Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1255: Can I trust you?

As soon as Bai Xuanyu said this, the two of them quickly fell silent, and the atmosphere was stagnant for a moment.

Bai Xuanyu's heart suddenly raised, he was a little worried that Qi Anran would refuse, but he understood her refusal at the moment.

After Huo Yizhen's "sacrifice", although the Huo family has Qi Anran and some friends' efforts to maintain the surface as before, in fact it is indeed gradually declining.

When he made such a request at this time, it was inevitable that Huo Jiahan would not be heartbroken, and Qi Anran felt that he was sacrificing her as an outsider to save his son and daughter-in-law, and all his faults were pushed onto her.

Bai Xuanyu wanted to explain, but he also knew that it was not a good time to explain.

Time passed by, just when Bai Xuanyu thought Qi Anran would refuse, Qi Anran suddenly asked an irrelevant question: "Uncle Bai, can I trust you?"

Bai Xuanyu was taken aback: "Of course, no matter when or what happens, I am the uncle Bai you first met."

"Well, we can leave this matter to you without responding for the time being. However, you also have to promise me that you will give me and grandpa and the others a satisfactory answer after the matter is over."

"An Ran!" As soon as Qi Anran said this, before Bai Xuanyu had time to react, Old Huo had already changed his face first, and his face was full of disapproval.

Bai Xuanyu was also stunned. After reacting, he replied very seriously: "This is natural. Even if it is not for you, for the sake of Ruqing, I will not let this matter go silent."

"Then it's settled. Nothing, I just hang up."

"Okay, you have a good rest, don't think too much, Uncle Bai won't let you suffer the notoriety that you shouldn't bear."

Qi Anran also smiled when Bai Xuanyu said this: "I also believe that Uncle Bai will not let me down."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Anran turned his head to look at the old man Huo for the first time, not surprisingly meeting the old man's angry expression.

Qi Anran took the initiative to take the hand of Old Man Huo and said, "Okay, Grandpa, don't be angry."

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, how can you keep me from being angry?" Elder Huo frowned and said fiercely. You curse you. In the end, let Bai Ruqing clarify that we, the victims, avoided seeing us without saying a word. What do you let the people outside think? Will they think we are a guilty conscience? Then they will say again. What to do with something more ugly?"

"What can I do? Just ignore it." Qi Anran was quite open about this, or after knowing that Huo Yizhen might not die, nothing matters to her.

She only cares about when that person can come back now? When can you appear in front of yourself again?

Perhaps, he has already appeared, but he didn't notice it.

Then when will he be able to appear in front of him again, let himself take a good look at him, touch him, and talk to him?

Qi Anran knew that Huo Yizhen would not disappear for no reason. There must be something important, and only a few people knew about it. Bai Xuanyu was one of them.

If that is the case, it is impossible for him to give up on them at this time, it must be that they have something else that they can't tell them.

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