Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 231: Is he treating you well?

"That's it." Ran Jiani groaned in a low voice, and then she asked cautiously, as if she had made up her mind, "An Ran, there is something I have always wanted to ask before."

"what's up?"

"Major General Huo is he good to you?"

In Ran Jiani's view, the relationship between Qi Anran and Huo Yizhen came quite suddenly.

Others didn't know, but she knew it clearly. It was only more than a month since the two met to confirm their relationship.

In addition, the two have always claimed that they will be together before, partly because of the parents of both parties.

Many people believe that their marriage is largely based on the jokes of their parents, and Ran Jiani is no exception.

It's just that compared to those who are jealous of Qi Anran, who feel that she can only be with Huo Yizhen because of the luck of her parents.

What Ran Jiani was even more worried about was that if the two were really only together because of their parents' orders, Huo Yizhen might just be responsible and have no emotions.

Under such a premise, will he really be able to align with Anran? How long can this good last for one day, one week, one month, one year, ten years or a lifetime?

What will he do when his responsibility of Qi Anran is exhausted? How should Enron deal with it when the time comes?

Qi Anran was startled when he heard Ran Jiani's words. How is Huo Yizhen treating her?

Although the guy sometimes made him want to beat him up so badly that he didn't dare to show up in front of him, but most of the time he really had nothing to say to himself.

Qi Anran's mind unconsciously recalled the kiss she had with Huo Yizhen in the presidential palace not long ago, and touched his lips subconsciously.

At that time, she was also dizzy, don't think, she would feel hot in her cheeks inexplicably in retrospect, and her heart began to throb.

Perhaps, she did have some different feelings for that guy.

At least, she couldn't see others bullying him now, and she couldn't turn a blind eye to the women who coveted him as before.

Ran Jiani didn't hear Qi Anran's response for a long time, thinking that something happened to her, and calling her several times: "An Ran...An Ran?"

Qi Anran woke up like a dream, and said hurriedly: "Ah, I'm here."

"What were you doing just now? Why didn't you speak for a long time? I called you for several times without responding."

"Nothing, he is very kind to me, responsive and considerate, and basically follows me in everything. I am very good at all of this, you don’t have to worry about me, the most important thing for you now is to read the book well. Good results in the college entrance examination."

"Yeah." Ran Jiani replied, but there was still a doubt in her heart.

Qi Anran was busy talking on the phone with Ran Jiani, and did not notice the small movement behind him.

Xue Tuan had eaten the dinner fed by Uncle Li, and sneaked in through the door. After seeing the owner who was chatting with someone on the bed with a mobile phone, he sneaked to the side of the bed, kicked his hind legs hard, and jumped onto the bed.

Afterwards, he walked to Qi Anran with graceful catwalks, and patrolled back and forth several times pretending to show his sense of existence.

Qi Anran was startled when she saw Xue Tuan suddenly jump into bed, but she quickly reacted, stretched out her hand and scratched the little guy's chin, causing it to meow comfortably.

Ran Jiani on the other end of the phone was also taken aback when he heard the cat cry, and asked suspiciously: "An Ran, what sound is next to you? Someone is next to you."

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