Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1211: To cut off the Huo family's children and grandchildren

Yan Yao was persuaded by Bai Yishu. He squinted his eyes and said coldly: "I know, I will ask someone to find out about this. Remember, don't get involved in anything without my permission. You can tell me the news, and I will also ask someone to check it, but you will give me peace and stay in the empire. You don’t need to take care of everything else.”

Bai Yishu actually dislikes Yan Yao's remarks a little bit, but in the end the situation is stronger than that of people. She can be said to be instinctively afraid of Yan Yao. Naturally, he does what he says, and dare not say anything against it. Say, promised.

Bai Yishu's goal was achieved, and it was not easy to take up too much time for Yan Yao, and soon hung up the phone.

After Yan Yao hung up the phone, he couldn't wait to ask someone to check the authenticity of the incident.

Qi Anran has been cautious since he knew that he was pregnant, and he didn't want to let too many people know, especially after he got a big belly, he simply stayed at home and seldom went out.

But for that matter, the paper still can't contain the fire after all. Many people don't know about Qi Anran's pregnancy.

Who would have thought that Qi Anran would become pregnant just before Huo Yizhen's sacrifice? Who would have thought that the Huo family would choose to conceal this incident so simply, carrying the ridicule from the outside world?

Even Qi Anran has been hiding at home during this period of time, and many people have helped her figure out the reasons. She feels that she is too sad to go out, which is reasonable.

But when I really think about it, it’s easy to find out something when I check it carefully.

The people Yan Yao sent to inquire about the news spent a lot of time, but after all they dug up some useful things, and at the same time confirmed the news that Qi Anran was pregnant.

"It turned out to be true." Yan Yao's face was completely gloomy because of the news from the spies, and his eyes were bloodshot and full of hatred because of the news. "This Huo family's luck is too good. Huo Yizhen is dead, and there is still a posthumous child. However, this child does not come early or late, but it is the luck of their Huo family and their misfortune to come at this time. With such a child, our future plan It saves a lot of things, it really helps me."

Yan Yao said, raising his head to look at his adjutant, and said coldly: "Immediately gather the spies buried in the empire, prepare in advance, and start the action."

The adjutant was surprised when he heard Yan Yao's words: "General, isn't this wrong? I didn't say before that we should wait for the imperial regime to lose both sides, and then wait for an opportunity to cause trouble in the empire and provoke the relations between the two countries. Then he will be in the empire. Assassinating Princess Enya and enticing the dynasty to break with the empire? Wouldn’t it be too early to start? If anyone notices it, I’m afraid I won’t have such a good opportunity next time."

"I missed this good opportunity now, and there will be no such good opportunity in the future." As soon as the adjutant finished speaking, Yan Yao took the conversation and said sternly, "You have been with me for so many years. I don’t even know what I’m thinking about. Do you think I’ve worked so hard to set up this bureau just for the empire and the dynasty?"

The adjutant was taken aback: "That..."

Yan Yao's eyes flashed with hatred and malice that couldn't be more obvious: "I not only want the dynasty and empire to become a subject of our federation, but also the Huo Family...

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