Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 1290: Evidence is available

Everyone was stunned again when they heard the words, and they all turned their eyes to Senator Fei who was not far away, especially the Senator Mo, who had been held by Senator Fei before, also showed a corresponding look of surprise.

Senator Fei resisted the urge to retreat and smiled slightly reluctantly: "What does General Huo mean? Is it possible to suspect that I am a spy? This is really a ridiculous joke. I have been in Parliament for more than ten years. The contribution I have made to the empire for the parliament is obvious to all. If I were a spy for an enemy country, how could I do these things for the empire so sincerely?"

Several colleagues who usually have a good relationship with Congressman Fei were a little shaken when they heard him say this. They turned to Huo Yizhen and said: "Yes, General Huo, Congressman Fei has always abided by the regulations of the parliament, worked hard, and the people are also very nice. Chang Lai has never lost his temper to people. Over the years, he has also made a lot of contributions to the parliament. He doesn't a person who will collude with the enemy and treason."

Huo Yizhen laughed, and ridiculed: "Which spy would write the four characters I am a spy on his face? You believe him so much now, it just proves that his disguise is well done."

Huo Yizhen said and gave a wink at Ji Shengnan behind him. Ji Shengnan understood, took a bunch of documents and put them on the desktop, and pushed them in front of a few people.

"This is a record of some practical things that Congressman Fei has done for the parliament over the years, but as far as we know, these measures proposed by Congressman Fei are actually grabbed from a young parliamentarian who is not taken seriously by the parliament. He entered the parliament ten years ago, but because of his young age, he was squeezed out by other members. Five years ago, he died suddenly because of an accident. But not long after his death, Mr. Fei successively raised some questions. This is a stunning innovative proposal that has allowed me to gain a firm foothold in the parliament.

"We obtained samples of several measures proposed by the congressman through some channels from the family member of the deceased congressman, and found that the proposals he put forward coincided with those proposed by the congressman Fei, and compared The measures proposed by Congressman Fei are more brilliant and benefit the country and the people.”

Ji Shengnan didn't directly point out the whole story, but the people present, including many in front of the camera, were not fools, and almost immediately heard what he was saying.

This Representative Fei not only stole the fruits of other people's labor and killed others, but also deliberately changed the measures that were more beneficial to the people to be relatively mediocre.

Why did he do this? Because he wanted to keep his position in the parliament, but didn't want to make great efforts for the empire, he used this method to show his blindness and conspiracy the talents who belonged to the empire by the way!

Realizing this, many people were outraged. If it weren't for the screen, someone would have rushed up to beat Senator Fei.

Seeing a look of surprise on the faces of several people, Ji Shengnan said: "In addition, there are also communication records between Senator Fei and other spies during this period of time, the content of the communication and other evidence, as well as Senator Fei in recent years. Contact records with certain foreign leaders can all prove that Mr Fei is not innocent."

In the face of absolute evidence, no amount of excuses will be in vain.

In an instant, everyone cast their sharp eyes on Mr Fei.

Huo Yizhen asked coldly: "Professor Fei, now, do you have anything to defend?"

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