Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 204: Candidates for reception

Huo Yizhen knew and understood Bai Xuanyu's mood. Unlike the monarchy of the dynasty, the empire was a presidential country.

In addition to the president, there is also a parliament and a cabinet. The three factions are independent and restrict each other, and they have been in peace for so many years.

It's just that the days of ease in recent years have made the cabinet and parliament somewhat uneasy.

The institute was not originally affiliated with any party. Whether it was with the parliament or the presidential palace, it was just a cooperative relationship. They were responsible for and protecting everyone in this country.

But now, the institute has gradually been infiltrated by the interests of all parties, and has begun to lean towards the parliament.

The balance of mutual restraint will be broken sooner or later. They must make preparations before this day arrives. Otherwise, they will definitely not be the only ones who will suffer at that time, and many innocent people will be affected.

"I heard that you encountered a lot of trouble in City S this time, and you almost got seriously injured several times." Bai Xuanyu said, couldn't help but look up and down Huo Yizhen again, "I see you are quite energetic now. But this period of time is more sensitive, you still have to take precautions. There are quite a few people who are staring at you and your family. Do those who want to hurt you have anything to do with the research institute and the council?"

Huo Yizhen pondered for a moment, but nodded.

Bai Xuanyu's face changed slightly: "They came for this thing?"

"Nine in every ten." Huo Yizhen twisted his eyebrows and said again, "In addition, I think Anjia is already a little bit ready to move. I don't know if they have already connected with the institute, but based on the current situation of their family. Looking at it, even if you don’t get on the line, I’m afraid it’s already beginning to waver."

"I know, this Anjia has an empty name, but never rests, you should pay attention to it yourself. Although the little girl of Anjia likes you, how can you like it again? Whether she wants it or not, since she has entered Your Ninth Army is a spy. She may not want to betray you, but she can't stand her having a big appetite dad and an old and cunning uncle."

"Yes, I know."

Seeing him taking a deep breath, Bai Xuanyu didn't continue this dull topic. If he noticed it, he turned his head and glanced at the rockery not far away, then smiled slightly and said, "I'm sure, I need this? "

Hearing Bai Xuanyu's mention of Qi Anran, Huo Yizhen's expression really improved a bit, and he nodded and said, "Well, it's her."

Bai Xuanyu laughed: "Before I saw the real person, I still wondered if you deliberately found someone to fool me because you didn't want to receive the Princess Kya. Now it seems that you are really serious."

The fact that Princess Keya would come with this envoy, Huo Yizhen had indeed known for a long time, and at the beginning, Bai Xuanyu did indeed intend to let him receive them.

It was just that Huo Yizhen refused at the time, and soon after it came out that he had a fiancée, it was understandable that Bai Xuanyu would think so.

Huo Yizhen did not answer. Bai Xuanyu raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked knowingly: "So, this time the Dynasty sends someone over, are you going to do nothing, just watch the excitement?"

Huo Yizhen took a deep look at him, did not answer directly, only whispered back: "Compared to me, I think Ruqing is more suitable for this errand, and I think he is also happy to take this errand."

The smile on Bai Xuanyu's face instantly... froze!

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