Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 235: I can't rely on a single child

The day after Qi Anran and Ran Jiani were on the phone, they unexpectedly received a call from Lawyer Xu, who is solely responsible for Qi Anran's litigation.

On the phone, Attorney Xu first briefly explained the verdict with Qi Anran, and the specific content was similar to what Ran Jiani revealed to her.

In the case of conclusive physical evidence, the court simply sentenced Qi Anran to win and demanded that the Qi family return all the money owed to Qi Anran over the years, and pay an additional part of Qi Anran's mental losses.

However, those members of the Qi family were very dissatisfied with the verdict. Recently, they are buying other lawyers with a lot of money to file a new lawsuit, and they are also trying to pester Xu Zhe and find Qi Anran.

"In the past few days, the Qi family has come to our lawyer's office several times to make trouble, saying that they want to seek an out-of-court settlement."

Xu Zhe couldn't help but laugh when he said that, the out-of-court settlement is only possible when the court has not yet opened the court, or after the court has not formally reached a conclusion, and both parties voluntarily reach a settlement.

The court hadn't opened before, and even after the court, the Qi family looked like a rascal who was not afraid of boiling water.

Even if they had stated in advance that they had enough personal and physical evidence, the Qi family remained unmoved.

Now that the verdict has come down, and everything has settled, they finally realize that they are nervous and jump around.

It is to find a well-known lawyer to save the field and to trouble them. I hope that they can reach a settlement and escape the guilt. I really have a pit in my head!

"I heard that the people from the Qi family have also visited the Huo family several times, but unfortunately they were blasted out before the Huo family's door was even touched. There was a lot of noise about this."

The people of the Qi family are also rare and wonderful. After the court's decision, they even thought that Qi Anran was still the little pitiful they could round up all these years.

I thought that I would go and find her personally to reveal the matter. Unexpectedly, now and then, let alone trouble with Qi Anran, they can't even see her.

Realizing that they couldn't do anything about Qi Anran, the Qi family members were also angry and jumped over the wall, cursing Qi Anran for ungratefulness.

It's just that their actions are nothing more than a joke in the eyes of others.

On the one hand, because of Qi Anran’s current identity, no one dared to stand with them. On the other hand, there are all witnesses and evidence, and the court has already concluded the matter, whether it’s not everyone or a fool. How could it be possible? Be a gunman for them?

Qi Anran sneered when he heard the words: "Really? They just go to make trouble, and it is them and not me that is the one who is watching the jokes. Tell them that if they want to appeal, they will appeal, and there will be no change in the result. , They don’t want to use this to default on the payment. They have the money to hire well-known lawyers, presumably their family’s wealth is still very rich. If they don’t help their company, isn’t it still there? Bankruptcy or mortgage, it will influence them. Whether you earn it yourself or beg a beggar, you can’t let them rely on the money you owe me. This is my only requirement of you, Lawyer Xu."

Xu Zhe was shocked and hurriedly said: "Miss Qi can rest assured, since we have accepted your case, we will definitely do our best to get the best benefit for you."

"What? Attorney Xu thinks I'm too cruel?" Even though Xu Zhe tried his best to conceal it, Qi Anran still heard the stiffness in his words, and his words pierced Xu Zhe's careful thoughts.

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