Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 196: The cat was caught again

Huo Yizhen always said one thing, and Su Haochen and others were also used to following his words.

Although he was sympathetic to the little kitten, he reluctantly said goodbye to it, and obediently sent it all the way to Huo Yizhen's hands.

When handing the cat out, Su Haochen glanced at his boss's face, and couldn't bear to say: "Boss, this is my sister-in-law's cat." My sister-in-law is so precious to it. If you kill it, your sister-in-law will Desperately with you!

Huo Yizhen glanced at him and took the cat over without making any sign.

The poor Xiaoxue Tuan was placed in the palm of the number one enemy, and the hair on his body exploded again, instantly turning into a small white ball.

Seeing this, Huo Yizhen's eyes grew deeper and deeper, and he raised his hand and pressed it on the kitten's back, pressing down the white hair on its body.

The soft hair shouldn't be too good to the touch. Huo Yizhen was addicted to it for just a moment.

Helplessly, someone has restrained himself since childhood in order to conceal his little-known habit, and rarely has such a good opportunity to play a cat openly.

This would pick up the cat's fur to be out of order, not only did it fail to make the kitten feel comfortable, but it also caused it to scream and protest frequently, struggling to escape from his men.

Su Haochen stood on the side listening to the cat cub's screams, and couldn't help but want to **** the cat back several times.

The eyes that look at your boss are even more lamentable and lamentable. Even such a cute cat is not let go. Boss, you are too mad, right? If you have the ability, let me come!

The tragedy continued until Qi Anran came downstairs.

"Huo Yizhen, what are you doing?" Qi Anran leaned on the handle of the stairs and looked at Huo Yizhen and his miserable "son" in his hand. This question made him gritted his teeth.

Huo Yizhen stiffened the cat's hand. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the little kitten in his hand quickly broke free from his restraint, regardless of whether he would be injured, and quickly jumped off his hand and went straight to the owner. .

Qi Anran hurriedly went downstairs to catch the little guy who was flying towards him, and helped straighten out the messed up hairs, and made the little guy feel completely comfortable before he raised his head again and looked at Huo Yizhen coldly.

Huo Yizhen: "..."

Major General Huo, who was addicted to petting cats, fell into an embarrassing situation of being caught by the cat owner. Su Haochen saw that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly stepped forward to complete the game: "Sister-in-law, you have come down. Did you sleep well with the boss last night?"

Su Haochen said, taking an ambiguous look at the two of them. Yesterday he saw them all. After the boss threw his sister-in-law's cat out, he went back to the house.

The lone man and the widow in the night lived in the same room, and there were only two of them. Nothing happened without reason, maybe...hehehe...

The expression on Su Haochen's face was so wretched that Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen invariably gave him an eye knife.

"Miss Qi..." Qi Anran was about to explain to Su Haochen when he suddenly heard a buzzing hello from behind him, and when he turned his head, he was almost not shocked.

"You are..." This heavy protective suit, with a gas mask on his head, are you sure that you didn't come here to fight the fire and go to the wrong place?

Seeing Qi Anran’s doubts, Su Haochen took the initiative to explain the strangely dressed uninvited guest: “Ah, sister-in-law, that’s Sheng Nan. Sheng Nan is allergic to cat fur, so he wouldn’t dare to enter the door without wearing it.”

Qi Anran: "..." Well, very good and very powerful.

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