Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1224: People are just playing ugly

Of course, this news came too suddenly, and some people questioned it, mainly because of some people who had paid close attention to Huo Yizhen in the past.

In fact, Qi Anran's image and identity are far from the general's wife in their impression.

"Isn't this woman named Qi Anran said to be the new school bachelor of our school? She looks pretty. But I remember that General Huo's fiancee looked like an ugly or a scumbag at the time. How could it be a school bachelor in our school? Is it possible that this isn't the fiancée before? Not that it's been just a few months before Mrs. Huo changed her person?"

This inquiry quickly attracted the attention of many people, and some people with great abilities also quickly picked up Qi Anran's only video and screenshots of attending a formal scene with Huo Yizhen.

The result was a conclusion that stunned countless people. The girl who was deemed ugly and earthy by them at the time, now looks carefully, there is no picture that can fully reveal her complete face.

That is to say, strictly speaking, none of them has really seen a complete face of the other person at all. They have very colored glasses and beat the dirt and the ugliness on the person's body, and there is no rebuttal. chance.

"Although I really want to ask if this girl will not undergo plastic surgery. But I took a look at the time on the video and the photos of the girl when she was in school. I can only say that such a short recovery period can make such a big change. If this face is not natural, can you tell me where I got the plastic surgery? I also want to get the plastic surgery and save my shameful face!"

"Similarly, the first idea is plastic surgery, but looking at the time, even if it is fine-tuning, it is impossible to recover so quickly and there is no trace. The only possibility is that people are pure and natural at all, and they are just playing ugly on a whim. I didn’t expect so many people to take it seriously! [Dog Head]"

The appearance problem can be explained, but the academic performance is not easy to say. After all, Qi Xintong's family made a lot of trouble at the time. One of them was to criticize Qi Anran for how ungrateful, so bad grades, they let her go to high school. Has been very benevolent and righteous.

At that time, Huo Yizhen's supporters also grasped this point, believing that Qi Anran was not worthy of their male **** at all.

If it weren't for the previous agreement between the male god's mother and people, it would be impossible for the male **** to look at such a person who was not worthy of him in any way.

But soon these people were slapped. Some caring people took out the results of Qi Anran's first semester of admission and blinded countless people. After that, an insider of the same profession broke the news.

Qi Anran didn't have the college entrance examination at all. He was recruited into the school as a specialty student. He had several special patents in his hand, so when he first entered the school, his profession was no. 1 without dispute.

Such a combination of this kind of combination is easy to make people's minds open. Many people have the experience that there are too many subjects in high school, and there are always so many subjects that they like to be good at, and so few subjects. It's his natural enemy, and he's not good at it.

At that time, Qi Anran was the representative of the lame department in the eyes of everyone. He was a genius in their profession, but he didn't know anything about other subjects.

People who eat melons: "..." After all, God is fair. He opened the door for you and closed the window for you. Perhaps this guy is a legendary ghost who specializes in the art industry!

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