Jin Hongmao couldn't help showing a look of astonishment when he heard the words. It seemed that Qi Anran's mind would turn so fast.

Fortunately, his mind doesn’t turn slowly: “You’re wrong if you think so. I mean, the person who stole the research results of the research institute back then didn’t put the blame on your mother, he deliberately put those Did something stuff your mother? We think that maybe your mother didn’t notice it, and didn’t know the existence of this thing, so she unconsciously brought this thing back home and stayed with you after her death. In the family, inherited by you."

Qi Anran only found it funny when he heard what he said. When going in and out of the research institute, it needs to go through a rigorous investigation. Even the clothes and things you wear cannot go in and out of the security check at will, how can you unconsciously bring things out of it? ?

This guy really considers himself a three-year-old kid, can he let him coax it at will?

However, Qi Anran was not easy to say these words, after all, she knew this because she had really been in the academy in her previous life.

Rushing to expose Jin Hongmiao will definitely make him suspicious, and may even suspect that Qi Anran's mother had told her many things.

I had to pretend to be confused: "Then you can tell me what the research results in your mouth are like? Is it paper or USB disk or something? I have to think about it carefully."

"This..." Jin Hongmiao hesitated when he heard Qi Anran's words. First, Qi Anran's words were actually classified as confidential. Secondly, he wasn't really sure what it was.

The only person who knows the true face of such a thing is Zhai Jungao, so he actually has no way of making a conclusion.

"It's really inconvenient for me to disclose this. You can think about whether your mother left you anything after her death, and now which of these things look more...different, you can tell me."

"But, my mother really didn't leave me anything else."

Jin Hongmiao was forced to calm down instantly as if he was splashed with cold water on his head. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he moved with affection: "Don't you want to help your mother get rid of the crime, so that she can get a peaceful life if she knows it," Are you pleased for you? As long as we can find that thing, maybe we will be able to wash away your mother's grievances and make her feel wronged!"

Qi Anran sneered even more when he heard what he said. Not to mention that her mother's death was inextricably linked to the academy, but that she had been dead for so long, and she still cared about what she originally disliked gave her. False name?

Ten thousand steps back and said, even though her mother cares about such a little fame, so many years have passed, even if there are fingerprints of the so-called stealer on that thing, she didn’t know who had wiped it away. How could she find the thing? Can you prove her mother's innocence? It is almost the same to prove that her mother really stole the laboratory data back then.

"Mr. Jin, it’s not that I don’t want to clear the charge for my mother and let her live down there. It is true that when my mother died, I was young and only five years old. What can a five-year-old child know? There is no important thing to put on a five-year-old child. Frankly speaking, my memory of that time is very vague, I just remember that one day someone came to tell me that my mother died in a car accident. I will be sent to another family and be raised by another family."

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