Chief’s Tip Pet: Sweet Wife, New Online

Chapter 257: Who is the master?

After finishing this embarrassing topic, Qi Anran never said a word to Huo Yizhen along the way.

After finally getting home, Qi Anran rushed upstairs at the fastest speed as soon as he got out of the car.

Huo Yizhen looked at her back hurriedly fleeing, the smile in her eyes became more and more profound.

However, he soon thought of the words Qi Anran had said in the car before, his eyes dimmed, and he sat on the sofa in the hall and called the old man.

"Grandpa, I have something to discuss with you."

Qi Anran didn't know that at the time, there was another unexpected surprise waiting for her at the engagement banquet a few days later.

After rushing back to his room, Qi Anran directly buried his flushed face in the soft bed.

The graceful Xue Tuan nestled in his cat litter saw the owner come back, quickly got up and jumped onto the bed, affectionately stretched out his tongue and licked the owner's bare cheek outside the quilt.

"Xue Tuan!" Qi Anran was taken aback, and he hugged his little cat and scolded him, "You guy is getting better and better!"

Xue Tuan was unprepared to be trained, and the water-blue cat pupil gave Qi Anran a blank look. His pitiful appearance was exactly the same as when someone showed weakness.

Qi Anran was stunned, and stared at Xue Tuan with big eyes and small eyes for a while. After all he was defeated, he muttered in a low voice, "You are obviously my cat, how come you have the same temper as that guy?"

Xue Tuan seemed to be aware of the change in her master's attitude, and hurriedly leaned in to rub Qi Anran's hand with her head, acting like a baby and begging for a tiger touch.

Qi Anran was poked in the red heart in an instant, and he was so cute that he was trembling at the same time: "When you act like a baby, you are exactly the same. I really don't know who is your master."

"Meow~~~" Xue Tuan yelled aggrievedly, seeming to accuse Qi Anran of being ruthless.

Seeing this, Qi Anran couldn't help but poked his forehead: "You, you are as treacherous as that guy, you just see me soft-hearted, right?"

Not only was Xue Tuan not angry, but even harder to coquettish with Qi Anran, even voluntarily turned over, revealing the soft hairs on his belly, and asked Qi Anran to scratch it.

"You guy..." Qi Anran couldn't help it, so he had to scratch his stomach and waited for it to groan.

One person and one pet were having fun, but Qi Anran's cell phone suddenly rang.

Qi Anran looked down, but Ran Jiani called.

Qi Anran picked up the phone while rubbing the cat's belly.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, and as soon as the phone was connected, Ran Jiani's cautious and cowardly voice came: "An Ran, it's me. Are you asleep?"

"No, I went out before and just came back."

Ran Jiani breathed a sigh of relief, paused, and whispered: "An Ran, you said before about your engagement banquet, my parents agreed to let me pass."

Although the engagement banquet was just an engagement and not a marriage, Mr. Huo valued it, and Huo Yizhen did not want to keep it simple, so even though it was just an engagement, many people were invited.

Huo Yizhen's engagement is not a trivial matter, so Mr. Huo's invitation has almost invited all the prominent officials in the Imperial Capital.

Most of these people are more or less related to the Huo family, but Qi Anran has no one here.

Elder Huo knew about the bad things in Qi Anran's family, knew that Qi Anran had severed ties with them long ago, and did not intend to invite them, so he asked Qi Anran to invite some better friends over.

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