Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 207: May be more under-abuse

Familiar tone, familiar greeting, but a strange voice.

Qi Anran's eyes drenched slightly, turning his head to follow the prestige, and saw a young man in a white suit coming from not far away.

Upon closer inspection, this young man was eight or nine points similar to Bai Xuanyu, but the face of the person in front of him, S Wen Junxiu, was more or less immature compared to Bai Xuanyu's.

Coupled with the embellishment of the peach eyes that are completely different from Bai Xuanyu's, it makes him more and more young and unspeakable.

In addition, there is another point that is particularly different between the boy and Bai Xuanyu, and that is the temperament of the two.

Bai Xuanyu's temperament is calm and mature after years of precipitation, but the young man in front of him is more evil.

That's right, an evil spirit that is amazing but extremely dangerous.

On the facade of the presidential palace, there was such a young man who looked very similar to the president. Qi Anran was on guard while curious about his identity.

Bai Ruqing walked to Qi Anran and stood still, smiling slightly: "I heard that Yizhen brought his fiancée to see my dad when I came back. This presidential palace rarely comes in women, especially women I don’t know. Think you should be the fiancée brought in by Yizhen, right?"

dad? Is this the son of President Bai?

Qi Anran suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and said coldly, "Hello, I am Huo Yizhen's fiancee, my surname is Qi, dare to ask you who is it?"

"The last name is Qi, Miss Qi is good, I am Bai Ruqing, President Bai's own son, Yizhen's good brother, and the chief executive of the parliament."

As soon as Bai Ruqing said this, Qi Anran was surprised that President Bai's son turned out to be a member of the parliament? This is how the same thing?

Seeing that Qi Anran heard her introduction, Bai Ruqing didn't have any special reaction. She narrowed her eyes and took the initiative to move forward and said, "Actually, I was very curious about what kind of person you are. At that time, many girls liked him, because his face was so good-looking, even if his temper was boring, there were still girls who came to him in an attempt to melt the iceberg with themselves and make him his own. A piece of water. It's a pity that these girls didn't melt in the end, and in turn frostbited themselves."

As Bai Ruqing said, he looked at Qi Anran with interest: "I heard that you two were the first to pursue you. A person who used to not know how to pity and cherish jade would take the initiative to pursue a girl. I'm very curious, what do you have? What kind of charm, so attractive to him, make him change himself for you."

Qi Anran glanced sideways at people who were close to him, and smiled and said, "Perhaps because he is more ill-treated."

"Bad abuse?" Rao Shi's heart was as deep as Bai Ruqing, and he couldn't help being startled when he heard such an answer.

"He doesn't want those who like him, but those who don't like him just want to move forward. Isn't it what is wrong?"

Bai Ruqing's eyes flickered, and she smiled meaningfully: "You are so funny. It's boring for someone as funny as you to be with someone as boring as Yizhen?"

Qi Anran couldn't figure out Bai Ruqing's purpose for the time being, so he followed his words and said, "Well, he is really boring."

All day long, she is either acting stupid or acting as a hooligan. Sometimes it makes her angry. I really want to kill him with a slipper!

As soon as Qi Anran finished speaking, Bai Ruqing suddenly said: "Since this is the case, do you want to consider staying with me?"

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