Ji Shengnan was silent for a long time and reminded Huo Yizhen in a low voice: "It's more than a month before the due date of my sister-in-law."

Huo Yizhen's facial expression tightened in an instant, and in more than a month, their child could be born safely.

It's been more than a month, why are those people so eager to wait, not even willing to wait for this little time!

The anger in Huo Yizhen's heart became more and more high because of Ji Shengnan's words: "Intensify the investigation and try to find out everything before the child is born."

Ji Shengnan knew that Huo Yizhen didn't intend to wait any longer, but think about it, although only a few months, but these months are when he, as a husband, as a father, should be with his wife and children the most.

But he was forced to conceal his identity, and even had to make his wife and family think that he was dead. This torment was more tormenting than ever.

"oh, I understand now."

As Ji Shengnan said, the Huo family was a little undecided at first whether to disclose Qi Anran's identity, because in this case, Qi Anran's pregnancy would be impossible to hide.

After the persuasion of Ji Shengnan and Ran Jiani, they chose to follow Huo Yizhen's statement and disclose the relationship between Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen.

After all, Qi Anran will go back to school no matter what. If she really wants to let it go, she will only suffer even more damage in the future. Anything else has already reached this point. People who should know already know it, but they shouldn’t know it. I almost know it.

Not long after Ji Shengnan and Ran Jiani came to Huo's house to persuade Elder Huo, Qi Yongjia had already received the news and rushed to call Qi Anran to listen to the news before the others.

"I heard that you... are pregnant? Is it true?"

Qi Anran didn't expect that the first person who came to ask himself about this matter turned out to be him. After a long silence, he said, "It's true."

"Yes... Huo Yizhen's?"



"It's almost the due date."

Although Qi Anran's answer did not clearly tell Qi Yongjia how old the child in her stomach was, it was calculated from the time that it coincided with the time when Huo Yizhen went to the border.

Qi Yongjia's hand holding the phone tightened subconsciously: "The school matter, what do you plan to do...? Don't worry, my dad has already contacted Principal Mu. When the time comes, the school will only send a message that students are strictly forbidden to discuss. Announcement of this matter, or severe criticism of those who are chewing their tongues behind their backs, believe that this matter should soon subside."

"No, we have decided to make it public."

"Public?" Qi Yongjia was stunned when he heard Qi Anran's words for a while before finally reacting, his face changed, "Are you going to disclose your relationship with Huo Yizhen, or the news of your pregnancy?"

Qi Anran smiled, a little helpless, and a little sad: "Is there a difference? As long as the relationship between me and him is disclosed, everyone will naturally know the news of my pregnancy. Even if I explained that I was overwhelmed by the death of A Zhen. Just staying at home to cultivate, there will definitely be people who are skeptical and come to check me. Then they will know what they should know or not."

Qi Yongjia does not agree with Qi Anran's approach, but has to admit that her statement is justified and well-founded, and there is a considerable possibility that it will happen, but what he is most worried about now is: "But my uncle and them..."

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