Not to mention whether this argument is reliable or not, if there is any problem with your logic, just say that the gifts you gave are all anonymous!

The ghost knows that you are the one who gave the goods, and the goodwill has not been brushed up. How can it be said that if you change your opinion, it will change, and accept you earlier?

Strictly speaking, we have to start talking about it a few months ago.

At that time, Gu Jingyao was worried that the Huo family would be desolate, and some guys who didn't have long eyes would be disadvantaged by Qi'anran. .

Gu Jingyao, the father, did his best, secretly not knowing how many people were sent to protect and follow Qi Anran's every move.

As a result, this stare stared at the problem!

Jianghuai Yi couldn't forget how, Gu Jingyao looked happy and angry when he learned that Qi Anran was pregnant.

Of course the happy one is that Qi Anran is pregnant and he is going to be a grandfather. As for anger, it must be directed at Huo Yizhen.

His daughter worked so hard to give birth to him and take care of the housework. This **** died so confusedly. He left his daughter to raise the child by herself, and she didn't know how much she would suffer in the future.

Thinking of this, Gu Jingyao was so angry that he wanted to drag Huo Yizhen's bones out of the corpse.

But after another thought, Huo Yizhen seemed to have no bones left, so he could only hold down this breath for the time being and concentrate on preparing for the future of his daughter and future grandson.

Ever since that day, Gu Jingyao has been keen to give Qi Anran and his future grandson something.

The first thing he thought of at first was naturally to send some supplements to Qi Anran, so that she could replenish her body and restore her vitality.

Later, I thought that my grandson would definitely drink milk powder after he was born, and ordered a lot of big brands of milk powder to Huo's family.

In the end, Jianghuai Yi couldn’t see it and told him: “General, most people shouldn’t just eat anything from someone of unknown origin. Especially Miss An Ran is pregnant now, and the Huo family has many enemies. It’s not that the Huo’s family can’t afford to supply things. If someone who wants to eat in these foods, Miss An Ran and the children in her stomach will be in danger. Or, let’s change something to give away, don’t give away the food. NS."

When Gu Jingyao heard Jianghuai Yi's words, he felt that it made sense. He quickly gave up the shortcut of sending food and began to frantically give Qi Anran and his future grandson some clothes, diapers, and even some toys that children would like in the future.

Jianghuai moved: "..."

When Jiang Huai Yi saw this scene, he originally wanted to tell Gu Jingyao that there is no shortage of these things in the Huo family, and may not be able to take your affection.

But watching Gu Jingyao's enthusiastic appearance really couldn't bear to blow his enthusiasm.

Who would have thought that his own default actually contributed to Gu Jingyao’s gift-giving arrogance. In the past few months, Gu Jingyao has sent more and more gifts to Huo’s family, and the scope has become wider and wider, making Jianghuai Yi extremely suspicious. Will you send out all your net worth if you send it this way?

The facts have proved that Jianghuai Mobile's concern is not unreasonable.

Just when he twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't know how to answer Gu Jingyao's question, Gu Jingyao had already lost the patience to wait and started walking back and forth.

As he walked, he asked: "You said I should give something to my grandson tomorrow? A car model or a limited-edition doll? These seem to have been given before, too pediatric. What do children like best? By the way, Playground! How about I build an exclusive playground for him in the empire?"

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