Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1179: Who is kidding you!

Miss Feng was stabbed in a painful foot, and her face was pretty blue and white.

When Mr. Feng heard Yun Qianli mocking her daughter that no one would dare to marry in the future, she was a little angry. She lowered her face and warned: "In this case, it is better to say less if the lady is unfounded. It is illegal to slander others at will. "

Yun Qianli is not a vegetarian either, so she directly pushed back: "I will give you back these words, please take them back to educate your daughter. Now even children know that if there is no basis, say less, but you His daughter does not seem to understand this truth at all. Since this gentleman can say such things, he must be a person who understands the law, but don't let your daughter know the law and break the law and openly despise the king's law."

"Oh, by the way, she not only slandered our An Ran's reputation, but also slandered several soldiers who were there to kill the compatriots for profit. They can't bear the charge, and only your daughter can recite it. I believe that Congressman is like this. Just because she is your daughter, she will not openly treat the law as nothing to protect her, right?"

Mr. Feng was both annoyed and surprised when he heard Yun Qianli's words. He was annoyed by Yun Qianli's words without mercy. He was surprised that his daughter actually pulled others into the water to attack Qi Anran and said such things. But one sentence really offended a large group of people!

Miss Feng became a little embarrassed by her dad's look, and subconsciously denied: "What nonsense are you talking about? When did I say this? Don't charge me because of the crowd. You want to add to it. Sin, why don't you worry! Do you think my dad will believe you?"

Xiao Xiao couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words, and said sarcastically: "It seems that Miss Feng is not only ill-spoken, but also has a bad memory. What we just said a few minutes ago, so many people in the audience can hear it. . Word by word, remember it clearly and plainly. Miss Feng is good. If you forget what you say, you will forget it."

As soon as the voice fell, he was immediately echoed by countless people present.

"Yes, we can all hear clearly."

Miss Feng pursed her lips, and denied, "You... don't think that you can take me on the basis of a large number of people? What if I say it? You dare to say that you have no affair with these men at all. ?"

"Enough!" As soon as Ms. Feng finished speaking, before Ji Shengnan and others had time to get angry, Senator Meng had already stopped her daughter, "You give me a few words!"

Miss Feng snorted very unconvincingly, turned her face away, and said nothing.

Ji Shengnan narrowed her eyes and chuckled softly: "Congressman Feng, you have also heard it, but Miss Ling personally admitted it. My sister-in-law was so sad because of our general's affairs. I didn't expect to bear such a bad reputation. We can't bear the charge of being accused by your daughter of colluding with us to murder her husband."

The cold sweat on Mr. Feng's head ran down, but he still smiled and said, "My daughter is just making a joke with you. Just kidding, kidding."

"I'm kidding?" Su Haochen's tone rose instantly, "Who is joking with you! Is it interesting to make jokes about dead people? This lady is right just now, since she can't even speak, don't let go of disgusting people. Otherwise, it deserves. Was beaten to death. I want to kill her right now. Don’t stop when I do it for a while, because I just want to make jokes with her.”

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