Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 233: Grandpa is here to check the post!

At the beginning, that man was not only pretending to be gentle on the surface, but also very good at rhetoric. When chasing people, he was also considerate and generous. He coaxed Ran Jiani around and even asked him to cheat.

Who ever thought, knowing people, knowing the face, not knowing the heart, one way when chasing people, and another way when chasing people.

However, according to Ran Jiani's requirements, it seems that among the people she knows now, Ji Shengnan is more suitable.

Gentle and considerate, mature and reliable, and what he does seems to have always been back-up work, usually just to help make suggestions, and he doesn't need to go to the battlefield in person.

It's just that even if you don't go to the battlefield, once there is a war, you will gather less and more. Under such a premise, can he give Ran Jiani a sense of security?

Of course, there is another particularly important point... Does he have a girlfriend?

At that time, Ji Shengnan, who was still helping her general in the military department to sort out information, suddenly felt cold behind her back and shivered.

Su Haochen was standing next to him. He noticed something wrong with him for the first time. He wondered: "What's wrong with you Shengnan? I'm not feeling well?"

"It's nothing, it just feels a bit cold suddenly."

"Will it? The weather has turned a lot hotter today, why do you still feel cold? I said that you avoided us recently to find a girlfriend, and then... kidney deficiency?"

Ji Shengnan listened to Su Haochen's speechlessness, and almost didn't slap over him: "What do you want? I'm still single!"

"That's it for being single. Wouldn't it be even more vain to find a girlfriend in the future?"

"You!" Ji Shengnan picked up the file on the side and drew Su Haochen on him, hitting him like a mouse.

Qi Anran once again ignored Ran Jiani on the other side of the phone because of his over-thinking. Ran Jiani called her several times before calling her back to God.

"I was just thinking about someone around who meets your requirements." As soon as Qi Anran said this, Ran Jiani was instantly dumbfounded and whispered: "I just made a joke with you, why are you serious?"

"I didn't joking with you. Okay, that's it, you just wait for me to introduce you to a gentle, considerate, mature and reliable man."

Ran Jiani shouted in anger, "An Ran!"

Qi Anran smiled slightly and hung up the phone after chatting with Ran Jiani for a few more words. Not long after she stopped, her cell phone rang again.

Qi Anran looked down and realized that it was Elder Huo who was calling.

"Hey, grandpa..." Qi Anran just picked up the phone, and he heard a somewhat unhappy cold snort from the other end of the phone, "Who did you call? I have been busy for so long. Can't fight it."

Qi Anran heard the sadness in the old man's words, and said with a smile: "Sorry grandpa, I just talked to a classmate on the phone, and I didn't know you called me too."

Hearing this, Mr. Huo suddenly became interested: "Classmates? Men? Women?"

Qi Anran inexplicably felt that Mr. Huo's talking tone sounded like an old social parent who was afraid of his children's premature love, and said helplessly: "Female."

"Oh." The old man Huo immediately felt relieved when he heard that he was a woman, and enthusiastically said the real purpose of the call, "An Ran, I heard that today A Zhen took you to see President Bai, isn't it? Really?"

Qi Anran: "..." Grandpa, tell me honestly, did you hide the spy by Huo Yizhen and me? What happened to us, you know exactly when you are thousands of miles away!

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