After three months, when it grew to four months, Qi Anran's stomach finally had a more obvious change, and the change was still increasing little by little.

Ran Jiani, an insider, naturally knew what was going on, but Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao didn't know about Qi Anran's pregnancy at all. They were a little confused when they saw Qi Anran's change.

Xu was worried about Qi Anran. The two would run to Qi Anran whenever they were free. But after all, schoolwork was tight and free time was limited.

At first, the two did not pay much attention, until Qi Anran was more than five months old, the two of them failed to find Qi Anran for about two weeks because of school activities.

After nearly half a month, Qi Anran's appearance fell in the eyes of the two of them and it was simply a change!

"An Ran, have you...had you gotten fat recently?" Yun Qianli held back for a long time, but finally couldn't help but ask her doubts.

When the two arrived, Qi Anran and others happened to be having lunch, and Ran Jiani was also there.

The Huo family gathered around the dining table to eat, when Yun Qianli suddenly said something like this, everyone's actions were all at once, and all the gazes were turned towards Qi Anran.

Yun Qianli saw that the atmosphere in the room was a little strange, and said in embarrassment, "I... did I say something wrong?"

Ye Zhaoyang snorted, and arrogantly retorted: "No, mother is not fat at all!"

Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao already knew that Ye Zhaoyang was the adopted son of Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen. Huo Yizhen called Qi Anran's sister because of the small age difference, but changed her name to mother after Huo Yizhen passed away. The family has no children, and they didn't ask much about it.

This will hear Ye Zhaoyang defend Qi Anran's argument. Yun Qianli couldn't help but pinch Ye Zhaoyang's small face with a fat baby, and said with a low smile: "It's better for children to seek truth from facts. Your mother is obviously fatter. Sister, no, it's time to be called Auntie. Auntie's eyes are so big and bright, how could you be deceived by you?"

As soon as Yun Qianli said this, Ye Zhaoyang hadn’t spoken yet. 001 had already jumped out to protect her little friend: “Yangyang didn’t deceive people. The owner’s weight and body are the most reasonable and healthy now, so he’s not fat. ."

The snow ball above its head also echoed "meow".

"The most reasonable and the healthiest?" Yun Qianli looked towards Qi Anran subconsciously after hearing this.

She and Xiao Xiao actually didn't care whether Qi Anran was fat or thin, they just thought it strange.

Logically speaking, Huo Yizhen has gone. Even if Qi Anran hasn't lost weight during this period, he shouldn't be so much fatter?

Could it be caused by being too sad and overeating? Will it affect the body?

At this time, the two did not even think about doubting whether Qi Anran was pregnant. On the one hand, they trusted Qi Anran. On the other hand, they knew that Huo Yizhen stayed on the battlefield for two or three months before returning to the imperial capital. The time interval was a bit long. , It's really hard to think over there.

However, what they don't want to think about is precisely the truth.

Qi Anran met the concerned and suspicious gazes of the two, knowing that this matter could not be kept secret, got up and walked out from behind the table, and took the initiative to walk around in front of Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao.

Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao couldn't react at first, but when they saw Qi Anran's stomach could no longer be covered, their eyes suddenly shrank, and the chopsticks in their hands fell into the bowl in front of them with a crisp sound.

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