Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 237: Going to meet a rival?

Huo Yizhen made it very clear to President Bai from the very beginning that he has a family and will not be responsible for all the activities to welcome the imperial envoy and Princess Keya.

Therefore, the burden fell on Bai Ruqing in the end.

Even so, Huo Yizhen, as the most important member of the imperial military, could not be absent from the reception banquet that night.

Huo Yizhen couldn't push down this banquet, the only way he could think of was...

"Do you want me to join you in the princess's reception banquet tonight?" Qi Anran raised his head and looked at Huo Yizhen, with a little surprise in his eyes.

You know, Huo Yizhen has never taken her out in public for such a long time.

It is said that the upper-class circles of the imperial capital have begun to circulate in private, "Huo Yizhen and his fiancée are just the life of their parents and have no personal relationship at all. Huo Yizhen was also forced to stay with her helplessly. If possible, he would not want to marry this fiancée at all." Such rumors.

Qi Anran had heard of these rumors a long time ago, but he didn't take it seriously. He said that he wanted to marry him because he was forced to marry him. Who would believe it!

Qi Anran understood very well that Huo Yizhen didn't like her going out to show her face, and more wanted to protect her, after all, she was almost kidnapped when she arrived in the imperial capital.

This is still on the premise that many people still don't know what she looks like. If they know, will she become a moving target in the future?

Because of this, Qi Anran was deeply suspicious of Huo Yizhen's proposal. Why did she want to take her to such a public place again?

Many big bosses in the imperial capital will definitely go to the reception banquet hosted by that foreign public. Isn't she going to be watched by everyone?

Huo Yizhen nodded with a serious face: "Well, do you want to go?"

"No." Qi Anran refused without thinking about it. "You don't know. On such occasions, I see people talking about people, talking about ghosts, and there are some things that I don't even believe in ghosts. I think about it and I get tired. I don’t want to go in and find myself suffering."

Huo Yizhen seemed to be prepared for Qi Anran's answer, jokingly: "You are not afraid, I won't be able to come back this time?"

"If you don't go back, it sounds like you..." Qi Anran turned his head and met Huo Yizhen with a little ambiguity, his head seemed to be hammered by something.

I finally remembered the day when Lieutenant General Anchen went to pick them up, but he reminded them overtly and secretly that the main purpose of the Kaya princess who came to the empire this time was to choose a "puppet horse" for herself, and this "puppet horse" was very big. The probability will fall on Huo Yizhen.

So, Huo Yizhen is planning to take him to meet a rival in love?

Qi Anran's eyes dimmed slightly, and he sneered: "Oh, this way, then you don't come back at all, just follow the Princess Kya back to their country. Don't worry, if Grandpa, I will take care of you. After all, they But the princess, if you match you, she will suffer a little bit. Such a good opportunity will help you to join the dynasty without any effort. If you want to come, she will not miss it. Grandpa will definitely not follow you at that time, see you have helped me before For your sake, I will take good care of Grandpa for you."

"Are you jealous?" Huo Yizhen's face turned blue and white, and white and blue, as if he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

After a long time, I was helpless and spoiled and murmured: "Your mouth, I will be **** off by you sooner or later."

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