Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1184: Familiar embrace

When Mr. Feng heard that Qi Anran was planning to take the legal route, his face changed suddenly.

If Mr. Bai was on their side today, the Huo family would have been out there, and they might still have a chance to win.

But this Congressman Bai has just stated his attitude. He is standing on Qi Anran's side, and he is really going to take the legal route. They have no chance of winning this lawsuit.

Mr. Feng didn't want to make this matter a big deal, let alone leave a deadly case for himself because of his daughter's momentary confusion.

At the moment, I was anxiously trying to persuade Qi Anran to change his mind, but the people who stood in front of Qi Anran were not vegetarians, so how could he really let him go?

Mr. Feng was stopped, and several other people walked towards the lady, seemingly intending to throw them out.

Seeing this, Qi Anran didn't bother to stay here anymore and continue to pester them, and said to a few people around him: "Kick them out, don't make too much noise, and don't let Grandpa know."

This matter didn't sound good to anyone's ears. Several people knew that Qi Anran didn't want to upset Old Huo's mood, and hurriedly responded.

Qi Anran said and glanced at the guests who were almost gone, turned around and prepared to go into the back room to rest for a while, and wait for Ji Shengnan to deal with the woman before they come out to clean up the mess.

Unexpectedly, Miss Feng was also anxious. Seeing that these people wanted to blast her and her father out, and also thought of Qi Anran’s triumphant appearance that he would go to court and directly sue them in the Chamber of Appeal. Fire was almost bursting out of his eyes, and when those individuals approached themselves, they suddenly violently rushed towards Qi Anran.

At this time, Qi Anran had already walked to the side door of the mourning hall, and only a few girls were left beside Ran Jiani.

Seeing this scene, the several big men shook their hearts and yelled in panic: "Be careful."

When people are crazy, they can often stimulate their own potential. Miss Feng's movements are too fast. When Qi Anran heard the voice and looked up, people actually rushed to him.

Seeing that he was about to hit him, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and Shengsheng snatched her from Ran Jiani's hands.

Qi Anran was staggered, and plunged into a hard and wide embrace, almost not hurting the bridge of his nose.

Immediately afterwards, the woman who had rushed to them was kicked and screamed by the man who had put her in her arms for the first time, clutching her belly and lying on the ground.

Everything happened too suddenly. Many people didn't realize what was happening until the woman screamed and hurried forward to check Qi Anran's situation.

Huo Yizhen saw a few people approaching, and then reluctantly let go of Qi Anran's hand, took a step back, and distanced himself from Qi Anran.

At the same time, Ran Jiani and the others also gathered around, holding Qi Anran's hand anxiously: "An Ran, are you okay? Did that person just hit you? Is there any discomfort in your body now?"

Qi Anran's expression was a little dazed, and he unconsciously opened and closed his hands a few times, and then subconsciously looked at the owner who had just embraced him, but he saw a completely strange face in his eyes.

Unclear whether it was more disappointment or more suspicion, Qi Anran lowered his head slightly. Was that really an illusion just now? How could that person still be there.

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