Chicken Eating: Invincible Sniper God

Chapter 138 Li Hao Destroyed The Team Alone In Ten Seconds After Landing, And The Team Battle Was Sh

When the game was about to start, the three commentators from the PCL division who were commentating on the mid-season championship invitational tournament couldn't help but mention the 4am team.

"Our 4am team in the PCL division has recently attracted a lot of attention from major media around the world. All the media in the world have been badmouthing the 4am team."

“I don’t know what exactly the 4am team has done to offend the global media, but now they are so angry and resentful.”

"Haha, the 4am team has always dominated the championship and has always monopolized the championship. Naturally, it will be hated by others. How can other teams not be angry? Doesn't it mean that the champion of every competition has a high bonus, and more important than the bonus is the honor. ."

“Even the Jingdong Cup, the 4am team was able to win the championship in the end, so you can imagine how jealous the 4am team is from other teams in the PCL division.

"In addition, in the just-concluded Global All-Star Game, our Haoshen led the other three super giants to win the championship. The other three super giants did not suffer any provocation from the world's top super giants. But Haoshen is different. , almost the world’s top super giants have issued a challenge to him!”

"Is there a possibility that the world's top super giants may think that Ming Ming, Long Si Ge, and Kang Zi are not a threat to them? No matter how strong Ming Ming, Long Si Brother, and Kang Zi are, they are still just top super giants. Maybe. In the eyes of these top super giants, they still think they are great!"

"That's right, for such a long time, you can't kill the gods and prove the truth. That means that the top super giants in foreign competition regions simply think that Mingming and Brother Long are not worthy of being top super giants.

"Then this mid-season championship invitational tournament is actually a battle to rectify the name of the PCL division! I hope our PL division teams will work hard and let the top teams in the world get to know our big teams in the PCL division again. It's not that we don't work hard, but there is nothing we can do. There is Hao Shen at 4am~!”

With the commentators' teasing, the game officially began.

Map of Erangel Island, route from the back city to the southern airport.

It's over the dormitory building.

When they were approaching the dormitory building, Li Hao took the lead in parachuting.

At the same time, Wei Shen, Yong Yong and Xiao Lu immediately followed.

At this time, after Li Hao skydived, he found that there were four parachutes following him in the air.

Seeing this scene, Li Hao couldn't help but have a flash of murderous intent in his eyes.

"It seems that our 4am team has really lost its intimidating power recently? Nowadays, any team dares to come to the school dormitory to roll points with us. Since they are so enthusiastic about giving away points, there is no reason to refuse them. .

Li Hao was angry.

He landed directly on the roof of the first floor of the dormitory building. When Li Hao got the gun and changed the bullets, the team that came to roll with the 4am team had just landed.

But at this moment, they saw Li Hao had a gun in his hand, and they couldn't help but panic for a moment.

Because no matter what kind of gun Li Hao is holding, if they don't have a gun when they land in this situation, it will be a big killer, not to mention the "stinky hand" is still an AKM.


Da da da!!!

Li Hao opened fire instantly.

A shuttle of bullets, quick transfer and positioning.

The three superstar professional players, who were running around and couldn't find their way, were instantly reminded of Li Hao.

Li Hao changed bullets again. At this time, the last player of the team, perhaps because he was too nervous, jumped from the roof to the balcony on the second floor. He panicked and did not choose the way. Instead of entering the first floor, he headed towards other buildings Run.

So, in this case, when Li Hao changes the bullet, in Li Hao's eyes, he will be a pure target.


Da da da!!!

The AKM opened fire instantly and turned into a ruthless death scythe, directly killing the last one.

In an instant, the team that came to roll against the 4am team was completely destroyed.

At this time, fans of the 4am team were overjoyed when they saw this scene.

"God Hao is indeed still the same God Hao!"

"It took almost ten seconds after landing to wipe out an entire formation."

"With Haoshen, our 4am team will always have hope of competing for the championship."

"Now, look at the faces of the world's top super giants who were provocative before!"

"You still dare to challenge our Haoshen. Do you really think that every top super giant can kill gods and prove the truth? If you really think that the top super giants can kill our Haoshen so easily, then why don't these top super giants in the PCL division take action?"

"Do you think our top super giants in the PCL region have no temper? They don't dare to take action and can't do it because they know they can't beat Haoshen."

"Now, let's see if the 4am team can help Haoshen a little bit!"

At this moment, the directors also had the mentality of global players.

In an instant, the perspective switched directly to the faces of the world's top super giants.

At this moment, these world's top super giants, watching the kill information broadcast refreshed on the top of the screen, were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

His eyes were wide open.


"This is so fucking impossible!"


"God, this isn't true!"

The world's top super giants, including Brother Li Kui, Team Li Kui's Gemini, Team Faze's Big Beard, Wu Shen and other top super giants in the world, all have looks of disbelief on their faces.

But then, they reacted.

This whole team seemed to have been killed by Haoshen alone.

Hope suddenly rose in their hearts.

still have a chance.

This is not the collective credit of the 4am team.

This is entirely Haoshen's personal performance.

Li Hao has such strength, they now come back to their senses [and feel that it is natural.

After all, Li Hao is currently the number one player in PUBG in the world.

Nowadays, it is normal to be in such a state. However, the 4am team must die.

Team 4am cannot be allowed to continue to monopolize the championship.

Otherwise, the global finals at the end of the year will be particularly difficult.

Because the 4am team must be desperate to continue to fight for the global finals championship [try to defend the title].

Even some crazy fans of the 4am team shouted for the establishment of a dynasty!

As for the so-called dynasty, in the e-sports industry, generally speaking, it is necessary to achieve three consecutive world championships.

0.Please give me flowers…………

And if the 4am team really wins this year's global finals, then the 4am team will be the world champion for the second consecutive time. Then there is only one world championship left to establish an e-sports dynasty of the 4am team.

In this case, how could these professional players in the PUBG division allow it?

But now, seeing this circle, many top teams closest to the center of the circle have directly occupied the center of the circle.

Li Hao couldn't help but sigh.

"Haotian, why are you sighing?" Wei Shen looked confused. He had just worn four of them and completed another single-person team annihilation that was very simple and ordinary for Li Hao, although it is not worthy of special mention. The book is not worth mentioning, but it is not worth sighing.

"Now that these teams have become smarter, if we want to implement the tactic of directly attacking the center point, it may not be very effective. Now, I can guarantee that all the rooms in the center of the circle have been occupied!" Li Hao smiled.

"It doesn't matter if someone occupies it, let's attack directly!" Brother Epiphyllum said, always confident.

"That's right, there are other teams occupying it, we can capture it." Xiaolu was also confident.

If Li Hao hadn't learned from the professional player rating rankings of the Sniper God system that Wei Shen, Yong Yong and Xiaolu were in declining condition and their strength was no longer at their peak, he would have really believed it.

"Don't think about pushing straight into the center of the circle. Just control the edges honestly! See if you can push up from the edge of the circle." Li Hao said with a helpless smile.

Wei Shen heard Li Hao's somewhat pessimistic and depressing words again and again, and he couldn't understand it at all.

"Haotian, our strength hasn't dropped so drastically, right? Why can't we push up from the edge of the circle!" It was obvious that Wei Shen still maintained his confidence.

Li Hao said nothing.

Decided to use the cruel reality to let Wei Shen and others wake up.

The 4am team did not go directly to the center of the circle, but pushed from the edge of the circle.

However, from the first team battle, Wei Shen, Yong Yong and Xiao Lu fought very hard.

Not only can the projectile be thrown like a flying horse, but the close-range team battle ability can also break into pieces at a touch.

Even if Li Hao performed superbly and finally destroyed the four opponents, at this time, Wei Shen, Yong Yong and Xiao Lu were still supplemented.

If you are hit from a distance, you will make up for two. The remaining one was forcibly compensated by the opponent in this wave of team battles.

In an instant, only Li Hao was left in the 4am team.

At this moment, after being eliminated, Wei Shen, Yong Yong and Xiao Lu are in a very awkward position!

Because the team that was fighting against the 4am team was not one of the world’s top teams like Team Li Kui, Team Faze, or Team SQ, nor was it a team from the PCL division, but just a team from the PKL division. As a result, the 4am team was defeated. Like this.

But at this time, seeing this scene, the tens of millions of fans of the 4am team suddenly became angry.

"That's it?"

"Awei and the others haven't practiced shooting seriously in the past ten days or so, and they rarely participate in training matches. Now they only have this ability?"

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