got an SLR in the competition. He only had a mini, so he forced me to trade guns with him. Now it's good, he even took the initiative to give Yasuko an SLR

!" Victim No. 1, Brother Lost and Silent Epiphyllum, speaks forever.

"I had a Macho plus SLR that time. He had an M416 with a Mini. He took the Macho plus a cannon from me. But now he gave the cannon to Yasuko. Ah.

Wei, when you want to beat him, call me!" Victim No. 2 Xiaolu said.

At this time, Li Quan picked up the shooter's rifle.

Li Hao smiled and said: "To me, the SKS shooter rifle and the SLR self-loading rifle have similar gun feel. The only thing is that the SKS shooter rifle is more powerful than the SLR."

A little bit smaller. However, as long as two shots hit the head, he will still fall to the ground, even if he has a level three head. "

Anyway, with the skill [Absolute Hit], Li Hao’s hand-held SLR and SKS are almost the same.

"It would be great if an airdrop drops to us later. If an MK14 comes out of the airdrop box, then Haotian you will be invincible!" Kangzi said with a smile.

"Damn it, forget it, let Haotian get the MK14, how can other teams play!" At this moment, Brother Long suddenly remembered the competition in the PCL division.

During the competition, Li Hao got the tragic scene of MK14.

Likewise, Mingming also recalled it.

"That's really the MK14 in my hand. I own the world! That's invincibility, true invincibility!" Ming Ming also smiled widely. .

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