Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 193: Major General Huo

Huo Yizhen had turned his back to Qi Anran, and there was only one bedside lamp in the house.

Therefore, Qi Anran didn't notice that Huo Yizhen's eyes flickered when she said these words, and the joy of the trickery passed quickly in his eyes.

Seeing Huo Yizhen not responding for a long time, Qi Anran felt hot on his face, turning his back to the wall, angrily said: "I can't fall in love."

As soon as the voice fell, a warm body came over from behind, and two strong and powerful arms suddenly encircled her waist.

Qi Anran trembled all over. He wanted to break free of Huo Yizhen's arm with some discomfort, but Huo Yizhen was drunk first: "Don't move, or I'm not sure what other outrageous things I will do."

Huo Yizhen's whole body was attached to Qi Anran's back, and all the breath he exhaled when he bowed his head fell on Qi Anran's neck, making her somewhat itchy.

Qi Anran's embarrassed face turned red when he heard what he said. What does it mean to be unsure of what other extraordinary things he would do? What more extraordinary thing does he want to do?

She's led the wolf into the room, right? ! Qi Anran suddenly regretted the softness of his heart. She knew that this guy was so shameless. She should have let this guy fend for himself on the ground just now, freezing to death!

"I warn you, don't mess around, otherwise..." Qi Anran's eyes were drenched, "Be careful, I won't let you mess around in this life!"

Qi Anran thought that his words were powerful enough, but didn't want to say something, and there was a joking low laugh after he finished speaking: "I'm messing up? Didn't you let me go?"

"I..." Qi Anran was about to refute, suddenly reacting to the meaning of Huo Yizhen's words, the blush that had only spread on his face suddenly extended to the base of his neck.

An angry Qi Anran almost kicked Huo Yizhen out of bed: "You get down here!"

When Huo Yizhen heard Qi Anran's tone, he knew that he had annoyed people, and his eyes flickered, and he immediately changed to a grieving tone: "But it's cold on the ground."

"Oh, but I see you are very hot, you just sleep on the ground, you can calm down."

Huo Yizhen: "..." It's over, too much!

"Ah... I was wrong, I shut up, it's so late, go to bed quickly. I promise, I won't move or talk nonsense again."

Qi Anran was skeptical of Huo Yizhen's remarks, but now that everyone is in bed, it is really not easy to drive them off, especially when this person is particularly rascal and has a thick skin.

Qi Anran had to work hard to hypnotize himself, this person shouldn't be shameless to that extent, taking advantage of others at this time.

The room suddenly became quiet, and Huo Yizhen's hand was never retracted from the beginning to the end.

I don’t know how long it took, just when Huo Yizhen thought Qi Anran was about to fall asleep, he suddenly heard Qi Anran whispering: "Huo Yizhen..."

Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows and corrected: "A Zhen."

"Okay, A Zhen, did the emperor have a professor named Lin Shunyi?"

Huo Yizhen could hear the trace of tension and anxiety that Qi Anran couldn't hide in his tone when asking this sentence.

Thinking of the identity of Professor Lin Shunyi, Huo Yizhen's eyes darkened, and he replied calmly, "Well, there seems to be such a person."

Qi Anran's hands hanging in front of him tightened subconsciously, and continued to ask: "Then...Do you know where he is now?"

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