Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1268: What's hiding in it?

"This is..." Qi Anran looked at the memory card less than one centimeter in size in his hand, his face changed slightly.

I unconsciously recalled the words Mu Hanlin and Jin Hongmiao had said not long ago.

Is this the thing that her mother has tried so hard to hide, that the research institute has been looking for? !

Qi Anran was a little confused about what he would feel like, some surprises, some stunned, and some stunned.

Her mother died because of such a thing? What's the secret in it?

Qi Anran was in a trance, and suddenly heard aunt Li's voice outside the door: "Madam, have you found the clothes you want to organize?"

Qi Anran woke up like a dream, and said hurriedly: "I just turned it over, there is nothing to tidy up."

"Okay, then I'll go down first."


The footsteps outside the door gradually faded away, and Qi Anran's heart slowly settled.

Glancing intently at the memory card in his hand, put the doll back in its original position, and turned around to find a card reader that can connect the memory card data to the computer.

Fortunately, Qi Anran usually assembles some things at home. Although the card reader is not often used, there is also one.

Qi Anran first turned on the computer in the study and made special reinforcements on the computer's defense system before inserting the memory card into the card reader and then connecting it to the computer.

It takes a while for the computer to read the unfamiliar memory. After about half a minute, the computer finally finished reading, but suddenly a prompt box popped out.

It says: Please enter your password.

Qi Anran was taken aback, somewhat surprised and somewhat clear. Although she didn't know what it was, she knew it was important.

And if such an important thing was so easily obtained, her mother would not try to hide it in the doll she gave it to herself.

Qi Anran took a deep breath, pulled the keyboard and kept typing, and then one window after another kept popping out, and several positions began to rotate in circles.

Qi Anran twisted his eyebrows and estimated the time for himself to crack the internal information of the memory card.

The conclusion reached is that it takes at least three or four hours, and within these three or four hours, she has to work hard to maintain the external defense system of this computer, so that no one has the opportunity to steal the computer by attacking her computer. Recall the retrieved information.

This meant that during the three or four hours she was cracking the information, she had to concentrate, concentrate all her attention on the computer in front of her, without interruption.

This is not much difficult for Qi Anran before, but it is great for Qi Anran, who has been pregnant for more than seven months and will be able to give birth in more than one month, and the child in her stomach. burden.

Qi Anran considered it for a moment, but still chose to give up. He took out the memory card from the computer, and erased all the traces of his previous operations by the way.

Qi Anran squeezed the things in his hands, her eyes were dark, her current body did not allow her to perform such a high-intensity work, but she would not just leave it alone.

When she gives birth to her baby safely, she must figure out what is the thing everyone in this research institute is staring at!

Thinking about it this way, Qi Anran couldn't help but stretched out his hand and touched his excessively big belly.

My child, mother doesn't ask for anything else, just asks you to be born in peace and accompany your mother to wait for your father to come back.

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