Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1207: Three people become a tiger

The source of the rumors cannot be verified, but this does not prevent the human brain from receiving this information from processing, or even convincing.

At the beginning, the direction of the message was relatively kind. It only pointed out that Qi Anran was pregnant and dropped out of school, which made many boys in the college who had a crush on school babe sad and broken, thinking that Qi Anran had finally cultivated with her boyfriend.

But gradually, I don't know if someone is guiding me behind the scenes, and the direction of the rumors began to be skewed, and even started to move in a malicious direction.

Originally it was just speculation that Qi Anran was leaving school for labor. It was suddenly distorted into Qi Anran's private life. He became pregnant during school and didn't even know who the child's father was. Now he dared not see anyone in hiding.

Later it evolved into that Qi Anran was unmarried and pregnant, and her so-called rich second-generation friend was simply a married man.

Now Qi Anran is pregnant, but they have returned to the main palace, ignoring her as a junior and the illegitimate child in her stomach. It can be said that the junior has failed in the upper ranks and the wealthy dream is broken.

Of course, there is another saying that Qi Anran's boyfriend is indeed a rich second-generation, but they are just playing with her.

Poor Qi Anran took it seriously, and now she's pregnant, the rich second generation doesn't want her at all.

Abandoned without a name, and with a child in her belly, it is conceivable that this goddess could not avoid being the laughing stock of everyone, and she fell from the altar.

The trio became tigers, and there were many people who passed on many things, and the people who passed the news vowed to see it with their own eyes, enough to affect the people who received the information.

It's like a person running over and telling you who has been a junior, you might think that person doesn't look like that person at first.

But if two or three, twenty or thirty people all come and tell you that that person has been a junior, the people who listened to it will definitely have doubts in their hearts.

It's hard to say that this person has really been a junior, and he really knows people and doesn't know his heart!

The evolution of Qi Anran’s rumors fully embodies this law. Faced with countless mouths and telling countless versions of stories, all of these stories are full of malice. Some people choose to agree, some people choose to be silent. .

Only a few people still remember the diamond ring that Qi Anran had thrown out when he was accused of being a child and being fostered. There is only this pair of diamond rings in the world. They think that the person is really an irresponsible rich second generation or It is a married woman, and it is impossible for Qi Anran to be so caring.

But such people are only a minority after all, and they were quickly forced to remain silent for a while under a large number of curses and doubts, and could no longer speak for Qi Anran.

And because these rumors were spread in the profession at the beginning, they broke out one after another before they began to spread to the entire school.

When Yun Qianli and Xiao Xiao knew about this, it was too late to stop these false rumors from continuing to spread.

At this time, the two talents finally realized that Song Ranzhen did not believe what they said that day, not only did not believe it, but even secretly publicized the matter, making everyone know, trying to throw dirty hands on Qi Anran. !

"Damn it, how could that **** be so cheap! Is An Ran pregnant or not? What does it matter to her? Does An Ran get married, whom to marry, what kind of marriage partner is, and what does it matter to her? We all warned her that day, How dare she, how dare..."

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