Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1193: Have booked a baby kiss

Yun Qianli snorted coldly, breaking the jar and saying: "His mother ran to my mother and said that the two of us had booked a baby kiss when we were young. Now that we are grown up, we should fulfill our previous promise and get married. "

"Baby kiss?!" Before Yun Qianli had finished speaking, the two exclaimed again.

"...What are you doing so surprised?"

The eyes of several people went back and forth on her several times, and they said meaningfully: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, what age is this, you two still have a baby kiss!"

It's okay not to talk about this. Whenever Yun Qianli talks about this, he gets angry and fills up with righteous indignation: "Isn't it? I always thought my mother was still very open-minded, who knew she was so old and stubborn, she was a baby! At that time, I It’s still in her stomach, and I don’t know if it’s a man or a woman, so I dare to order something like this with someone. What if I’m a man when I’m born?"

"So, this is the marriage set by the heavens. If you are a man, wouldn't it be all right?"

Yun Qianli choked, a little annoyed, a little depressed, and a little bit...little joy.

Qi Anran watched the change in her expression, glanced at Ran Jiani, Xiao Xiao and the others, and laughed unanimously.

"Then what's the matter of getting engaged and getting married? Your mother and her mother are so impatient to let you two get married after talking?"

"No!" Yun Qianli met distrustful gazes from several people as soon as he finished speaking, and said with a little frustration, "They really want us to get married soon, but I..."

"You don't want it?" Qi Anran's faces made Yun Qianli somewhat angry.

He snorted coldly: "Even if he is unhappy, he is not a banknote, and everyone does not have to like him? I don't like him!"

"Whether he is banknotes or whether everyone likes him, I don't know, I only know that you definitely like him."

Qi Anran's words successfully hit Yun Qianli's arrogant spot, and she retorted almost without thinking, "Where is it!"

Qi Anran raised an eyebrow: "Huh?"


Yun Qianli stunned: "Well, I just think it's too early to say this, after all, he and I are still in college!"


"Get engaged first and get married after graduation."

"You still want to hide such an important thing from us." Xiao Xiao didn't calm down when he heard Yun Qianli's words. "If I hadn't heard those words between you and Senior Yin, would you not want to tell us? Don't you want us to attend your engagement ceremony?"

"Where is it? Actually it's an engagement. It's not a grand party like you think, calling all relatives and friends over to testify. It's just that the two families make an appointment for a meal."

"So, you really didn't intend to tell us this from the beginning, I really misunderstood you!"

Yun Qianli "..." I was speechless!

Just kidding, Qi Anran and others also know that most people's engagements are like Yun Qianli said, but it's just that the two families make an appointment to have a meal together and make a decision.

Those big things, and even deliberately set up a banquet to invite a lot of people to come to the house, if it were not for this marriage to have an interest in it, it would just be eager to spread it to the world that everyone knows that there is that mind. It also has the financial resources.

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