As everyone expected, the parliamentary election the next day was held as scheduled, and the atmosphere was not so solemn.

In fact, there are only five people running for the presidential election. Except for Bai Ruqing, two of the other four are middle-aged old uncles who are in their 40s and 50s, and the younger one is 39, almost 40.

The remaining one is the oldest, and Bai Ruqing's biggest opponent in this campaign, has the surname Mo. He is in his early sixties this year.

It can be said that today's election is his last blog. If he really loses the election, he probably should retire and can no longer stay in the parliament.

These four people and Bai Ruqing are roughly divided into two camps. One is the young camp headed by Bai Ruqing. Apart from Bai Ruqing is the 39-year-old Member Chen.

The other camp is naturally the camp of veterans headed by Dr Mok.

Because this election also invited President Bai and Marshal He from the military to supervise the ceremony, the atmosphere on the scene is inevitably a little bit subtle.

At nine o'clock, the people who participated in the general election basically arrived on time. At 9:30, the live broadcast was opened on time. A few congressmen also began to talk about finding prepared submissions. To put it bluntly, they used this. Ways to pull votes for yourself, let more people support yourself.

It takes about two or three hours for five people to complete a round, and voting takes one day.

In the afternoon, it was basically the great achievements made by the parliament in the past few years, and the prospects after that, and even some people's hopes for the future development of the parliament were also summarized.

This is a rare opportunity to get in touch with these superiors up close, and many people are willing to participate.

Of course, the speaker and members of the audience have certain voting rights, and their voting base is many times higher than the average person.

But based on the number of people in the empire, the number of votes they have can only play a role when the two sides vote tightly.

If the people are inclined, even if they have good candidates in their hearts, there is no way to change the general trend.

Bai Ruqing originally had a big advantage in this vote. He is the son of President Bai. President Bai's popularity in the empire over the years has been quite high, and because of his outstanding appearance, he has also accumulated some popularity.

The young people have a good impression of Bai Ruqing, and the elders have a good impression of Bai Ruqing's father. They add up to a base.

It's a pity that the incident that started before the election still had a certain impact on him and even Bai Xuanyu's reputation. Today's election results have also become confusing.

Approaching five o'clock in the afternoon, which is more than an hour before the voting deadline, a middle-aged man sitting opposite Bai Ruqing suddenly but smiled and asked: "I heard that Senator Bai had some scandals with General Huo’s survivor not long ago. It's still an unexpected peachy scandal."

When Bai Ruqing heard this, her hand under the table tightened subconsciously.

The speaker was one of the five people who participated in the election. The forty-something Senator Fei was also one of the two who supported the old parliamentarian.

It's just that compared to the other members, this Member Fei is more ineffective, has no special achievements, and is not very popular, and is not a big threat to Bai Ruqing.

Therefore, he chose to attack suddenly at this time because... to please Mr Mok?

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