Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 199: So-called elders

Qi Anran glanced at him suspiciously: "See someone? Who do you see? Is it right for me to go?"

"Just to meet an elder, it's perfect for you to go."

elder? Qi Anran suddenly remembered the Miss An and Miss Lu who had troubled her before.

I was so troubled by them before, and my reputation in the imperial capital was probably already spread. Huo Yizhen would take her to meet her elders. Could it be that she wanted to declare sovereignty with some people?

In this way, it seems reasonable to go there by yourself, and Teacher Lin is no longer in the imperial capital, she really has nothing to do in this meeting...

"Well then, I'll go with you."

Huo Yizhen nodded, although Qi Anran didn't say it clearly, Qi Anran could feel his joy hidden under his calm appearance.

The elder he is going to meet should be a very important person to him, right? Qi Anran thought so.

Uncle Li was sorting the flowers in the garden. Those people who climbed in from the outside last night not only damaged the power grid outside the garden, but also stepped on many things in the garden.

Seeing Qi Anran following them out, I thought she was going to send them to the door.

Who ever thought, Huo Yizhen came directly: "I will take her out for a walk, you and Aunt Li look at the yard, Jin Heng should bring someone over to help repair the outside security system, you should remember to give They open the door."

Uncle Li was in a daze, expecting that Huo Yizhen might be worried about what happened last night, so he took Qi Anran to go out together, and thought of the old man’s previous statement that "the relationship between the young couple is not particularly stable. Try to let them get in touch and cultivate. emotion".

Immediately smiled and said: "Okay, I see, you guys will be careful along the way."

"Uncle Li, Xue Tuan also asks you and Aunt Li to take care of it. It's very good and won't run around. I'm not in it and I should just stay in the house. You can feed it when the time comes, cat food Put it in the cabinet in my room."

"Okay, OK, don't worry, we will definitely take care of it."

"Well, then please."

Several people walked forward two steps, Huo Yizhen seemed to have thought of something again, suddenly he paused under his feet and turned to look at Uncle Li.

"What else does the general do?"

"Let me clean up her room, by the way..." Huo Yizhen's expression was a little stiff, "By the way, help her change the layout of that room."

Uncle Li looked puzzled: "Change it? Is there anything Miss Qi is dissatisfied with? What exactly needs to be replaced?"

Everyone present: "..." Can you say that you are not satisfied anywhere?

"Change the color to..." Huo Yizhen turned to look at Qi Anran, "What color do you like?"

Qi Anran curled his eyebrows in thought, thinking of the instructions of Mr. Huo that Uncle Li mentioned yesterday: "Then it's blue and white." It's better than fans.

"Okay, I'll have someone change it in a while."


After leaving the residence, the few people drove directly to the city center. At first, Qi Anran didn't notice anything wrong, until the place where they entered became more and more tightly guarded, and the building became more and more magnificent.

Qi Anran thought that the elder Huo Yizhen was going to meet with should be a senior in the military department, but when he got there, he looked at the snow-white building in front of him and looked like a military office.

Qi Anran finally couldn't bear to ask: "What is it here?"

Huo Yizhen glanced at her and said lightly: "Presidential Palace."

Qi Anran: "?!"

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