Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1200: Gifts for children

Qi Anran's footsteps suddenly stopped because of Uncle Li's words, so he stood in place and didn't go any further.

Qi Anran first received these packages of unknown origin about three months ago, when she went out with Ran Jiani to the hospital for a routine check-up, and received a mysterious express package the next day after returning.

At that time, there was only one note for pregnant women and a large box of supplements in the package, and Qi Anran's name was written in the recipient's column.

When Qi Anran first saw the contents of the package, his heart couldn't stop chucking. The first thing he thought of was that his pregnancy had leaked out!

If that's the case, what is the person who sent the goods going to do?

Tell her that he already knew that she was pregnant, and that he might leak this out at any time, leaving her untouched? Or...something else?

Qi Anran couldn't figure out the other party's intentions, and had to stay at home for the next few days, waiting for the coming storm.

Who would have thought, I waited for a few months.

There was no news about her pregnancy, and no one came to inquire about this matter with her, but there were more and more mysterious packages signed by her.

At first, it was one serving a week, and then it became two servings a week. From the beginning of this month, one will receive one copy every other day.

There are also a wide variety of items, including some tonic medicines suitable for pregnant women, milk powder for children to use later, and even some clothes for male and female dolls in the back.

These things, not to mention that the Huo family is not lacking, it is really lacking, and it is impossible to rush to eat and use such things of unknown origin.

For this reason, Qi Anran and Old Man Huo even tested these things to see if there were any things that were not good for her or the children.

The result is that these things are normal and there is no problem at all.

Even so, the elders of the Huo family didn't dare to use these things for Qi Anran casually, and had to pile them up in the warehouse behind or dispose of them quietly.

Since the number of mailings is too frequent, Qi Anran and others have not thought about checking the identity of this mysterious person and the origin of these things.

But that person seems to be determined to be mysterious. Except for a sender who is more like the code name "Mr. G", neither the address nor the contact number is left, even the one who is responsible for receiving the mail. None of the couriers have ever seen the recipient.

These things appeared out of thin air, no matter how they checked, they couldn't find out why they came, so they could only passively collect these odds and ends.

"Madam Young, it seems that there are two sets of small toys, one for girls and the other for boys." Uncle Li took a look at the package and revealed the true colors of the things inside.

Qi Anran was a little surprised, and some were really so lax. Although the things she received these days are diverse, there are usually two copies for children, one for girls and one for boys.

Obviously, the other party was not sure whether she was a male or female in her stomach, but she had already begun to prepare gifts for the unborn child.

"In the future, you don't need to bring these things and show them to An Ran, just put them in the warehouse or dispose of them." Before Qi Anran could say anything, a voice was heard from behind them.

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