Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1275: Admiral of the Federation

If other people asked about this, Gu Jingyao would definitely refuse without saying a word.

But the person in front of him is not someone else, but a relative identified by his daughter. Gu Jingyao was silent for a moment and nodded in response: "Yes, but this is not a place to talk. Let's find another place to talk."

Elder Huo had no objection to this, and asked the doctor on duty at the hospital to open a separate lounge for them.

Qi Anran was originally the focus of attention given by the Xi family. Father Huo's request was not too excessive, and the doctor on duty quickly made room for them.

There were only two people sitting in the spacious lounge. The people who came with Gu Jingyao and Huo were going to take care of Qi Anran and the children, or they would stand outside the lounge, guarding it and keeping people away.

"Now, can you say it?" Old man Huo said straight to the point as soon as he took his seat.

"My name is Gu Jingyao, and I am... an admiral of the Federal Third Army."

Elder Huo didn't expect that he would ask such a powerful message when he asked, and he almost couldn't help but jumped out of his chair: "Are you General Gu of the Federation? A member of the Federation? Then An Ran..."

"An Ran's mother is a member of your empire, but I am indeed a federal member, so An Ran can be considered a half federal member. However, do you care more about whether your granddaughter-in-law is an empire than my identity?"

"Of course not!" Elder Huo subconsciously retorted when he heard Gu Jingyao say this.

He likes the granddaughter of An Ran because the granddaughter is good enough, and Anfen has devoted his sincerity to his grandson, and respects him as an elder. It simply satisfies all his previous assumptions about his granddaughter. It doesn't matter which country you are from or what kind of life experience you have.

Besides, he is still not sure whether what the man in front of him said is true, and the so-called other country's theory is not good for making a conclusion so quickly.

Thinking of this, Old Huo's complexion sank, and he said coldly: "Are you a federal member or a federal general who came to our empire for what?"

"Why I came to the empire, are you still not clear? In fact, I settled in your empire more than a year ago, but I have never revealed my identity."

"Is it because of An Ran?" Old man Huo's expression was dark. "How did you know that An Ran is your daughter? I mean you are in the Federation and An Ran is in the Empire. How did you know that your daughter is in the Empire?"

Gu Jingyao did not hide: "Your grandson is Huo Yizhen, and you are the former general of the empire. You should have heard that more than a year ago, the Federation sent a group of exchange students to the empire. Responsible for escorting these exchange students. It was my adopted son Gu Molan who came to the empire."

Old man Huo was a little surprised: "Adopted son?"

"Yes, I am forty-six years old this year, unmarried, but I have an adopted son under my knees who was adopted from a comrade-in-arms."

Hearing the surprise in Gu Jingyao's unmarried heart, Huo's father became more and more profound. He faintly began to believe his rhetoric in his heart, but his expression remained silent.

Gu Jingyao didn't care, and continued: "I haven't forgotten An Ran's mother for a moment over the years. Maybe you don't know that there are countless portraits painted by my mother who missed An Ran over the years in a special studio in my house. These portraits made Mo Lan noticed An Ran, and also let me know of An Ran's existence. He came to the Empire without hesitation."

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